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The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

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  • #61
    Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

    Well, since I came back on my RNG I don't think I've had a good party yet. Partly b/c it seems ~50 is a really crappy lvl range for good leveling areas. There are a few, but have such a tight lvl range that they're good, that when someone levels your xp can seriously fall to nothing.
    Anyway, the other night I get invited as a lvl 51 RNG and am 1.3k from 52 and my first AF. Anyway, I get there and things seem to be going alright. But then I remember xp is only marginally decent b/c I used empress band and that they are getting pretty terrible xp. (J-9 entrance to QC in Western Altepa) Anyway, we're fighting anticans and it seems no spell casters bothered to bring Echo drops. (This includes the WHM, RDM, and NIN tank.) So, its not long before the antican uses that nice little TP move that silences everyone in the party, and noone can get rid of it. Didn't happen at all at first, but started happening on about every other mob and caused chaos nearly every time. Several deaths over the course of the party here. RDM was very insconsistent with Dispel. Sometimes he was right on with immediately getting the DEF+ taken care of, other times it took about 30 seconds before he noticed, if he noticed at all (despite the AT {Dispel} {please}). Neither of the mages had a dark staff, but I'll attribute that to recently leveling and just not thinking to bring it along, or not having bought it yet. Also, this was my first time partying with a NIN tank since I've been back and I knew that I wouldn't be able to unload near as much as with the PLD tanks, but holy crap. Intentionally slowing myself down and sporadically casting still had me on the wrong end of an ass-whooping. I couldn't do much of anything w/o pulling too much hate. The tank, despite having O. kote and Jujitsu Gi, never used any enfeebles, nor spun the ele wheel at all. On top of that he seemingly only used voke whenever the mob turned. One fight, I fire one shot on pull, another back at camp, and didnt do a thing until the last bit when I activated SS and barrage for a quick WS+Barrage to end it. Never got to fire a thing. Upon activation the mob turns right at me and I get to stand there and eat a few hits until the NIN decides to use his voke thats been ready for the last minute. Anyway, only one death and I got 52 so now I can wear some more gear and get my gloves. I'm really hoping this run of bad parties is temporary and I can atleast get a normal 4-5k xp/hr.
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian


    • #62
      Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

      Ok, technically this wasn't my party, it was my brother's (I was there helping PL him cause this party was literally the worst ever. EVER... and cause I had PL debt to him -.-)

      Ok, now please understand.. I swear to god I am not lying.

      The party composition was:

      1) DRG/WAR (this player was actually competant and had decent gear.
      2) WAR/BST (yes, sub beastmaster)
      3) PLD/WAR (you'll understand in a moment)
      4) WHM/WAR (yes, sub warrior.
      5) BLM/WHM
      6) COR/RNG (my brother)

      Ok, as if that wasn't bad enough, here's the added joy from watching /p:

      1) The paladin's ultimate goal was to be PLD/SMN
      2) The war/bst was geared up in leather armor and wearing +mnd gear.
      3) The BLM's gear consisted of newbie armor, 1 eremites ring, and a willow wand. Now if he was brand new that's forgivable, BUT he had a subjob, so honestly, no one can possibly be THAT poor.

      They spent 30 minutes trying to burst fire off of distortion.
      The WAR/BST apparently thought he was better at tanking then my 55 rdm.
      When the BLM overnuked (which he did EVERY FIGHT despite me telling him to slow down over and over), he almost died instantly.

