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The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

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  • #46
    Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

    I remember reading in the patch notes (or notes about patch notes...) that they increased beastmen HP because people kept exping off of them. I wonder if they ever decreased their HP...

    Anyway, I sort of wish people would get past the whole "you can only level where other people have leveled befoer" thing. If you can exp on pugils and crabs without dispel (and we all have), you can exp on anything within your level range, anywhere.

    I kind of like dragging a SMN friend out to some random place and duoing/trioing stuff. Today's run involved 8 organs out of 10 needed for the two of us to get relaxing earrings. ...And a few deaths either caused by a silly mistake (accidentally targeting an Aern with a blood pact...oops), or caused by their super wide-AoE sleep TP move at very bad times. As well as an additional death caused by one of those disco-balls transforming into a spider while I ran past and eating me alive. (300 damage a hit with -20% physical damage taken, ouch.)

    Erm. End tangent.

    Attempting to get back on topic... I still think that comment about having to get your face beaten in by a fish to learn wins.
    Generic Info!


    • #47
      Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

      Well, just a quick thing that happend before.

      In a party in Valkurm, we were fighting pugils and had just got a new warrior. She/he decided to attack a pugil while we were in the middle of getting out mana back. Needless to say our main tank died, then the warrior ran off and disbanded.

      Would have been funny if that warrior kept hate and died, but the WHM didn't realise what was happening and cured, so we got hate back.

      Some people are just lame, and don't have any common sense or curtousy. -_-;

      "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


      • #48
        Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

        My LS is setting up to get a few of us Rank 6, and since I'd sold all my BRD gear, I've been kind of rushing to get WHM up a bit. Last night I put up my flag as 48WHM/BLM and got a nice, fast invite from a RDM. He takes a little while to form a party, but we head out to Quicksand Caves. NIN/WAR tank with WAR/NIN, a BLU/NIN and a COR/NIN.

        We were there for all of half an hour when the COR has to leave and we get another BLU. Once I'd leveled, they decided XP wasn't that great, and decided to go to Garlaige instead. So I Teleport-Altep us out, and those who can warp to Jeuno. The WAR/NIN had HP in Aht Urhgan, so I gave him and someone else a Teleport-Mea. Somewhere in there, the RDM disconnected. Once he came back, I went back to Altep to pick him up, but instead of getting a Mea, he homepointed to Aht Urhgan.

        Unfortunately, Beseiged was happening, so he couldn't get back to Jeuno. He managed to get a Teleport-Mea, but along the way, told the new party leader to just replace him. The only replacement available was a RDM48/BLM17. We eventually get going in the Garlaige basement, but there are two other parties there, plus a pair of BSTs using beetles as pets to get someone a coffer key.

        Also, the gimp RDM didn't know to dispel the beetles' EVA move, so we had to tell her a couple times. The third time I just started spamming (Dispel) until she stood up and cast it. From then on, she tried to dispel every TP move of any kind. I didn't really feel like trying to think of a way to auto-translate "just the evasion move" and I don't think anyone else noticed. She was also fond of Convert + Cure IV mid-battle.

        Quicksand Caves was empty by now, so we went back there. Someone disconnected, then someone else had to go afk. On the first pull, there was a link, and the only indication from the puller was "lol." So when he came around the corner, I was still resting, and got aggro from the link and tried to zone. I didn't make it, and waited for the despawn, then reraised and went back to do the best I could with weakened MP while the rest fought the pull. The RDM pulled a Convert+Cure IV, got hate, and died.

        The puller disconnected while he was outside, then came back later and was busy with something else. During the down time waiting for weakness to wear, we got a replacement. Two more fights, and another replacement (though this time they'd gotten their replacement to come all the way before disbanding). Then another, and another, and another. I'm now the only member left from the original party, with the gimp RDM in second place for longevity.

        One of those last few replacements was a THF who didn't manage to land SATA correctly once out of six attempts. When the new NIN called her on it, she disconnected. Finally, after twenty minutes of not finding a sixth member (and about ten minutes after two of the newer members had used XP rings ), we gave up and disbanded.

        6k XP over 5 hours. I leveled to 49, so it's not a total wash, but great googly moogly. I haven't seen that much disorganization and amateurish crap in a long, long time.
        Ellipses on Fenrir
        There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
        . . .


        • #49
          Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

          lol my worst pts arent anything compaired to my friends it was like no whm a blm nin tank and all fighters they all died, they got raises, they started again, they all died, nin left they replaced him, my freind was screamin the whole time they need a whm. they tried again and almost all of them ddied, my friend left, started talking to the nin, who said he got an inv back, he declinded and then my friend got one he declinded and then the leader said ... but we have a whm, my friend was like wdf!
          Spider Torque <mine>
          HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>
          Phantom Earrings <mine>
          <Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>

          Remora Server - Ravd
          Rank 6

          58 Cooking


          • #50
            Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

            Got in another terrible PT

            I was waiting for an hour trying to get into a PT until I got an invite from a BLM, there were already 2 other ppl in the group so I wasn't too worried about waiting for another 30min for the leader to get a full PT. Anyways we got our PT full and met up by the entrance to the tunnel in the dunes that takes you to the Konschat Highlands entrance (the place where you almost always get aggro from bats ).

            Everyones was within lvl range (1-2 lvls apart, no big deal), the problem was that our PT was composed of a BLK (no sub), THF/WAR (me), THF/MNK, WHM/BLK, BRD/WHM, and a RDM (no sub)... no tank...

            I told the leader we needed a tank and then he turns to me and goes... "Why can't you tank?"... from there I knew I just landed myself in a crappy PT...

            Basically to make a long story short, we went to the Konschat zone, two ppl left... then we got a PLD/WAR (who kept pulling things without letting the rest of us rest... even when the WHM left the PT! )... and then I left due to the fact that the exp was terrible and I had wasted 2 hours trying to cope with the terrible PT I was in...

            A very productive day indeed


            • #51
              Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

              Sorry for double posting but I have to tell you guys about this PT I was in

              I'm in the dunes and I get an invite and the moment I join I was ecstatic! The party consisted of THF/WAR (me), WHM (I was so happy, mages are so rare in the dunes), BLK, WAR, and DRK/WAR...

              I didn't have to worry about waiting for 1 hour to find a WHM and the lvl range was PERFECT 17-19 (me and the WHM were lvl 19, but we were far from lvling). We decided to fight with just the five of us and exp chain gobs at the oasis

              After we got there, my perfect PT became the absolute worst one

              The lvl 19 WHM (no sub) didn't even have CURE II! The WAR had crappy armor and neither he nor the DRK/WAR (our sub tank... yes I know DRK's aren't meant to tank) wouldn't voke and the leader asked me if I wanted to tank instead

              The exp was terrible, the gobs were all T and everthing else at the oasis was too weak for good exp, so I suggested to fight something else or move camp... that's when the leader said the phrase, the phrase that foreshadows the destruction of a PT and instantly causes death in the dunes:

              "Wanna try fighting pugs?"

              I said NO, saying that a lvl 17-19 (only two lvl 19) PT could not take a pug unless we had a PL. So they began saying "We can take pugs" or "I was able to kill pugs easily in my last PT!"... so I said fine.

              Here's what happened:

              We went to the beach, pulled a pug, and we died.... The End

              I luckily survived, as I had zoned once all the mages died (thanks to the tanks not voking the pug), I told the others to run, but they kept saying they could kill him... even though the pug was at 90% HP

              The worst PT I have EVER been in...


              • #52
                Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

                So many stories to choose from... all from the dunes.

                I recall last night I was in a small party where the highest level was the leader, a warrior/thief, level 18 I believe. I was serving as a backup healer as the party's summoner. We had a white mage, a thief, and also a monk (no subjob). We were still looking for a sixth.

                The warrior drew the attention of a damsel fly just as I was asking the party, "perchance do we have a person available that can draw the attention of this beast away from myself and the healer?" Those weren't my exact words, but that was the gist. The leader informed me that the monk would be serving in this role. I ventured to mention that monks, unless trained in the ways of the warrior as well, do not have the ability to provoke a monster's attention (which our leader of course had as a native ability). No response. The damsel fly fell upon us.

                It was gruesome. It fell upon us and savaged us each in turn, as both I and the white mage tried to heal the flagging members of our troupe. With no one willing or able to provoke its attention, the beleagured white mage eventually fled for the safety of Selbina. Only after the white mage had run a goodly distance away (and, I must admit, I think there was a general route; at least I know that my tunic was hiked up to my waist to allow my tarutaru legs much needed freedom of motion), at this point I say the leader decided to provoke the monster, after the healers were already well and safely distant. Until this point it had seemed we would escape without fatality. Naturally she died almost instantly, and fortunately had the grace to leave our party.

                Let this be a lesson to us all. If you join a party and are the only possible person that can perform your duties, please at least make a passing attempt to do so.
                Biggest Accomplishment: Level 20 avatar fights
                Ifrit 1/1; Garuda 1/1; Shiva 1/1; Titan 1/1; Ramuh 1/2; Leviathan 1/3 (and record time for Garuda server)


                • #53
                  Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

                  I had two in a row in Qufim t'other day while levelling my BLM.

                  The first one.. had promise! It was great. BLM BLM BLM BLM WHM WAR. The war would provoke, the whm would spam heal the war, and the mob would be dead before there was time for a second provoke. The exp was MAD.

                  20 minutes later, the leader and the tank left, and because half the party was japanese I couldn't explain to them that we should stick together and find a replacement. Disband -> warp -> back in a party before I could find another tank (oh, yeah, he left too, saying he was sleepy... which was funny, because....)

                  So then my wife gets a /tell from a whm with a PLer and we join up - and who else do we see but the same war that just left.

                  So our new whm tells us to meet at a given location. Fine, good, done. The warrior, too stupid to dodge aggro, gets smacked around once or twice by something awful before someone can pull it off him, so he lives.

                  Then he runs right past a Banshee at orange health. No kidding, right past it. Drags the thing back to camp, where it stops aggroing him and starts aggroing me - I was resting and couldn't get up fast enough. Dead.

                  Then we see, in party chat:

                  (CrappyWAR) : Good luck

                  then leaves party and logs out.

                  The PLer raises me, we fill out our party, and continue. 20 minutes later someone hits level 25, and qufim veterans know that a 25 in the party will kill the exp, so we're advised to go somewhere else (batallia downs, actually). We get halfway there before the leader goes <I'm tired> <I'm sleepy> <disbanding party.>

                  Ah, well, I managed to gain a level and a half, but GOD!!!

                  "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                  My job levels and goals.


                  • #54
                    Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

                    This was a month or so back, but I log on as Rdm, and get 2 invites instantly, no seeking... about 30 seconds logged on or so. Then a 3rd, so I have to sit there telling them I have multiple invites, so I'm going to be slow in figuring out which one to go to. Then a 4th invite. Then a 5th invite... cept this one was from the same pt, just a different member.
                    Eventually I decide to go with the one that's going to ToAU areas. Unfortunately, it took about 45 minutes to set up the pt >_<, then one person didn't have enough IS to warp, but almost enough so we were going out to get him the last bit (20 IS or so). But then another person didn't have mamool ja staging point, or had really low IS (forgot which)

                    So we hoof it over because the ppl who had the staging point figured we'd save our IS. Anyhow, we get to camp eventually, no deaths... but it's overcamped. We get our first mob, and in the middle of killing it, the pt we're camped next to asks us to move because they were taking a 5 minute break. So we move. Then the puller pulls a Jurik (big wyvern, hits as hard as a truck). So we're fighting it, and the puller now decides to mention that without shadows, you can die...

                    So we're fighting it, and one person gets hit with a weaponskill... that does over 1k damage... and he goes down... we keep fighting, and someone else gets hit and goes down... and then another, and another... so it's me and someone else left, and for some reason we weren't zoning... then he goes down, and it's just me (rdm), so I try to run my ass to zone, but fail miserably. All dead, then one person homepoints to Jeuno, and when asked says "you really think those guys are going to raise us?"
                    Another person homepoints, and another. One person gets his/her LS member to give us raise 2/3s...

                    Of all invites, I had to pick that one...


                    • #55
                      Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

                      Enough said.



                      • #56
                        Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

                        Originally posted by Aries Black
                        Yeah, that's pretty bad. Total Dunes party.

                        The biggest noob of all was the one named Kunaifusu.

                        "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                        My job levels and goals.


                        • #57
                          Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

                          Last night I had a party, and yes this is part rant. I was a Paladin level 47. I got an invite to quicksands cave's, No problem I thought. I arrive party is being rebuilt. Rdm, Thf, Drg, Pld, Blm, Brd. Decentish party setup on paper.

                          We had sloppy pulling and not enough damage dealing ability to kill anything within a reasonable length of time. (IT++ Prey) I would say five minutes minimum per kill. Within 90 minutes I had died 3 times. Due to links. I am a paladin. I die for my party no big deal. Its my job and I dont mind. Various people leave and we replace with a Cor and another rdm.

                          In the next hour I die a further 3 times. The second RDM gets all pissy when I tell the first RDM to stop curing herself when she has hate. So that causes an argument between me and him. I have levelled Ninja to 58, Pld to 47 and War to 53. I know all about hate and how it works. Then it happens again Fishing Beetle yadda yadda. And surprise surprise 2 beetles ; ;

                          Provoke one flash the other. Hit invincible. I seriousley think by now I should have left this party a week ago.

                          /p Me You have 30 seconds to leave the zone
                          /p Me If you dont leave the zone you're all going to die
                          /p Me I am going to stand here and die.
                          /p Me Then I am going to Homepoint.
                          /p Me Leave
                          /p Me Go
                          /p Me GO

                          And they left, And I died, And then I went to my homepoint. And then I disbanded from the party. I made about 2000 experience points last night in that party. 3 hours of playing for 2000 experience points.

                          Thats a direct copy from a post I made elsewhere. Its also one of the reason I quit FFXI ; ;


                          • #58
                            Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

                            I really never had anyone who was badly equiped or unleveled sub etc... And i neve rhad bad parties in the dunes I dont know it was magic ;D But i probley have died 15ish times before i hit garaliege cididel how ever you spell it sorry >< But When i was there i probley died 7ish times and only got one good party and maybe one mediocore party and the rest were awful >.< So its not like all the bad parties are in the dunes, there are still some awful players later on >< I even had apld that thought pld were DD/Support class in kazham >> lol well yeah. Every one has bad parties alot >< And there is not much to do about it ><
                            Stooky, Tarutaru supreme
                            62 PLD 37 WAR 37 NIN


                            • #59
                              Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

                              I have been been in quite a few "not so good" parties, but i had one last night that stuck in my mind.

                              I was lvl 18 Smn/9 Rdm dinking around in Kon. Highlands when i recieved a /tell asking if i wanted a party, i accepted and checked the party to see if i was gonna main heal or not. They had a lvl 17 Whm no sub job, so i figured cool i can back up heal if needed. We started pulling gobs and flies to get warmed up, things were going very smoothly we got in a very good groove so we moved on to Pugils. After 2-3 Pugs going down pretty easy i see the WHM start casting as kindly as i can say it I /tell him letting him know that Banishga is AOE and if any other Mobs are around it will pull them in as well. He replies "Oh ok sorry i didn't know". I replied "its ok just becarefull when you use anything -GA". After that things went back to kickin ass and taking names, when all the sudden i see on the screen Banishga again..........this time we were not so lucky, there happened to be 3 Pugs and a snipper in the area.......................................WE DIED!!!

                              I figured he might have hit the wrong spell or what not so i wasn't to angry seeing that he still had no Subjob he is still learning.....but after that the Party disbanded, and he never responded to the /tells i sent him saying not to worry about it mistakes happen!!

                              O well
                              I fire up the grill.

                              Lighter fluid, lighter fluid, lighter fluid.

                              [GM]Dave>> FIRAGA III!!!

                              I pretend not to notice Susan shaking her head as I throw the match

                              Originally posted by Mog
                              holy shit, apparently crazy is contageous. I turned his brain into the mind of a bulldog! nOO!!


                              • #60
                                Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*

                                A few weeks ago, me (RDM) and my friend (BRD) were invited to a party in Yhoator Jungle. Besides us, they had: NIN, WHM, SMN, and BLM. OK... odd, but I figured that just meant I have to melee and nuke more, which is ok.

                                I think the SMN fancied himself a DD; he left out his avatar until his MP ran dry, and wacked at mobs with his staff, and couldn't spare any MP for healing, leaving me to do all the backup healing. >_>

                                After the party was over, I ran the parser, and caught the last 3 battles from logs:

                                SMN: 67 points of damage
                                Ifrit: 176 points of damage
                                WHM: 318 points of damage

                                ... I nearly fell out of my chair laughing, when I saw the numbers--then I realize he was like that for the entire length of the party ._. Thank goodness we were just fighting mandies...

                                No one died, though, so it doesn't qualify for the worst party ever. >_> Besides, the JP BLM (Hori) was really good.
                                Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 06-16-2006, 10:19 PM. Reason: left out the dumb SMN in pt roster.
                                Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                                yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                                Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                                leaving no trace in the water.

                                - Mugaku

