This past month, my girlfriend and I decided to create new main characters have been leveling the starter jobs. We've been around for a long while, and while having been members of many Linkshell's we've never actually put any thought into creating our own.
While we love to help with missions, quests and other misc. aspects of the game, we're not quite sure what is involved with leading a Linkshell. In particular, not certain what responsibilities come with being the leader of an Linkshell.
I was hoping to get some input from players and their experiences as LS leader.
Forming the LS is another hurdle. I mean how really would you want to go about recruiting members. The /shout method seems...... let's just say, it's not the most appealing to us.
Btw. I'm 60Thf/Nin she's 61Sam/War on our old mains, if that's of any concern.
And we're not against the idea of a new player ls, in fact that's what brought this whole creating an LS to the forefront of our minds. Want to help the new players.
Thank you in advance
While we love to help with missions, quests and other misc. aspects of the game, we're not quite sure what is involved with leading a Linkshell. In particular, not certain what responsibilities come with being the leader of an Linkshell.
I was hoping to get some input from players and their experiences as LS leader.
Forming the LS is another hurdle. I mean how really would you want to go about recruiting members. The /shout method seems...... let's just say, it's not the most appealing to us.
Btw. I'm 60Thf/Nin she's 61Sam/War on our old mains, if that's of any concern.
And we're not against the idea of a new player ls, in fact that's what brought this whole creating an LS to the forefront of our minds. Want to help the new players.
Thank you in advance
