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In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

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  • #46
    Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

    Tp regen juice
    They have this in an armor(gorget) enchantment...

    I still need to get my Regain Feather >.>

    Must... get... Most overpowered item... in... game...
    Originally posted by Ellipses
    Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
    Originally posted by MCLV
    A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
    More Sig:


    • #47
      Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

      I have noticed that one of the major problems of crafting is that making durable items is not really a viable option except to save yourself a little money off the ones selling at AH. Every time someone makes a durable (say a Fire Sword/Flame Sword) it exists forever, so the only time you'll ever need another one is when there is a significant population increase on the server. Therefore, I would like to see most or all durable, craftable items "degrade" somehow to slowly winnow out those pieces that have been recycled through AH 100 times. This doesn't necessarily mean they get "worse" and break as you're using them (that would constitute a significant disturbance in the game balance), but rather functionally limiting their number of "AH recycles", though I can't think of exactly how you would explain what's happening to the item.

      Programmatically this is possible, but it would force the AH to actually remember this info resulting in a sizeable database increase, so I don't think it'll ever happen, but I'd like to actually be able to skill-up on durables which is pretty much all that many crafts are intended for.

      I would also like to see recharging of Anima items. In it's simplest form this would involve the item turning into its reagent item (e.g. Warp Cudgel -> Oak Cudgel) when it's last charge is expended so that buying one isn't some horrible waste of money. Obviously this doesn't apply to the Warp Cudgel specifically, but more like those stupid 70ish level items that cast some crappy 17th level spell... (?Frigid? Lance et al.).

      On the same note, better Anima items. I like the en- weapons, but a great majority of the charged items are totally pointless in that they have an ability which is not of use to the person wielding it or that is too weak to be viable for the character using the item. I always liked the little items you could pick up in earlier FF games that would do something neat when you used them with the Item command (the Staff and Rod in FFIII-American for instance).

      And why can't I use Cantarella to make hideous poison bolt and arrow heads...


      • #48
        Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

        I'd like to see them make artifact armor relevant. It's suppose to be special armor but for most pieces you can purchase something better at or within the next couple of levels. Maybe make it upgradeable with a point system where you can decide and purchase stats. This would keep the af armor competetive throughout the game. Maybe you get a couple points to spend on your armor every level or perhaps you have to do some quests to earn points.

        I know my af axe for war was pointless (not even A+ weapon) and most of the armor is extremely situational.... I've yet to wear it other than when walking around town. Kinda feels like I wasted a lot of time just getting it to begin with.


        • #49
          Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

          Originally posted by Dahlgren
          One way to completely change the way people deal with the land gods would be to allow the same items to drop from the KS99s. That way those who rely on skill, not botting would be able to farm the KS, get some friends together and knock out the Hnms for thier Abjs. They keep thier new shiny armor and those that helped get the money drops. Win Win for all.
          Agree 100%. Getting those items should be about the skill required to win the fights, not standing around all day/week/month waiting for a pop and hoping you can outclaim the botters.

          Anyone who wants to show off their epeen should just buy 500 million gil and upgrade relic weapons, that's what they're there for. Abju armors are designed to be attainable - and they WERE attainable, before the population of high level players grew by a factor of 100 and the drop rates didn't change.

          Fighting for claims on NMs should not exist, ever. Any NM that has people fighting over claiming it on a regular basis needs a revamp. Seriously. The game needs to catch up with the expansion of its own player base.
          Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
          RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
          All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


          • #50
            Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

            Originally Posted by Dahlgren
            One way to completely change the way people deal with the land gods would be to allow the same items to drop from the KS99s. That way those who rely on skill, not botting would be able to farm the KS, get some friends together and knock out the Hnms for thier Abjs. They keep thier new shiny armor and those that helped get the money drops. Win Win for all.

            Agree 100%. Getting those items should be about the skill required to win the fights, not standing around all day/week/month waiting for a pop and hoping you can outclaim the botters.

            Anyone who wants to show off their epeen should just buy 500 million gil and upgrade relic weapons, that's what they're there for. Abju armors are designed to be attainable - and they WERE attainable, before the population of high level players grew by a factor of 100 and the drop rates didn't change.

            Fighting for claims on NMs should not exist, ever. Any NM that has people fighting over claiming it on a regular basis needs a revamp. Seriously. The game needs to catch up with the expansion of its own player base.
            Dear Lord, I am so glad I left Alla!

            Yes oh god, finally another living soul who agrees. The best possible solution, and people agree! Back on Alla people would just have said "Shut up, I ratez U down NOWA!!!111" as if your rating determined your validity in what you were saying.

            All items in this game should have at least 2 ways to obtain. All NM drops should drop from the NM or HNM, and from a BCNM, or be a reward from a quest. There should be a NM that spawns on a random timer, and a NM that spawns when you trade an item. Something! Because if there's only one way to get it, it could A) be monopolized, or B) not provide nearly enough for everyone. There's a difference between rare items, and "hey they have three on gilgamesh, OMG" items.

            Preferably, make all NM force spawned, using an item you gain from a quest. Or maybe an item synthed from a collection of common items. (A stack of insect wings, a stack of dark bass, a pair of studded trousers, a gold ingot, macaroni, and elmer's glue, for instance) Having the pop item be a drop is just as stupid as having a NM spawn, just look what the gil sellers did to sky, or how much people get pissed over hakutaku eyes. Have a Burning Circle battle started by a quest, and have that drop the item 100%, even if it has to be RARE/EX to do so. Just make the FIGHT the DIFFICULT part.

            I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!
            Last edited by Louispv; 05-24-2006, 07:33 PM.


            • #51
              Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

              Even if the fight is difficult, the drop should never be 100%. Yes it sucks if you win the BC and don't get the drop, but if you had a choice of competing for claim, fighting the NM with a chance of a drop, or going into a BCNM through an easy quest, fighting the same fight with a guaranteed drop, which would you go for? No one would ever fight NMs again.

              Abjuration armor should still be difficult to get - they're not standard equipment by any means and should never be considered. I personally would like to see Abjurations in BCs but with the same drop rate as Venomous Claw in Desert Storm. If tons of people have an item, that doesn't mean it should be easy to get for the people who haven't got it yet.

              Also, if spawn items for fantastic drops were made from common ingredients then the prices would skyrocket and you'd have people camping just about everything in the game, constantly.

              I agree with the idea of Abjurations dropping from KS99 fights, and with the same drop rate as those of the Three Kings.


              • #52
                Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                After spending maybe a full day real life time in the Labrynth for Mysticmaker, I agree that items from NMs should be changed. The problem is you can't just make an item like the moldavite earing non-rare because it's price would be enourmous.
                I think the solution is:

                For items that are close to necessary (for quests, mnk belt items, etc), make them all forced spawning.

                For items that are not necessary, but really nice (most of the NMs you think of- LL, VE, mysticmaker etc), make the NMs spawn on a random timer ANYWHERE in the zone. This would make the items less of a "must have" because you couldn't will your way to getting one, you'd just have to be lucky and stumble upon the NM. But it would be alot more fun than just standing in one spot for 2 hours staring at nothing.


                • #53
                  Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                  Well I don't see any reason why 100% drop rates would suck, as the fight would be hard. And by that I mean Ultima/Omega COP mission kind of hard. The items would be just as hard to get as now, but at least if you want one, really want one, you can go get one.

                  I really do believe having any drop be completely based on luck is just dumb. When was the last time you saved up all your money, bought a porsche, opened the door, and found out it was really a candy apple red VW beetle? Camping a NM, especially the ones that take 6-30 people, finally killing it, and getting a earth crystal is pretty damn stupid. Very dumb after you competed with 6 other LS's for 5 hours, on the last 12 spawns, to claim that earth crystal NM.

                  I'm the kinda guy who went to go get the emp pin. I went to go get it at 30. Valkurm emporer was still T at that level, and a NM to boot. I killed him 10 times, and died to it 6. That's just the ones I claimed. I'm 0/10 at that point, even after soloing a T NM. Took about 30 minutes each time. In all fairness I deserved a pin. Never got one. Or the 0/64 on leaping lizzy, before I gave up and bought them.

                  If there was a BCNM fight version of all NM, if it was as hard as soloing a T NM, I wouldn't see how that would break anything. And at least that way, with enough work, I could get a NM drop I wanted, rather than being denied it by sheer bad luck. Hoping and praying for that tiny percentage for an item to drop doesn't take any work or skill at all. And the competition does make people hate each other. I know I Really hate those people wearing leaping boots, that went out camping bounding boots, that's for sure.

                  More than one way to get EVERY item, SE, please! There are hundreds of times more players in the game per server than when most of these items were introduced. Only stands to reason the chances of getting the item should be multiplied hundreds of times as well. They would still be as rare as they were intended to be, since 10,000 people turned into 2 million people. The drops should go from 100 a year to 2000, shouldn't they? Just as rare as they were before, right? Because 100 for 2 million people, that's just sadistic.


                  • #54
                    Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                    IF mysticmaker drop wasn't RareEx, it would be botted hardcore by peeps up to no good. The same is true for other NM in Zilart zones with the RareEx drops.

                    I do want stuff changed. They need to change the spawn timer of Morbolger. 21-24h repop for a mob that only drops an RareEx item for a quest is just too long. Perhaps an lottery NM of the strophers that don't drop 100% of the time or turning Morbolger in a forced-pop NM.

                    There are more I wish they would change, but it has more to do with chocobo digging. Those digbots in altepa and rolanberry needs to be busted up if not eliminated. Perhaps a limit of 100 stacks of greens per real life day (just like fishermen are limited to 200 fish during a real life day before fatigue sets in). They could also add chocobo rental spots in Tavnaznia and Xarcabard and open up more zones for digging.
                    Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
                    Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7



                    • #55
                      Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                      Trying not to derail...

                      Originally posted by Dahlgren
                      One way to completely change the way people deal with the land gods would be to allow the same items to drop from the KS99s. That way those who rely on skill, not botting would be able to farm the KS, get some friends together and knock out the Hnms for thier Abjs. They keep thier new shiny armor and those that helped get the money drops. Win Win for all.
                      I am going to go along with this and OT. I would like to see items introduced that are similar to abj and endgame armors that could be obtained through KS99 or some type of BCNM. You save up 99 KSs with your LS and then there is no doubt who lots on the items. Example being Sniper Ring/Jaegar ring. When the RMTs dominated Archer rings, SE introduced these and I havent touched a snipers since. People still want/use snipers, but to me this is a far better option.

                      As things are right now with Kings/HNM I will never see certain items in this game, even though Ive worked in different HNMLSs for them. Thats a load of crap that I pay money and can never access certain parts of the game due to design flaws. The new RMT manaburn PTs have me concerned that endgame armors are about to be even more of a drama to obtain. Introducing alternate items that are not an exact copy but similar is not an unreasonable request.

                      Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
                      I whole heartedly disagree with this. I don't usually have a problem getting a claim if I really want it, and I'm on my game. Problem I have is actually getting the drop. You don't have to cheat to win.
                      If only claiming were that simple all the time on every server then people wouldnt complain. As the system works though, you only need 1 person to bot per LS to make things bad for everyone and botting happens far more often than you think.

                      Originally posted by McBride
                      But if I want to shell out the cash for a Blau Dolche or a Harpe, I'll be in debt for months with my frugal style of playing. I play to have fun, not farm for two weeks to buy one single item.
                      Blau Dolch is an ENM that you could get friends together to try every week. You would probably get BD faster doing that instead of trying to save up for one. Considering BD is the 2nd best Dagger you can get for THF, its relatively simple to get.

                      Along the lines of THF, I would like status bolts aside from blind, def down, and sleep. I saw early on from .dat mining that there were bolts being introduced with paralyze etc, but I think they are for specific events.

                      Just throwing out another idea... I think there is potential in having Race Specific Job Equipment that opens avenues for those who complain about AF/Current equipment being worthless for their race etc.

                      75 BLU | THF | PLD


                      • #56
                        Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                        Originally posted by Feenicks
                        Even if the fight is difficult, the drop should never be 100%. Yes it sucks if you win the BC and don't get the drop, but if you had a choice of competing for claim, fighting the NM with a chance of a drop, or going into a BCNM through an easy quest, fighting the same fight with a guaranteed drop, which would you go for? No one would ever fight NMs again.
                        Except it's not the same fight. Chlevnik (the KS99 behemoth) is WAY harder than KB. KB you have unlimited time, the whole area of Behemoth's Dominion, and can swap people in and out of your alliance (whether it's chi-blast-and-disband monks, out-of-MP mages, or just dead people) - plus heal from outside if you're not using /blockaid. Chlevnik is a HALF HOUR time limit (hint: that's very short for any HNM stronger than a lesser god), a very cramped battlefield and only the 18 people who went in can do anything. Oh, and his meteor has Fast Cast, too.

                        Don't get me wrong - I like the extreme difficulty of the fight. I don't want all high level gear to be easy to get. But I want the difficulty to be in the FIGHT and not the CLAIM. That's why I think Chlevnik deserves BETTER drops than KB, not the mediocre stuff he has now. (It's also why I think relic weapons should be revamped to require far less currency, but take a rare/ex DL drop - that drops once per kill - for the final stage.)

                        I don't think there should necessarily be multiple ways to get everything, though. I'm perfectly fine with Dynamis and Limbus stuff being exclusive to those areas, for example: because anyone can get together the requirements to do Dynamis/Limbus without directly competing with other players. Ditto the new Assault gear.

                        But I do think there should be at least one way to get any important item that doesn't require a claim-fight with other players. Whether that's through pop items that drop off ordinary mobs, beastman/kindred seals, or private zones like Dynamis/Limbus/Assault - those things scale to the number of people that are trying to do them.

                        In some areas, the game is being weakened by its own success - high server populations really break timer pops, and *every* server is now many times more crowded than it was designed to be, especially with high level players.
                        Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                        RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                        All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae

