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In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

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  • #31
    Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

    No matter what SE does, people will ALWAYS try to cheat. That's human nature...some of us just suck that way. But even without any kind of hacksor cheats people would STILL fight and insult each other over claims. I had a 56 whm friend get harrassed the other day while farming leeches in pashow by someone who felt she was 'too high to farm there'. These leeches spawn all over the zone every 5 minutes and people STILL get angry if you claim one over them.

    SE is doing everything they can to get rid of cheats and hacks, but people will always try to cheat their way through life.
    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


    • #32
      Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

      Wow, I go to school and my thread gets completely derailed >.>
      Originally posted by Ellipses
      Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
      Originally posted by MCLV
      A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
      More Sig:


      • #33
        Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

        One way to completely change the way people deal with the land gods would be to allow the same items to drop from the KS99s. That way those who rely on skill, not botting would be able to farm the KS, get some friends together and knock out the Hnms for thier Abjs. They keep thier new shiny armor and those that helped get the money drops. Win Win for all.

        Are you a Man of Science or a Man of Faith?


        • #34
          Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

          If I'm being completely selfish...

          I'd like to see more +HP% food, somewhere between the pastas and the stuff that adds low, set amounts. Preferably that doesn't take 300 different ingredients to go from raw to finished.

          I'd like to see Miseraux Parsley available in some fashion other than a regional vendor for a region that's always beastmen-controlled.

          As far as recipes go... I'd like to have the option to use HQ ingredients in recipes. It doesn't even have to produce a better result. I just want to be able to do something with Rock Cheese other than vendor it.
          Ellipses on Fenrir
          There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
          . . .


          • #35
            Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

            IDK, I think it might be awesome to have the ability to use all HQ ingredients to make HQ items (doesn't even have to be a major increase, but it'd be neat).


            • #36
              Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

              I just want new high level thief daggers. Daggers that don't suck. Daggers I don't have to kill the highest, baddest level 80-90 NM in the game to get. I don't have that kind of help.

              I just want a high damage dagger with low delay, to make my job seem a bit more important. Just because I'm a thief doesn't mean I have to be weak... I can't tell you how disappointed I am with Jambiya. Sure, it has decent damage, but horrible delay. But if I want to shell out the cash for a Blau Dolche or a Harpe, I'll be in debt for months with my frugal style of playing. I play to have fun, not farm for two weeks to buy one single item.

              Actually, you know what I want? Solo BCNMs that require skill, but can give great items. Like the Movalpolos solo ENM, that's such a great idea. Make the rewards better than a dinky ring or ranged item and you have a GREAT combination coming.

              Also, slightly off-topic, I'd love thieves to get some kind of job trait like "Dagger Mastery" or something, where we'd be able to do slightly more damage by using daggers... lol Hey, I can dream.
              Last edited by McBride; 05-23-2006, 11:38 AM. Reason: Off-thought Postscript
              guh :D


              • #37
                Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
                IDK, I think it might be awesome to have the ability to use all HQ ingredients to make HQ items (doesn't even have to be a major increase, but it'd be neat).
                Depending on the recipe, that would be cool. Or using HQ ingredients gives a slight increase in the chance to HQ the end result, the more HQ ingredients the greater the chance (within reason).
                Ellipses on Fenrir
                There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                . . .


                • #38
                  Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                  Originally posted by Ellipses
                  Depending on the recipe, that would be cool. Or using HQ ingredients gives a slight increase in the chance to HQ the end result, the more HQ ingredients the greater the chance (within reason).
                  Exactly; i'm not talking even a lot... just a little nudge in that direction though... say like, +1% for each HQ item involved, +1% for using HQ crystal. In theory that would give you a +9% chance of HQ on an item with more ingredients (which would be cool, cause then there is incentive to try more "expensive" recipies)


                  • #39
                    Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                    I just realized I misread your post and ended up repeating it.

                    I can see, in theory, that it would be problematic for mid-level recipes (just HQ-able enough as it is) that use low-level ingredients (easy to HQ), though I don't know of any specific examples. It'd probably be fine in the long run, but it'd take some balancing if it were implemented.
                    Ellipses on Fenrir
                    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                    . . .


                    • #40
                      Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                      HNMs are fine the way they are, don't mess with them. Just make other places better. For example, why don't Jailers or AV drop abjurations or at least better gear that kings drop? Tier 2 and higher are easily harder.

                      SE has no concept of challenge/reward ratio, and are not static on how they want things. Walahra Turban is 200kish of exp, easily better than anything you get in Assault and Sea. Why do Assault's armors' set bonus suck?

                      Wow, I go to school and my thread gets completely derailed >.>
                      Funny you say this, had it been me, I would have recieved a warrning and this thread would be locked and hidden in the moderator forum.


                      • #41
                        Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                        Ok, cincism aside, I actually like the fact that luxery items are rare and hard to get. It makes it more enjoyable when I finally earn it. If everyone could easily get those items, then whats the point of being the best; everyone is just a clone of eachother. If that sense of rarity could be maintained, then I'm all for force-pop.
                        I'm all for forced-pop NMs, personally. The way the current system is, "luxury items" are not rare and hard to get because of the following scenario:

                        PersonA camps So-and-so NM for 3 months. They are 0/45 on drops.
                        PersonB camps So-and-so NM for 2 days. They are 1/3 on drops.

                        You have people coming out with these "luxury items" after putting little to no effort into getting them, yet other people are not being rewarded for their exorbitant efforts. Even making items Rare/EX won't fix that. Look at Moldy Earring. I know people that went 0/20+ on it, yet I was able to get it after camping for about 1 hour. Likewise, I spent 2 months trying to camp Magic Slacks for my BLM and went 1/44.

                        As long as people had to actually work to get their trigger items, don't have to compete for them (I'm whole-heartedly against forced competition in this cooperative game), and are rewarded for their time investment, I would be much happier with forced NMs than their current state.

                        My idea for land kings would be to have to triggers for them craftable. NQ trigger pops Fafnir/Adaman/Behemoth, HQ trigger pops Nidhogg/Aspi/King Behem. The difficulty of obtaining the ingredients and rate of HQ wouldn't really change item distribution much from how it is now; it would only give more people the opportunity to participate in the battles.

                        Really, look at Kirin. You can't honestly tell me you'd rather Kirin be a 24-hour pop with 500 people sitting in the zone for 3 hours at a time spamming claim macros? And quite frankly, who cares if more and more people have access to the "uber" gear. You don't want people to help you to their fullest? The only explanation I can think of for people being adamant about keeping items rare is because they already have it and just want to show off.


                        • #42
                          Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                          Leave kings alone.

                          PS. THIS THREAD IS ABOUT ITEMS LOL.


                          • #43
                            Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                            I would love foods/armors that increased pet performance.

                            +%haste food would be interesting too.


                            • #44
                              Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                              OK, OK, items only... sheesh

                              - More formal wear for female AND male.

                              - Craftable costumes wearable in outside zones.

                              - Stackable juices

                              - Foods that gives effects like:
                              Avator Percepitation(I kan't speel it?!) cost reduced
                              Magic Accuracy increased
                              Magical Defense increased
                              Land movement speed increased (small %, like the akatans)
                              Physical Damage reduced (like jelly ring/earth staff)
                              TP regen juice
                              The last remaining evil white mage on Ramuh.
                              Killing tanks since 2004

                              Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey
                              "I can picture in my mind a world without war,
                              a world without hate.
                              And I can picture us attacking that world,
                              because they'd never expect it."


                              • #45
                                Re: In future updates, what would you like to see happen to items?

                                Hey Blood Red Poet you owe me 1 gil.

