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  • #31
    Re: FFXI VS WoW

    I guess the right wording would be instead that WoW's environment's are "fantastical." The thing about WoW is there is a large gap between tweaking the heck out of the graphics and the regular graphics. The landscapes look heaps better in WoW if you have a very high performance machine. The same can be said about FFXI (using the registry edits), but WoW offers a lot more color. Now, starting with CoP the enviornments in FFXI started to incorporate a lot more color, and became a lot more impressive. ToAU's environments definitely take on a lot more fantastical approach, but overall WoW still leads in that category.
    | 72RNG | 71NIN | 43BLM | 42WAR |


    • #32
      Re: FFXI VS WoW

      I still prefer FFXI graphics to WoW graphics, but that's just me. I don't like the sort of supersaturated color look of the WoW graphics, especially with the glow effect on. It just makes everything all fuzzy, which - ugh.

      I'm about to buy a new video card for my PC though, because I really, really want to get my game to look more like Brandson's does. His screenshots make me so jealous.


      • #33
        Re: FFXI VS WoW

        I see the graphics between WoW and FFXI as completely opposites in intent and taste. I can say that I love them both, FFXI in a more realistic manner and WoW in a more eye-candy way. Do you like a more comical look and more colors? Then WoW is for you, but if you prefer a more realistic and serious appearance then its FFXI hands down.

        The community between FFXI and WoW is pretty much similar, you just have a lot more WoW players to run across xD. Both are filled with their respective jerks and assholes and drama, its just a matter of how you choose to be affected by them and who you play with.

        Does FFXI require more teamplay? Of course, as matter of fact, you can barely do anything w/o a team. WoW, on the otherhand, you can solo your way to 60, or you can PT you way there (I PT'ed and instanced my entire way to 60, save for the earlier levels). For those who are saying FFXI requires more teamplay, it's because you have no other choice. In WoW, you can go through constant partying rather than soloing. The issue with the option to solo your way to WoW is that you end up with a lot more unskilled players at 60. I have played WoW to 60 and played in a more 'hardcore' endgame guild, and coordination and strategy is important (I have yet to hit 75 on FFXI, so I can't honestly compare the two). I never really found having bad LV60 players much of a problem once I had hit 60 as the guild was strict on applicants, but I did come across my fair share of horrible instance runs and pick-up groups.

        Another thing is that there is basically no death punishment in WoW, which speeds up the process to 60. There is no doubt that it is harder to hit 75 in FFXI than 60 in WoW. WoW is more PVP orientated Whether or not you like this is up to you, and that is why try both games yourself rather than deciding on people's opinions (as an FFXI forum is undoubtly biased towards FFXI, otherwise we wouldn't be playing this game would we? :D)


        • #34
          Re: FFXI VS WoW

          My favorite way to level in WoW was in a duo or trio situation. We could take on most instances with just a couple of pickups (until 60), and we got to enjoy the companionship and stuff that we loved from other games.

          Endgame raiding in WoW is some serious business. I mean, people take it seriously. Having not experienced FFXI endgame, I can't be sure if people take it as seriously, but I'm willing to bet they do (if not moreso). I was the raid coordinator for my guild, and let me tell you, that was like having another full time job. >.>;


          • #35
            Re: FFXI VS WoW

            Originally posted by Icemage
            I fail to see how a post that simply states that they are different games helps Dyonisos at all - he already know they are different games, he wants to hear firsthand accounts of why they are different.
            That may be the case but many of the posts in this thread are purely uninformed at best, fanboi spin at worst.

            Originally posted by Epke_necro_
            FFXI pwns WoW any day
            I wonder how many people who are commenting on WoW made it to 60 and then went on to raid the endgame instances. 1-59 in WoW is a world apart from level 60. The raiding aspect of WoW is far more demanding then anything I saw in FFXI and reminds me of EQ raiding. Not saying that's a good thing because after four years of endgame raiding in EQ I've more than had enough of it. I keep seeing people say FFXI is hardcore, that's a joke in itself. To me, every step in FFXI is a ridiculous timesink, it's full of artificial cockblocks throughout the game from the subjob quest, through to the chocobo quest, then AF and genkai and Rank ad infinitum. Just because a game forces you to quest so you can advance your character level doesn't mean it is hardcore neither does sitting 8 hours LFG or 3 hours in Dragon's Aery wondering whose claim bot is going to win each window. There's still less content now in FFXI five years after it's launch than there was in EQ two years after it was released or WoW despite the fact there has yet to be one expansion for it.

            Comments on the community are valid to an extent. Yes, there is a higher level of annoying people you come across, however, when you realise there are 6 million WoW subscribers worldwide compared to the very optimistic estimate of 500,000 for FFXI you can understand why this is so. Again, the finger could be pointed at FFXI with regards to not only noobish players but the huge community of gear-focussed elitists who pervade all levels of the game. Or the fact that FFXI has rampamt out of control RMT causing a huge impact on players' enjoyment of the game. Yes, there is RMT on WoW as well yet funnily enough there is no impact on AH prices or any restriction placed on my gaming experience due to them farming mobs I need for quests, gear, or cash-raising in general.

            I could go on for pages if I chose to, however, I realise this a FFXI forum and regardless of what I say some rabid fan will come along and post yet more uninformed views. Even something as simple as comparing the summoner's avatars of FFXI to the warlock's pets in WoW is like comparing apples to iguanas. Summoner's pets are predominantly buff or nuke bots. Pop them out, fire off their ability and away they go again. A warlock's pets are situational and each has a role. The imp is weak physically but acts as a support nuker to the lok and boosts party hps, the succubus is a crowd control tool as it has a variation on sleep, the voidwalker is a pure tank, and the felhunter is a caster killer as it spams silence. They have more uses than that but that's the basics of it. Comparison between a warlock's pets and a Pup's automaton would probably have been more appropriate.

            Anyway, to the OP, you'll find some truth in these posts just be aware they'll be sprinkled with a generous amount of favouritism and bias. Pretty much what you'd get from the WoW forums if you went there and asked the same question.


            • #36
              Re: FFXI VS WoW

              Moderator's Edit: Flaming is not allowed - Icemage
              Last edited by Icemage; 05-22-2006, 07:55 AM.


              • #37
                Re: FFXI VS WoW

                Lol, on a WoW forum you'd get all the opposites answers. Try to play both yourself! Else you will never know. But what I find most usefull.. if you have only few hours to play a day, WoW might be better.

                Double Post Edited:
                btw does Akill get a warning now for calling someone fool? >_>

                Moderator's Edit: Yes - Icemage
                Last edited by Icemage; 05-22-2006, 07:56 AM.

                War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                • #38
                  Re: FFXI VS WoW

                  Originally posted by Sweetkitty
                  btw does Akill get a warning now for calling someone fool? >_>
                  I'm sure living with himself is punishment enough.


                  • #39
                    Re: FFXI VS WoW

                    Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
                    I'm sure living with himself is punishment enough.

                    War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                    • #40
                      Re: FFXI VS WoW

                      can this blasted discussion continue for once without the flaming or the calling of names or do I have to lock it like the half a dozen others?

                      Thanks Yyg!


                      • #41
                        Re: FFXI VS WoW

                        Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
                        I wonder how many people who are commenting on WoW made it to 60 and then went on to raid the endgame instances.
                        I was a core member in the best end game guild on EU Vashj. We had BWL on farm status and had killed Skeram the Prophet in AQ40 when I quit.

                        There's still less content now in FFXI five years after it's launch than there was in EQ two years after it was released or WoW despite the fact there has yet to be one expansion for it.
                        You're probably right, however, in WoW you speed through the levels so quickly that 99% of the content becomes obsolete very fast and then you're stuck raiding the same dungeons over and over and over. I would have killed for CoP style storyline missions while I played WoW.

                        Or the fact that FFXI has rampamt out of control RMT causing a huge impact on players' enjoyment of the game. Yes, there is RMT on WoW as well yet funnily enough there is no impact on AH prices or any restriction placed on my gaming experience due to them farming mobs I need for quests, gear, or cash-raising in general.
                        No? Funny how on many servers Foror's Compendium went down from around 3000G to 200G because of hacking L45-60 hunters soloing DM North 24/7. A stack of major healing or mana potions also fell to about 1/5 of their original price. All the non-hunter gold farmers are either hogging thorium veins in Burning Steppes (at least until the prices for arcane crystals took a nosedive because of the farmers themselves), killing satyrs in Azhara or farming the scarlets in Tyr's Hand.

                        I could go on for pages if I chose to, however, I realise this a FFXI forum and regardless of what I say some rabid fan will come along and post yet more uninformed views.
                        True, but you aren't much better yourself to be honest.

                        Anyway, to the OP, you'll find some truth in these posts just be aware they'll be sprinkled with a generous amount of favouritism and bias. Pretty much what you'd get from the WoW forums if you went there and asked the same question.
                        Again true, but at least I can call myself an ex hardcore WoW player so I know what I'm talking about.


                        • #42
                          Re: FFXI VS WoW

                          Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
                          That may be the case but many of the posts in this thread are purely uninformed at best, fanboi spin at worst.
                          Well if you had read the beginning of the thread, you would see that the OP was told that the information would be biased.

                          Originally posted by Sethe

                          This is an FFXI forum.

                          I will tell you that I played WoW for 2 months and it bored the hell out of me. Never played an easier MMORPG. It fails in every way except PvP for people are *serious* about their MMORPGs.

                          FFXI takes a lot more time, and a lot more effort, and a lot more teamplay. The rewards are 100x greater.
                          To which the OP replied that he didn't care and wanted our skewed opinion of the game.

                          Originally posted by Dyonisos
                          I know this is an FFXI forum but I want your point of view .
                          So in the end, your point is moot.
                          Originally posted by Feba
                          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                          Originally posted by DakAttack
                          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                          • #43
                            Re: FFXI VS WoW

                            FFXI's scenery is less bland than WoW's and overall looks better.


                            • #44
                              Re: FFXI VS WoW

                              Originally posted by TheGrandMom
                              Well if you had read the beginning of the thread, you would see that the OP was told that the information would be biased.
                              He asked about the good and bad points of FFXI and then people started making uneducated comparisons to WoW and essentially misrepresenting FFXI.

                              Originally posted by TheGrandMom
                              To which the OP replied that he didn't care and wanted our skewed opinion of the game.
                              Yep, he wanted your skewed opinion on FFXI not WoW, a game he already plays and presumably knows enough about.

                              Originally posted by TheGrandMom
                              So in the end, your point is moot.
                              Nah, you just failed to comprehend the point I was trying to make.


                              • #45
                                Re: FFXI VS WoW

                                Can I lock this now PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

                                4 pages...then done should have answer by then.
                                It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                                それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                                A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

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