Re: The Worst PT Contest! *sign up today*
I remember reading in the patch notes (or notes about patch notes...) that they increased beastmen HP because people kept exping off of them. I wonder if they ever decreased their HP...
Anyway, I sort of wish people would get past the whole "you can only level where other people have leveled befoer" thing. If you can exp on pugils and crabs without dispel (and we all have), you can exp on anything within your level range, anywhere.
I kind of like dragging a SMN friend out to some random place and duoing/trioing stuff. Today's run involved 8 organs out of 10 needed for the two of us to get relaxing earrings. ...And a few deaths either caused by a silly mistake (accidentally targeting an Aern with a blood pact...oops), or caused by their super wide-AoE sleep TP move at very bad times. As well as an additional death caused by one of those disco-balls transforming into a spider while I ran past and eating me alive. (300 damage a hit with -20% physical damage taken, ouch.)
Erm. End tangent.
Attempting to get back on topic... I still think that comment about having to get your face beaten in by a fish to learn wins.
I remember reading in the patch notes (or notes about patch notes...) that they increased beastmen HP because people kept exping off of them. I wonder if they ever decreased their HP...
Anyway, I sort of wish people would get past the whole "you can only level where other people have leveled befoer" thing. If you can exp on pugils and crabs without dispel (and we all have), you can exp on anything within your level range, anywhere.
I kind of like dragging a SMN friend out to some random place and duoing/trioing stuff. Today's run involved 8 organs out of 10 needed for the two of us to get relaxing earrings. ...And a few deaths either caused by a silly mistake (accidentally targeting an Aern with a blood pact...oops), or caused by their super wide-AoE sleep TP move at very bad times. As well as an additional death caused by one of those disco-balls transforming into a spider while I ran past and eating me alive. (300 damage a hit with -20% physical damage taken, ouch.)
Erm. End tangent.
Attempting to get back on topic... I still think that comment about having to get your face beaten in by a fish to learn wins.