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FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

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  • FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

    I've only been playing FFXI for a month now and even I have realized the state of it's economy, which quite frankly isn't looking too good

    Now I'm not going to try and place blame on who caused the economy to drop, however it is obvious what the key factors are:

    * Gil-selling companies such as IGE
    * And corrupted players who buy items and re-sell them for higher prices

    Why is this bad? Well first off, good equipment is becoming very rare in this game. I have a lvl 20 WAR and I'm forced to use lvl 7 equipment for him. Why? Well because I cant find good equipment anywhere that I can use (lvl 10-20 equipment is literally impossible to find on my server), which of course hinders my ability to survive in battle, and thus lvl up

    So I have 2 questions:

    1) Has anyone else been affected by this poor economy, been unable to find items/armor they needed or unable to afford items?

    2) Do you think the economy can get better? Should SE put there foot down and start taking action or should the players themselves do something?

    Again, I'm not placing blame on anyone, but it is clear what IS causing this situation, like the incident during Christmas for example...

  • #2
    Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

    The economy has nothing to do with the lack of low level equips, it's just the fact that there are so many people either leveling the new jobs or newbies from 360 that supply runs dry, but you can always buy from Npc at low level equips.

    And no i don't think the economy will get better until uber rich people start quitting without giving out their money or until the game is dying.
    WAR57 THF43 BRD38 NIN36 MNK32 BST32 RNG31 DRK28 BLU43 WHM23 RDM19 SMN19 BLM18 DRG12 SAM13

    Say gay or homo one more time and you're gonna aggro the back of my hand.


    • #3
      Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

      Lol, you said you weren't going to place blame, yet proceeded to do just that...twice!


      • #4
        Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

        Only... the economy HAS gotten better... Or are we that quick to forget what happened at christmas when the IGE stocks ran out, hmm? The economy is no "worse" off than before. Things cost more, but there is more money in circulation. The ratio of money available to cost of items is still the same.


        • #5
          Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

          I believe that the economy as it stands is fine. The only issues I really have a problem with are with the high end extremes, the unique drops like Anky's bracelets, Kraken clubs, etc. where prices can range into the tens or hundreds of millions.

          Other than that, everything auctionable is fairly easy to obtain.

          To put it frankly, I don't see why for instance someone wouldn't be able to purchase armour for their level at any level. While prices may be high, so are the prices of goods that you sell (probably more so than what you intend to buy).

          Lets take the case of a level 20 war wearing level 7 gear. Why? You can quest for Scale Armour lvl 10. through a Bastok Quest, you can use Conquest Points to buy or trade for level 15 gear, or you can save up and buy the Lizard or Bone set of armours fairly cheaply. (level 16 and 17)

          In terms of economy, money is just waiting to fall into your pocket.


          • #6
            Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

            And those high-ticket items while very nice and "required" to be "the best" are not required to play the game successfully... They are luxery items. Just because a fully loaded mercedes can cost in the hundreds of thousands doesn't mean the economy is bad.


            • #7
              Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

              What you're describing is not a poor economy, it's being overwhelmed by the cost of things. Have you looked to see if there are some low level mobs that drop some things you can sell for good profit? Funguars? Crawlers? Bees? Have you taken up Fishing?

              Equipment is hard to find because there are still a lot of people leveling low level jobs, but it can also be where you're looking. Equipment level 10-20 is most often found in San d'Oria or Bastok, past 20 in Jeuno. So have you been on a road trip yet?
              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



              • #8
                Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

                On an interesting side note, I recently saved up for nobles tunic (like my sig?). In order to do this I harvested, killed bees, and killed crawlers... using leveling my random jobs to 10 as an excuse to do two things at once.

                Never leaving West Sarutabaruta generated roughly 500k a day playing low-level jobs.


                • #9
                  Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

                  I'm pretty sure you can just about buy everything your level from NPCs.


                  • #10
                    Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

                    Oh, and fishers for lightning crystals.


                    • #11
                      Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

                      Oh... well... okay O_O

                      I guess the economy isn't as bad as I thought it was... hehe... sorry about that then XD

                      Well then I guess all I have left to say is:

                      Where can I get some good gear around lvl20 for my WAR, what quest in Bastok gets you the scale gear and where can you purchase the bone and lizard armor (I've already checked in San'doria and Jeuno, but still no luck...)?

                      Sorry if I accidentally peeved anyone off

                      EDIT: I havn't really started synthesizing... or fishing... at all. lol


                      • #12
                        Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

                        I think bastok and sandy both offer armor usable by melee at that level, or close to it. I want to say Lizard or Bone until 24, then switch to chain? I don't remember if chain is NPC purchasable or not... but I think its another purchase form NPCs in bastok


                        • #13
                          Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

                          Originally posted by Ryouken
                          Where can I get some good gear around lvl20 for my WAR
                          You've waited this long so maybe go out and farm some EP's or get a party to take you to 21, you'll have access to the beetle set then which will most likely be found on the Jeuno AH. If you cant wait, go to Bastok or Windurst after that to see if there's a set of Bone or Lizard.

                          Originally posted by Ryouken
                          EDIT: I havn't really started synthesizing... or fishing... at all. lol
                          Fishing has very little cost to start but the skill ups are slow. It doesn't really matter though because you'll be making more then the cost of materials when you start. Go to Windurst Port and join the Fishing guild. Get some stacks of insect paste and a TaruTaru fishing rod and start fishing in freshwater in a town. You'll fish up crayfish and moat carp, the crayfish will cover the cost of broken rods, and the moat carp will provide you with enough gil for food and equipment until you can find something else to supplement your income with as you level up. Alchemy is another craft that can be profitable the whole time you level it but it requires a little more gil up front to get going.

                          Why are you still reading this? Get going man.
                          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                          • #14
                            Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

                            Originally posted by Ryouken
                            Oh... well... okay O_O

                            I guess the economy isn't as bad as I thought it was... hehe... sorry about that then XD

                            Well then I guess all I have left to say is:

                            Where can I get some good gear around lvl20 for my WAR, what quest in Bastok gets you the scale gear and where can you purchase the bone and lizard armor (I've already checked in San'doria and Jeuno, but still no luck...)?

                            Sorry if I accidentally peeved anyone off

                            EDIT: I havn't really started synthesizing... or fishing... at all. lol
                            Earning money or gaining equipment is really just about spoting a need and meeting it. There are lots of situations for instance where you can make out like a bandit on items people level 15 or 10 and under can get.

                            As far as the scale mail quest, it's called Past Perfect and is from Port Bastok. I believe a hume and Elvaan NPC standing together on the path will initiate the quest.

                            Your best bet will be with the Lizard and Bone Harness though. If you can't buy one, you should be able to get someone to make one for you if you provide the materials.

                            Use: to plan out what equipments you may want or need for your future, and budget out ways to obtain them. As always, make sure you have signet on to collect Conquest Points and sell items you get during EXP parties to minimize costs of new equipments.

                            Even if you're dirt poor, spending CP will not only get you something to wear, but something to sell off to earn money once you don't need it anymore.


                            • #15
                              Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

                              BTW it looks like at least some Lizard set parts can be bought at the Leathercraft guild store in Southern San d'Oria.
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


