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Common decency

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  • Common decency

    I was wondering just what happened to common decency in FFIX. 1.5 years ago when I played stuff like this didnt happen, I didnt even think it could happen. So what happened?

    Well I log into Windy and go check my auction house (those dang capes wont sell, I hate being low lvl crafter) and all of a sudden I get an /em regarding my character's rear end and another character's tounge.

    I mean WTF! What little #$%# is going to pull stuff like this? So I give this guy a /tell letting him know how freaking stupid it is to do stuff amidst the 30+ players at the AH and how its a bannable offense. Ye says he's sorry and he was "just playing". I let him off largely because I dont want to wait for a GM and I'm using a windower (dont know if GMs could tell from chat logs, but). Now I dont consider myself to be stuckup most of the time, but things like this really ruin the game experience for me.

    Welcome to /Blist loser.
    Ajido-Marujido: This is Tarutaru.
    We are Windurst.
    You are now our slave...

    Check out my RP journal at

  • #2
    Re: Common decency

    Unfortunately there are (and have always been) a fair number of people who's humor I just really don't get. That is a clear example of one of them. It sucks, and I'm sorry it happened, but you were right to just blist and move on.


    • #3
      Re: Common decency

      /blist add <t>

      Just be on your merry way. This game has a fair share of assholes.
      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


      • #4
        Re: Common decency

        Its ppls like that that can really mess up a game but u know u just look at it like -.- *sigh*
        Weirdo....... then go on ur way no huff and fuss over that stuff

        O yes a BTW if u think thats like bad i dont know if uv ever played afree MMORPG
        Ex:Runescape::Knightonline ECT but thats like the only thing those ppl say .... kinda sad truely
        Last edited by spiffaliffa; 05-17-2006, 09:29 PM.
        Originally Posted by Avenius
        "We may be human, but we are still animals..."

        Words of advice
        "If u drive around a pink Mini Cooper you will end up with a real sore pooper"
        Ollie the Magicel Bum


        • #5
          Re: Common decency

          Like sense, decency isn't as common as one would like to believe. I know what you mean though. A couple years ago you'd never see something like that in this game.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: Common decency

            Lol, that is hilarious. You wanted to call a GM on somebody because of a bannable offense, yet you didn't because of your own bannable offense. Interesting...


            • #7
              Re: Common decency

              I'm of a mind to shamelessly point and laugh at their obvious inadequacies. Seriously, if the only way they can touch a rear end is via pixels on a video game you gotta know their porn files are so stuffed the game is probably running on half memory. Either that or they think it's cool to sneak crappy adult innuendoes into a video game when mommy's not looking. They've never seen a real person of the opposite sex sans clothing and they probably won't until they figure out that soliciting strangers for improper acts only works on big city street corners. And even then they gotta pay for it.

              Don't let it phase you. Laugh and let it slide off your back. /point /laugh <pervert> {Run away!}
              75 RNG-BRD-BLM (working on the rest)


              • #8
                Re: Common decency

                Originally posted by Area51
                Lol, that is hilarious. You wanted to call a GM on somebody because of a bannable offense, yet you didn't because of your own bannable offense. Interesting...
                Yes I use a windowizer, but it does not affect my gameplay or the gameplay of others. Its banned because its much harder to run code with the game as it is. I dont cheat, so while I violate the word of the rules I dont violate the spirit of the rules.

                Besides, with all the issues my laptop has, its easier to run FFXI with the windower than without. I dont have to disable Messenger, Vana'Navi, internet radio and so-on.
                Ajido-Marujido: This is Tarutaru.
                We are Windurst.
                You are now our slave...

                Check out my RP journal at


                • #9
                  Re: Common decency

                  I had this quite a bit with my Mithra character. I haven't played her much in the past year and a half but before that I couldn't believe some of the things people said to me. XXX rated stuff! Most of them I handled with a couple /t's:

                  /t <idiot> Excuse me but do you have a grandmother?
                  /t <idiot> Can you imagine doing to your grandmother what you just did to me?
                  *heh...thats f'in gross....f no!*
                  /t <idiot> well I AM a grandmother so just imagine THAT!

                  That pretty much took care of most of them. Believe it or not there were still a couple that would say they didn't care and continue with some very XXX comments to which I /blist'd them.
                  Originally posted by Feba
                  But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                  Originally posted by DakAttack
                  ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                  • #10
                    Re: Common decency

                    I have run into quite a few in this game that thought it was cool to be outright vulgar. Although most were just fleeting encounters, I do recall one in particular that would have been banned instantly had I called a GM.

                    I scratch it up to them being kids who enjoy having a place to say such things where a parent/teacher can't overhear them.

                    I always get the last laugh, if only to myself, because they have no way of knowing they are saying such things to a woman who is (most likely) older than their own mother. Hehe!


                    • #11
                      Re: Common decency

                      I nearly die from Acid Spray and ask a mage for a cure, very politely. They cast Cure 1, laugh at me and warp out. What the hell is with that? I'm sure she had enough MP, it would defenately have been helpful. -_-;

                      Anyways, that's probably not as bad. But I'm starting to get sick of kids acting and talking the way they do, just because it's more annonymous online. Especially when they carry on and act selfish. Really starting to get annoying. >.<;

                      "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


                      • #12
                        Re: Common decency

                        Originally posted by TheGrandMom
                        /t <idiot> Excuse me but do you have a grandmother?
                        /t <idiot> Can you imagine doing to your grandmother what you just did to me?
                        *heh...thats f'in gross....f no!*
                        /t <idiot> well I AM a grandmother so just imagine THAT!
                        LMAO great throwback grandmom

                        I have had a few profanities thrown at me, I just RP into my character ( a Galka) and usually its some kid playing a taru or hume, in this case it was a hume, who came out with a comment.

                        "Your tails so big I bet you stick it up your ass for pleasure"

                        To which i reply.

                        "silence hume, you just proove how worthless your race is, we built this empire you reside in now get out of my sight before I crush your bones and feed you to a quadav (use Fume emote)."

                        There is always a pause after.... of which the person goes away. works every time for me. Mainly becasue you are not biting to their comment or showing that your shocked etc, they want to wind you up or shock you, if you don't react to that in the way they want you to, they get bored and go away (most of the time, if not its /blist).
                        Last edited by Jarre; 05-18-2006, 04:43 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Common decency

                          Although that is not vulgar, it is being a real jerk! Being a mage, I can tell you it's actually uncomfortable seeing someone with low HP. Or maybe that's just me.

                          No guarantee that was a kid, either. I have run into countless adults who would find such an act very amusing.

                          So much for the "We are all in this adventure together" mentality.


                          • #14
                            Re: Common decency

                            Originally posted by Omecle
                            I nearly die from Acid Spray and ask a mage for a cure, very politely. They cast Cure 1, laugh at me and warp out. What the hell is with that? I'm sure she had enough MP, it would defenately have been helpful. -_-;

                            Anyways, that's probably not as bad. But I'm starting to get sick of kids acting and talking the way they do, just because it's more annonymous online. Especially when they carry on and act selfish. Really starting to get annoying. >.<;
                            Aty least they cast cure on you, I was levelling drk yesterday in dangruf wadi and got poison breathed only to have a mage near I asked if he could poisona me, only to be told your too weak why should I f*****g help you, you faggot. Of course I died and dlvld. Only to have th whm look at me and laugh, I Hp'd and blisted.

                            I'm sure its a good idea to set a blist macro these days


                            • #15
                              Re: Common decency

                              Originally posted by Jarre
                              Aty least they cast cure on you, I was levelling drk yesterday in dangruf wadi and got poison breathed only to have a mage near I asked if he could poisona me, only to be told your too weak why should I f*****g help you, you faggot. Of course I died and dlvld. Only to have th whm look at me and laugh, I Hp'd and blisted.

                              I'm sure its a good idea to set a blist macro these days
                              Sometimes I wish we could just intern the vast majority of teenagers from age 15 to, say, 23. In my dream world, they would be taught proper manners by force. There would, of course, need to be some method to exempt those youngsters who are polite and intelligent, but their boorish fellows really need to rot behind some good old fashioned barbed wire.

