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In the year 2000: FFXI style.

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  • #31
    Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

    i agree with both sides of the arguement. The price of the PS3 is bloody stupid, answer, get a PC or 360.

    the Ps2 has slowly been weened out of the picture, there's no more hard drive support, the old style PS2's are only available in japan and on ebay, and there was never a euro ps2 release anyway.

    It's going to be dropped eventually. Like it or not.


    • #32
      Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

      I think if the implemented some mini games would be cool. Like tetra master but in the game or maybe some kinda sports game like blitz ball where ya can earn some extra cash or items. Would give me something to do when I get bored thats for sure.

      Which FF Character Are You?


      • #33
        Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

        As much as I hate to say it, but the ps2 *WILL* eventually die out. Sony has more or less guarenteed that much. And the PS3's price tag, both of them, are just horrible IMO and will slow it's sales down immensly.

        This game is well over three years old and technologgy has grown in leaps and bounds, SE will take advantage of this eventually. Comparing FFXI's life to previous MMOs is an impossible feat as FFXI is the first and only true multiplatform, multinational game. As time goes by, the weakest link in FFXI's support, the PS2, will eventually have to end for the game to grow.
        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


        • #34
          Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

          Originally posted by Ziero
          As much as I hate to say it, but the ps2 *WILL* eventually die out. Sony has more or less guarenteed that much. And the PS3's price tag, both of them, are just horrible IMO and will slow it's sales down immensly.

          This game is well over three years old and technologgy has grown in leaps and bounds, SE will take advantage of this eventually. Comparing FFXI's life to previous MMOs is an impossible feat as FFXI is the first and only true multiplatform, multinational game. As time goes by, the weakest link in FFXI's support, the PS2, will eventually have to end for the game to grow.
          i'd just like to add to this by elaborating.

          The ps2's currentl limitations that hold the game down are not only it's memory keeping the graphics to a minimum. but it's abysmally tiny hard drive.

          Eventually, the game will out grow it's capacity. When that time comes will those of you playing PS2 continue to argue about so many people using it? or will you simply upgrade to a better console/system.

          And no matter how you put it, Upgrading means buying new hardware. So you CAN upgrade a PS2, by replacing it.


          • #35
            Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

            I would also like some more options when creating a character, not just face, hair color, and size
            And age. I get tired of every single person I come across being age 17, including myself.

            I don't know about chocos in the outland towns, but I would like Nomad Moogles. Not only would they facilitate warping out faster, but would make raising your pty much easier (assuming you had jobs with those spells lvld that far).


            • #36
              Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

              I kinda like the idea of the towns *not* having any of those things. You're supposed to be learning things in the dunes that Chocobos and Nomad moogles will prevent. It gives players a bit more incentive to not mess up while in Pts. Too bad far too many players don't get the message. =/

              As for what I would like to see, expansions made to the original cities in the game. Bastok, San D'oria, Windurt and Jeuno. Each one should get a new part of the city itself and a new zone nearby just for the heck of it.

              And as always, new jobs would be great. Genomancer as a tank, Chemist as a healer and Timemage as a support/DD mage. They can work right when added to be both useful AND unique while still maintaining their classic styles of play.
              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


              • #37
                Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

                The ps2's currentl limitations that hold the game down are not only it's memory keeping the graphics to a minimum. but it's abysmally tiny hard drive.
                I don't know much about computers and all, but something I've been wondering is if it IS the PS2s limitations holding graphics and more varied armor/content from entering the game, can't they simply make a bigger HDD and add memory to it somehow?

                Memory IS different from hard drive space right? >.>

                You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                • #38
                  Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

                  yeh, the memory is what the PS2 uses to process it's graphics, the hard drive is what it uses to store Data.


                  • #39
                    Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

                    In the year 2000, one of Square-Enix's version updates will finally abolish the loss of experience points in Dynamis due to the overwhelming success of Besieged. When asked why they hadn't originally included this feature, Square-Enix's response will be "up yours, kid."
                    Last edited by McBride; 05-24-2006, 04:14 PM. Reason: word omitted
                    guh :D


                    • #40
                      Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

                      Oh, and back to the OP:

                      1) A new area for each town, why not let them expand and grow a bit? Implement a train system for bastok or something, make Sand O'ria the center of chocobo raising since their chocobo knights were supposed to be the Sand O'rian army's claim to fame. Make Windurst the TRUE center of all things magic, yes it makes the game more challenging, but I don't think mobs should have more powerfull spells than players can get, especially since Windurst is supposed to be like the center of all things magic.

                      2) make HQ melee weapons more worthwhile than adding 1 damage and taking away 018 delay from the NQ weapon. Give them a little +acc or something, nothing much mind you, like +3 acc.

                      3) more somewhat pointless job abilities. Maybe make Chakra AoE, maybe give dragoons a party wide regen ability like Freya's Reis's wind ability in FF9. It doesn't do much, but it's fun

                      4) I dunno But something cool!

                      5) Let us summon the Phoenix!

                      You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                      I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                      • #41
                        Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

                        I completely agree with tempest on this issue.

                        Just because SOME people aren't willing to shell out the gil to become a good nin tanker doesn't justify making it a DD. No matter what job, there will ALWAYS be the ones that perform as expected, and those who just lack IQ.

                        As for the ps2. It is holding the game down. Since the game was originally designed for the ps2, it now is obligated to continue supporting that console. If the ps2 was shafted, I'm sure we'll see much higher resolution textures and new areas would have much higher poly count. There just isn't enough power in that little black box and ffxi is already putting it to it's limits. Point is, shaft the ps2, and it'll open up a new horizon for developers to play on.

                        And graphics DOES matter. Yea it doesn't make or break a game, but it certainly does contribute largely to how immersive the game is.


                        • #42
                          Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

                          well yeah the PS2 will die out one day, I am not going to argue with that :p but dont force it, let it die natural. Yeah graphics and an overall upgrade would be nice, but I could care less if it happened or not.

                          and to clear up some missinfo

                          the PS2 HDD is still penty for FFXI since it and REO 1-2 are the few that use it 40gig and only half of mine is used right now with these three installed.... could be more like 15-18gig used acualy

                          The PS2 HDD is still forsell in Japan, just not in US, and like it has been said the Normal PS2 can still be bought in Japan.

                          So the PS2 is not dead yet, and untill it does die, FFXI will continue to suport its mother console
                          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                          • #43
                            Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

                            well at some point people take their mothers to the retirement home is much as they may love them...


                            • #44
                              Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

                              There's no reason they can't have higher graphical construction for PC and 360 users and still support the 360, aside from perhaps the resources required to do two sets of textures and the assosciated different programming.


                              • #45
                                Re: In the year 2000: FFXI style.

                                The PS2 has a huge number of players.

                                If they someday decide to drop all of them, they lose money.

                                Since when did SE care about quality?

                                SUICHI IS DEAD.

