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FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

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  • #16
    Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

    Thanx alot you guys! ^_^

    I'll check out Bastok and Windurst and see if they have anything...

    Alright! Looks like I got me some work to do!

    *gets on his black chocobo*


    *rides off into the sunset*



    • #17
      Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

      * And corrupted players who buy items and re-sell them for higher prices
      I don't think this is really that common. Rarely can you get a great discount on an item and then resell it, unless you're talking about buying from a individual and selling on the AH, which is a legitimate enterprise. Nobody's particularly entitled to a low price over anyone else. :-) Everyone tries to sell whatever they're trying to sell for the highest price they can manage, but you reach a point where trying to squeeze a higher price out of things starts to really fail. (Ask anyone who regularly sells rare and high-priced items how much they like re-listing items over and over again or waiting an eternity in Battalia. :p) It does stabilize quite well.


      • #18
        Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

        the shortage of armor is from 2 things. 1st its all of the recent new players. 2nd its from 3 new jobs and all the people doing them. bone armor is crafted as is lizard armor. but some of the pieces of lizard armor is dropped from orcs in yughott grotto. i get them when doing kazham key runs. have to check all ah's in all cities and be ready to purchase. chain armor lvl 24 is purchased in bastok from npc. the economy as a whole, has improved ,or atleast went back to where it was pre christmas gil sell. learning many ways of making gil is key to surviving in an unstable economy. you can farm mobs for drop and crystals. you can camp nm's, even at lower levels. you can farm the guilds for resellable items. you can shop npc's and resell items on ah. if a person would rather pay 10k for an item on the ah, than go to the npc that sells that item for 300g. who am i to argue with that logic. if ive overpriced an item dont buy it, its really simple. dont know where to get something look it up or talk to all the npc's. same as i do. dont tell me i hurt the economy. i spend everything i make from my resells. i spent 1.2 mil on a 0.2 skill up on goldsmithing. but made 2 mil back buying an item from npc and desynthing it, to resell on ah.


        • #19
          Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

          Eh. Just divide it all by 10 and it's fine.

          And so, everything is fine unless you sell yourstuff to the NPCs.

          Man, you'd have shot yourself back in the day when a stack of Earth Crystals was a steady 400 gil. Now at least they rebound.


          • #20
            Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

            If it's not on AH, go farm the items to craft it. For instance, a Lizard Jerkin requires 3x Lizard Skins (dropped from Lizards), 1x Sheep Leather, and an Earth Crystal. The Sheep Leather is made from a Dark Crystal (get it from Funguars), a Sheepskin (dropped from Sheep), a Distilled Water (all sorts of NPCs sell this for ~11g each), and 1x Windurst Tea Leaves. Sheep Leather is a lvl 2 cap Leatherworking synth, so you can easily have a success on it.

            Then just go to a town where there is a guild for what the synth you want to make is. Since a Lizard Jerkin is Leathercraft, go to San d'Oria and shout for anything with level 19 or higher Leathercraft skill. Normally there will a very high level crafter there doing Guild Points, and they'll probably HQ it into a Fine Jerkin.

            Yeah, it takes longer, but it costs you basically nothing except time. You'll also know that you actually worked for that piece, so that's a nice feeling. Even to this day if I can't find an item I figure out how to make it/obtain it. It's a good practice to follow.
            | 72RNG | 71NIN | 43BLM | 42WAR |


            • #21
              Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

              Also, the rank 1 conquest points items are lvl 10 and generally have useful stats. (I hope you've been getting signet ^^) The main NPC shops are in Bastok Markets on the path from the fountain near the AH to the south gustaberg zone. You can get lvl 10-20 gear there for a resonable price. The beetle set is avaliable in Kazham from NPCs, but you probably won't get there for a while.


              • #22
                Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

                You're level 20 in level 7 stuff? O_O I usually buy new stuff after every level. Go to a Jeuno AH or something, and if you need Gil fight crawlers for silkthread.


                • #23
                  Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?


                  This link will take you to Somepage's Merchant list. It lists all the merchants by city, what they sell and how much they sell for. The prices of the items are listed by highest fame to lowest fame and what conditions are needed if certain items can be bought at certain times. This one link has saved me tons of gil since whenever I need something, I check it first so I can compare the prices on the AH.

                  As for needing gil, I will only suggest this without being specific. Farm items that crafters need. Before you head out to kill mobs for loot, look under the Materials and Food section of the AH to see what's selling well that day. The reason I say "that day" is the AH buyer needs change day to day. What sells fast one day won't the next. Don't just look at the price, look at the dates sold to make sure it is an item that sells at a good pace so you don't have to worry about it being returned.

                  G'luck and happy hunting.


                  • #24
                    Re: FFXI Economy: Will it get better?

                    Thanks for the extra info guys

                    I prefer buying new equipment every 10 lvls, that way I'm not wasting gil every time I advance a lvl and the armor I do have equiped won't be completely terrible...

                    EDIT: Grammar XD

