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Anyone falling under the zone often?

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  • #16
    Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

    my cooking mule is a Galka so... >.> proably not.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #17
      Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

      Originally posted by Jei
      My laptop is pretty laggy when it comes to FFXI.

      The spot I fall through the ground all the time is right in front of cooking guild. Often when I get image supports and run back outside, I will get lag spikes right in front of the door and the next thing I see is im under the guild.. down in the water. This happenned at least 5 times to me. I avoid any synth I need cooking support like a plague -.-

      Just right now, I got a PT calling me to Kazham. I left the air ship docks, running to the moogle and fell through the wooden floor >.> I'm now stuck waiting for GM help.
      The only place I've ever had it happen was going into the bone workers guild in windy. I was just walking up the ramp into the guild and I fell through it. I had to wiggle about for a bit to get out. Its only happened the once though.


      • #18
        Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

        Well, it would be a client side issue (esp with the servers being stable now). plus, what's the specs of your laptop? A regcleaner won't make a big difference (unless there's ALOT of left overs hanging around >.>)


        • #19
          Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

          I fell below the bridge to Ensasa's Catalysts in Windy Waters once. I took pictures and put it up for people to see.

          Then later, I fell under the bridge north of the fountain in Windy Woods. Didn't take pics of that, though. Couldn't go anywhere cool.

          Nothing like that has happened since I replaced a broken fan in my laptop.

          i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
          I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


          • #20
            Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

            Originally posted by Jei
            my cooking mule is a Galka so... >.> proably not.
            Your cooking mule goes to Kazham? LOL ... I've known 2 tarutarus that fallen there and that person I've been talking about (exploiting holes everywhere in this game, apparently) is also a tarutaru ...

            That thing with the cooking guild ... not sure. I've NEVER heard of anyone falling there. You must have all the luck in the world to find *that* hole.


            • #21
              Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

              As far as falling through a zone model with a bridge like structure the chances of falling through changes depending on your character model. This game is HEAVILY dependant on the systems GPUs (Graphic Processing Unit), the results the CPU get back from the GPU it uses to determine were the model should be.

              Problems like that happen with Taru's more simply because they are a smaller model and faster to load, so it takes a lot less amount of lag from the GPUs/CPU to cause a problem. If a model like a Galka falls through a bridge or something of the like that requires the GPUs/CPU of the system to be quite severly impacted for it to occure.

              Then of course you have to realize the game was designed to the PS2 first and how the PS2 handles the data is a little bit different then the PC (Meaning how it does OOO, GPUs work with the CPU, Memory, etc..), proof of this difference is apparent when a PC player tries to reach certain areas of a map by pushing against certain walls. On PC you have certain areas were you can reach that the PS2 can not, example would be the glitches on the airship. In turn though the PS2 also has areas that the PC can not reach, example would be out in the ocean on Valkurm Dunes.

              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


              • #22
                Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

                I also fell through the floor in front of the cooking guild in Windy waters once. Also took a trip through the waters like you did Haggai. Another place I fell through was in front of the Fishing guild in Port Windy. This happend the second day or so of me playing FFXI, I didn't have no warp or anything so I called a GM who freed me.


                • #23
                  Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

                  Weirdest lag glitch I've experiance, and maybe the only one, was way back farming paper for G1. We had a bad pull ("what's blood aggro?") and we were all running to the zone. Right as I got to the zone the game lagged and I went past the zone line. I started panicing as the rest of the Alliance zoned and I kept going up the stairs (which just stop a few feet later). The skellies didn't continue past the zone line, but it still scarred the crap out of me because I had no idea what happened.

                  PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                  • #24
                    Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

                    Originally posted by Gobo
                    Weirdest lag glitch I've experiance, and maybe the only one, was way back farming paper for G1. We had a bad pull ("what's blood aggro?") and we were all running to the zone. Right as I got to the zone the game lagged and I went past the zone line. I started panicing as the rest of the Alliance zoned and I kept going up the stairs (which just stop a few feet later). The skellies didn't continue past the zone line, but it still scarred the crap out of me because I had no idea what happened.
                    Ya I get that from time to time. It makes me laugh now, looking out into oblivion where the world ends.
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • #25
                      Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

                      Originally posted by Gobo
                      Weirdest lag glitch I've experiance, and maybe the only one, was way back farming paper for G1. We had a bad pull ("what's blood aggro?") and we were all running to the zone. Right as I got to the zone the game lagged and I went past the zone line. I started panicing as the rest of the Alliance zoned and I kept going up the stairs (which just stop a few feet later). The skellies didn't continue past the zone line, but it still scarred the crap out of me because I had no idea what happened.
                      They call it a zone line on purpose, imagine an invisible maybe 20 pixels wide wall once your character model runs into it triggers the event. Again with the GPUs and the CPU lags the GPUs can actually process your model getting past that zone tigger 'wall' without the CPU catching it causing the zone event to never happen. Yeah as far as the skeletons not continuing past, I would say you had to be lucky they must not of had aggro on you.

                      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                      • #26
                        Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

                        OK I get this alot. I've fallen through areas at Port Windurst by the newb armor boats, and at Kazham more than once.
                        I notice it the most when I'm /follow-ing someone else and lag (while they keep going normal), but I've had it happen sort of "normally"...
                        Call gm and wait is all I've ever come up with for a solution


                        • #27
                          Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

                          Originally posted by sulci
                          OK I get this alot. I've fallen through areas at Port Windurst by the newb armor boats, and at Kazham more than once.
                          I notice it the most when I'm /follow-ing someone else and lag (while they keep going normal), but I've had it happen sort of "normally"...
                          Call gm and wait is all I've ever come up with for a solution
                          Either bad graphic card or bad CPU. That or your system is seriously lagged with to much work to do that it can't handle the game as it should.

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #28
                            Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

                            I guess the two taru kid npcs outside the cooking guild have messed up computers as well then, cause I have sat outside the cooking guild crafting, and have watched them fall through the floor several times. lol
                            They don't get stuck or anything, they just fall through, keep running, and eventually they end up back on top of the dock thingy. Maybe the cooking guild has set up a random boobytrap for anyone who runs by, pc and npc alike.


                            • #29
                              Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

                              I've played the game over a year on the PS2 and haven't fall though any floor, yet.


                              • #30
                                Re: Anyone falling under the zone often?

                                the taru running around the cooking guild often runs sinks through the ramp and back up... for me
                                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                                - Pablo Picasso

