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Besieged Update, May 15th

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  • #31
    Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

    Self Destruct is a good guess.

    And no, Spike Flail doesn't hit for that kind of damage. I think the most I've seen is around 3500 damage on Spike Flail (and maybe 2000 for Dynamis Lord's Oblivion Smash).

    All I can say is that Entrancer must have had a lot of HP...



    • #32
      Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

      Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
      (and Balfree, please stop PMing me threats)
      I thought my name was Ballsfree, and my, didnt know you were so sensitive. Anyway, thanks for your insightfull remark. The moderator team doesnt need to be cool ,all it needs to do is moderate regular user posts and alas, people like you push certain boundaries that are nothing but small attemtps to get us, normal human beings, to look uncool and undesirable.

      And if all youre trying to do is stir trouble saying im threatening you, youre allowed to voice youre opinion, but dont expect to bash a member of a forum without consequences.

      Continue going off-topic and we will have to take measures again.
      Last edited by Balfree; 05-16-2006, 11:43 PM.
      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


      • #33
        Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

        Well, they'll probably turn Beseiged back to what it was originally after it dies off some. There's no reason to keep it this level when the popularity wears off, right? And they'll probably do what they did with Ballista, add EXP Bonuses for participating when it gets really dead (For this, raise IS/EXP amounts would be simple)

        If they have it lower it to one mob at a time, they will. If they have to kick people out of the area in order to keep it reasonable, they'd do that too.


        • #34
          Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

          The latest tweak that ports everyone randomly at the start seems to have helped the lag issue somewhat. It's at least possible to see people's HP dropping and attempt to save them now.



          • #35
            Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

            Okay, I was really looking forward to trying this, but now that I've seen how much {death} has come about due to the changes, I may just wait a few more levels. Like maybe 25 (lol). Of course, at the rate I'm going, that won't be until 2010.
            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
            ~I has a blog~~
            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


            • #36
              Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

              oh, yeah, that's one thing I noticed.

              When I went to Fan Fest, they had NPCs.. but they weren't Targetable, and didn't have names. Somewhat like unaggrod Chigoe, or like the Puppet NPC in Bastok.

              And now, they have white names, like players. Not even NPC names (and yes, Garrison Volunteers have Green Names)

              Double Post Edited:
              Don't worry about it, since you're a mage, just hang back and cure. Set HP in Al Zahbi before it happens, and you can just keep HPing, there's no EXP Loss.

              Just keep curing, and you'll help.
              Last edited by Feba; 05-17-2006, 12:13 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


              • #37
                Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

                Earlier today, I was playing, doing besieged and having a blast. I didn't die once, but man, it was now going on for practically half an hour. Well, I play on Xbox 360 now, and once before, I've had it freeze on me during Dynamis. So, here I am, in Al Zhabi... There are hundreds of people, near 700, as well as all of the monsters and pets in the area. I'm attacking a Lamia, and all of a sudden, bzzzzzzzz. Screen freeze. I scramble to restart the sullen console, I log back in, and I enter Al Zhabi to find the Besieged still on. After I rejoiced, I went to smash into the nearest monster I could find. Not long after, Besieged ended.

                I only got 124 EXP due to the freeze. Sigh. Curse my luck. Would be nice if the freezes were the result of something on SE's side so that that could be updated, but I find that hiiighly unlikely...
                guh :D


                • #38
                  Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

                  Even with the HP set in alzabi, if you respawn, youre gonna DC >_< atleast on ragnarok it has allways happened to me.
                  signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                  • #39
                    Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

                    I've only crashed once trying to zone in to Al Zahbi, and thats when the zone was at that 750 mark (which is speculatated @ zone server capacity). I've HP'd many many times during Besieged, and once even warped to teleport to jeuno to find myself face to face with a war wyvern (imagine my surprise, having just woke up).


                    • #40
                      Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

                      Reraise earrings are your friend.


                      • #41
                        Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

                        I agree with they went overboard on the difficulty.
                        I disagree. I think the new difficulty level is perfect, and Beseiged is a lot of fun now because of it.

                        Before the update, Beseiged was a complete joke. With 400+ people defending the town, the mobs would literally fall over dead as soon as they spawned. It was a huge disappointment for all the people who had waited around for hours to try Beseiged.
                        All Nations: Rank 10
                        Rise of the Zilart: Complete
                        Chains of Promathia: Complete
                        75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

                        What to level next? (DRK!)


                        • #42
                          Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

                          Triple back-to-back-to-back lvl 5 Besieged on Ramuh monday XD was insane. had undead->trolls->mamool ja invade one right after another. only the mamool ja made it close to the astral candewatchamacalit and they were promptly eaten by about 150 people+random immortals generals and volunteers.

                          only thing i dont like about this new besieged is the fact that ur placed so far away from the fight so you gotta run all the way back to fight things. the difficulty makes it awesome so you cant just manaburn it (like the past besieged) but gotta just jump on them and kill them with like 50 other people.

                          now if they increased the difficulty to like lvl 10 mobs, then it would be insane and massive pwnage fest on the players.
                          75PLD 62BST 45SMN
                          Windurst Rank 10 San d'Oria Rank 6
                          CoP5-1 ZM14 ToAU8


                          • #43
                            Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

                            Opinion on the new 'random position update': At first I was rather miffed. I am in an alliance for a reason! Why separate us! Then yesterday, I was placed in the area of General Rughadjeen and was too lazy to run around looking for my friends so I just stayed put. Lo and behold... not very many minutes later came a 'lone' Mamool... Of course everything in the area jumped on it. And since there was only 1 we hardly had any problems at all.

                            2nd wave was 2 more mamools, then all of a sudden the gates broke down! It was so cool to watch as this WAVE of 5/6 War Wyverns just rampaged through whacking everything in their path. Needless to say many deaths happen then. But our back line defense (what I'd like to call my current favorite spot!) recovered, people began flooding in from other areas to help defend and bottle neck the Mamools from going up the stairs or breaking down the gates to the Halls of Binding.

                            It was just neat!! I will no longer complain about random placement because up till yesterday all I ever did was run to the bastion and stick around there, get aoe, die, reraise, die, aoe, die, reraise, die, hp, run back lol.... but Yesterday I was able to experience a whole nother side of besieged! So all the different areas provide different styles of battles, cramped areas, wide open spaces, bottle neck zones etc. Think of it like a war zone!

                            The fight is still a fight regardless of where you stand and being around a General helps out a lot since all his Immortals are awesome >.>;;; we started out with maybe 10-15 PCs in the area the rest were all npcs and we still won the first two waves.

                            I'm excited for besiege more and more! Hades has not lost a single besieged yet and I have to say everytime the message says the beastman have retreated, its quite a joy!
                            TaruPrime Powah!
                            Chocobo Raising Diary:


                            • #44
                              Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

                              I agree with sdillon; the random teleportation effect is brilliant. It scatters players and makes us react to battle conditions and really communicate with each other - often with complete strangers, in order to hold our defensive lines. I especially like the positive effect it has when you see people helping each other out even though they've never met and don't even speak the same language.



                              • #45
                                Re: Besieged Update, May 15th

                                I agree as well. It's totally awesome now that strat comes into play more and more. It's like a real war, with the generals issuing orders and tactics like flanking an enemy for positioning becomes more important. Not this haphazard Dynamis version 3.0 style of just ... trying to slag your way through everything.

                                And yah, Hades rawk Both JP and EN players are supportive of each other and the EU are gung-ho crazy players not afraid to set the charge and pace of the fights. Also, Icemage, players do go outside to incercept the incoming, but even so, the lag is just thick no matter what you're doing. Either SE needs to implement an option to tone down the graphics in local area (Like in WOW for World PvP hotspots) or redo their prioritizing list of what should appear and shouldn't (I'm fully aware that terrain does play an important part, but so far, it's not that big of a deal as of yet)

