Hello there everybody. I stopped playing WoW a few months ago and I started thinking playing again but I'm undecided between WoW or trying FFXI. I was just wondering if somebody had played the two games, the strong points fo FF and the weak ones, in fact help me decide . Thanks in advance.
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FFXI and WoW target different audiences. WoW is more geared towards direct conflict, while FFXI is geared more towards team play. If you don't care either way, then either game is fine. If you prefer a co-op, long lasting game, FFXI is your game. If you prefer fast-paced, more in-your-face style, then go with WoW.
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This is an FFXI forum.
I will tell you that I played WoW for 2 months and it bored the hell out of me. Never played an easier MMORPG. It fails in every way except PvP for people are *serious* about their MMORPGs.
FFXI takes a lot more time, and a lot more effort, and a lot more teamplay. The rewards are 100x greater.
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I know this is an FFXI forum but I want your point of view .
Well cooperation is a thing I'm looking forward, too much people were just grouping so they could get their equipement and would not care about others. Do I need every expansion to start playing or just the base game? Well thanks to the people who have answered me so far :D.
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I know this is an FFXI forum but I want your point of view .
Well cooperation is a thing I'm looking forward, too much people were just grouping so they could get their equipement and would not care about others. Do I need every expansion to start playing or just the base game? Well thanks to the people who have answered me so far :D
FFXI does take alot more time to accomplish things though. Keep that in mind. However, one of the greatest things about FFXI is this: Though it costs 1$ more per additional character on FFXI, and is free on WoW, on FFXI you can play jobs and switch classes. So expect for storage, 1 character has the content of 18 characters. And FFXIs content is more in-depth.Originally posted by EllipsesReally, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."Originally posted by MCLVA subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.More Sig:
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First there is race:
*Humans (Humes in FFXI)
*Night Elves (Elvaan in FFXI)
*Gnomes (Tarutaru in FFXI)
*Dwarves (Galka in FFXI)
*Humes (Humans)
*Elvaan (Tall, dark, and beastly)
*TaruTaru (There so adorable!)
*Galka (There huge beasts... enough said)
*Mithra (Hot cat women... this alone is reason enough to play FFXI)
*The Orcs-Undead are Beastmen in FFXI and are not playable characters...
Another aspect is the job system:
In WoW, you can only choose one job and then your stuck with it:
*Hunter (Beastmaster in FFXI)
*Druid (A mix of WAR/WHT/THF/PLD in FFXI)
*Warlock (BLK mage/SUM in FFXI)
*Warrior (Ah... WAR in FFXI)
*Rogue (Ah... THF in FFXI)
*Paladin (Ah... PLD in FFXI)
*Mage (Ah... BLK mage in FFXI)
*Priest (Ah... WHT mage in FFXI)
*Shaman (PLD/WHT mage in FFXI)
That's it basically and once you choose a job you can't change it... but in FFXI you have:
*Monk (a lethal killing machine)
*Black Mage
*White Mage
*Red Mage (A mix of WHT/BLK mages and you can wield swords)
*Ninja (You can use two weapons at once!)
*Samurai (What can I say... this job makes you beastly!)
*Dragoon (You get a pet dragon!)
*Corsair (Your a pirate, how cool is that!?)
*Bard (Your a musician... no electric guitars though)
*Dark knight (A more beastly version of WAR)
*Puppet master (No you don't play with Pinocchio)
*Blue Mage (These guys are da bomb!)
*Summoner (These guys kick the sh*t out of WoW's warlocks! Can you say Fenrir?)
In FFXI you not only get to change jobs whenever you see fit, but you can equip two jobs at once! That adds even more combinations which you can use!
Then there is graphics, which of course is very easy to determine:
Wow's graphics suck! The armor you equip looks like it's painted on you! The environment (while massive) are very polygonal and look like crap...
FFXI's graphics are amazing (especially if your using a PC or an Xbox360), the environments look very detailed and the character models are smooth and "very" detailed (they blink!)... and if you don't believe me... take a look at the mithra ^_~
Then there is difficulty:
WoW is very easy, items are simple to purchase and it's not very hard to lvl up quickly just by soloeing, requires little to no effort...
FFXI is difficult, you have to constantly lvl up your jobs (as well as unlock the advanced ones in mind blowing quests!), it's impossible to lvl up without using a party (making it very team oriented), and you have to make lots of gil in order to purchase items/armor...
There is also discipline in the game:
Wow isn't strict, I remember I played it at a friends house and the minute I logged in (I was a Night Elf), the first thing I saw was a bunch of naked Night Elf women exchanging money for lap dances (I only bought one... just to be nice...) and a bunch of players screaming "FU NOOB" toward anyone who killed a monster in their "camp area"...
FFXI is strict and order is maintained (well sorta), if there is a problem you can instantly contact a GM and report it (Again depends on which GM you get... Dave). Now it isn't perfect but it's better than Wow's...
Other than this the two games are pretty much the same... so go ahead and choose whichever you like (*cough*FFXI*cough*)...
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you like (*cough*FFXI*cough*)...Originally posted by EllipsesReally, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."Originally posted by MCLVA subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.More Sig:
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I have played both as well as although i enjoyed WoW for the 4months that i played it unless you are playing it with friends at the same time, like i did with my brother, it get boring real fast, with people who wish only to help themselves and group if it benifits them,
while im sure there are some good ones in WoW, i've just found FFX1 so much better, and thats not taking into account the way better graphics, and classes aka jobs like summoning in WoW an imp, big blue thing VS things like ifrit, shiva, and fenrir!!!! no contest
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Doom Guard
Fell hound
Void Walker
Those are the things you can summon as a warlock in WoW... here are the things you can summon in FFXI:
1) Ifrit
2) Titan
3) Leviathan
4) Garuda
5) Ramuh
Now tell me that those creatures don't totally kick WoW's creatures scrawny butts!
I would have added Shiva but I didn't have enough room to post another picture
Just picture a hot ice chick floating in mid-air XD
Last edited by Ryouken; 05-21-2006, 09:33 AM.
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I've played both, but I think I'm a little bias because I had played FFXI for about... 18 months before I got my mitts on WoW.
Comparing FFXI to WoW is like comparing Eagles to Ducks. Yeah, they are both birds, but are built so differently for different environments.
WoW is indeed a quick MMORPG, and that can be a good thing when you only want to do random stuff for 30mins, whereas in FF unless you have logged out prepared the previous time, you won't get much done.
FFXI takes a long time to get anything really good done, but that has the benefit of it being more rewarding when you complete whatever you were doing.
As for the job class system goes, I vastly perfer FFXI's. You can do any job on any character, and there is more to choose from. Each job is decently unique, and there are no 'Talent Trees' to get frustrated with. The skills you gain from one job stay with you as well, so say if you skill Axe on your Warrior job, you will have that Axe skill already there when you use say, your Beastmaster job.
With WoW's system, there is less jobs, but there is a slightly wider range of equipment to choose from, and the aforementioned Talent Trees mean that you can vary your play style quite considerably, as long as you have the gold to spend.... also, you are limited to one job class per character, but this is balanced by the amount of characters you can have on the one account without spending more real $$.
For the jobs themselves, FFXI is physical heavy, 6 jobs use magic primarily, 2 use it secondary, and 10 do not use magic at all. WoW is very magic heavy, IIRC there are only 2 jobs that don't use magic, and one that shouldn't use magic that does.... which is Hunter. Also, (and this is my personal opinion here) WoW gives the title "Paladin" a bad name... they are not much more than mages with armour
A point has to be made, that with FFXI, you can use any job with any race, in WoW the Alliance can have Paladins but not Shamans, and the Horde vice versa (sp?).
WoW is very very strong in PvP play, and with the addition of battlegrounds there can be many players fighting in one very large area.
FFXI is not so PvP-orientated, but there are many people that do it as their main thing, however I do not pay much attention to it because I'm a Carebear.
As for community, it may have only been my bad/good luck, but I have been affected a lot more by (to understate here) not nice people in WoW in one month than in one year on FFXI. There are those people in FFXI, but they are fewer and further inbetween. Reputation seems to count for more in FFXI than in WoW, during my experience in both games.
Any more questions, fire away, and mention it if I have missed something out, it's 4:30am and I didn't get much sleep
Edit: I live in New Zealand, so when I played WoW I had serious issues with my latency because of the PC I use, and partially because of the distance involved and players on the server. With FFXI, I don't have problems anywhere near as often, and they only happen when graphic-hungry situations appear, and even then I just filter some effects and it comes right again. This may not be as much of a consideration for you, as you will most likely be using a far superior PC and have a better connection than I.
I have tried to give an un-bias opinion but as I've stopped playing WoW due to the 'novelty' wearing off I can't say for sure :/Quotes
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Yep two more questions . Do you have to buy all the expansions to play properly and is the game more demanding in terms of graphics for FFXI? Thanks again for all the answers so far, I'm really getting into FFXI ^^.
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The Vanadiel Pack for PC (gold box) Comes with the first two expansions. The third expansion is only required for the three new jobs, which you won't have access to until level 30 at the very minimum. Its a good chunck of work to get to 30, but not overly dificuly.
To make the game reasonable, you need at least the first two expansions - but since they come with the game anyhow, no big deal. If you play on XB360, you get all expansions.
The last expension - especially for a new player - is mostly optional. It is very much geared towards people half way or more through thier first job. Certainly you would have time to decide if you like FFXI before getting the expansion.
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The rewards are 100x greater.
I could write up a lot of things, but it would be pointless. You aren't going to think about a game in 3 months as you are now. I wrote awhole section on my work-in-progress guide, stick in the main topics forum. Just try out the game.
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