Re: Finally! /hurray
My husband picked me up the brady guide when the second version came out and I can honestly say, some of it is nice to have. I like having the quick reference to what spells are learned when for what jobs so I can plan out what scrolls to buy (though I often have to go with one of the online guides to figure out who has the best deal on the scrolls) and I loved it for lower level, quick reference crafting information. But we are now two expansions past where the Brady Guide leaves off and hundreds of updates away from it. Even the information I found useful way back when is pretty out of date these days.
Though for the most part, as everyone else has already pointed out, the online references are a much better way to go. This game changes so much that a published in book form type guide is just going to go out of date before it even hits the shelves.
And yeah, I picked up the atlas hoping for some nice artwork as well and was just as disappointed. After being delayed for months and months, they didn't even bother to put in the cop areas.
My husband picked me up the brady guide when the second version came out and I can honestly say, some of it is nice to have. I like having the quick reference to what spells are learned when for what jobs so I can plan out what scrolls to buy (though I often have to go with one of the online guides to figure out who has the best deal on the scrolls) and I loved it for lower level, quick reference crafting information. But we are now two expansions past where the Brady Guide leaves off and hundreds of updates away from it. Even the information I found useful way back when is pretty out of date these days.
Though for the most part, as everyone else has already pointed out, the online references are a much better way to go. This game changes so much that a published in book form type guide is just going to go out of date before it even hits the shelves.
And yeah, I picked up the atlas hoping for some nice artwork as well and was just as disappointed. After being delayed for months and months, they didn't even bother to put in the cop areas.