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Something Nice

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  • #16
    Re: Something Nice

    @ Hitori
    and the person being chased runs to us as if we can save him.
    Isn't that what you're supposed to do with a PT member?
    Save them?


    |Alchemy: 3|Cooking: 3|Smithing: 1|Fishing: 1|


    • #17
      Re: Something Nice

      Sure, if you CAN. At the time, it was a level 14 party, hardly a match for a gob without a tank and a WHM. You aren't really saving anyone by running to their aid promising to be able to save them, dying, and they end up dying too because they were relying on you to save them. ^_^;;


      • #18
        Re: Something Nice

        Isn't that what you're supposed to do with a PT member?
        Save them?
        I think he's talking about aggro you have no chance of beating. For instance, a party of 13-14s that aggros a Goblin Leecher, or a Bogy. No hope of beating those.

        When that happens... screw the people that say "lol we kan take it!11", I'm hauling ass. In those situations, my motto is "You don't have to outrun the monster, you just have to outrun the slowest member in your party"

        Then, of course, after the stragglers wipe, you get the idiot that says "OMG we coulda won if u didnt zone!1!1"


        • #19
          Re: Something Nice

          I'm a SHE and we're discussing the nice things you do for other players, not how you survive a surprise attack by depending on someone elses downfall. Although I was trying to explain to him that there's no point in taking on something to save a party member, knowing that everyone is going to die in the process (including the member you were trying to save), the rest of it wasn't what I was trying to say. Cruel...(but realistic).

          See, when you and your party is outmatched, the person with the aggro should zone instead of selfishly relying on your party to save you knowing they can't, their actions kill EVERYONE. That's why I said what I said about them coming to the party being chased by a mob that's too strong.

          Okay, now that that has been clarified... ^_^;;


          • #20
            Re: Something Nice

            I usually make it a point to help anyone who runs by or something, but if I have absolutely no chance of living...

            I'll voke and run for the zone XD!!!
            SUICHI IS DEAD.


            • #21
              Re: Something Nice

              I joined a party today^^ We weren't getting more exp than we would solo (we're under level 10), but it was still fun. I took a kill for someone, but I didn't mind.

              Reply to Random Question:
              For some reason when I push "Print Screen" it doesn't save, the manual says that's the snapshot button. It also says ctrl + [ does it, so I tried that and it still doesn't save.. weird.


              • #22
                Re: Something Nice

                I try to do helpful things most of the time, as my main job is WHM. Toss a few cure spells here and there, a protect and shell, and even get off my choco if i see someone who needs a raise.


                • #23
                  Re: Something Nice

                  You must clear the screen before you can take screenshots. To clear the screen, press Scroll Lock first.

                  In order to take screenshots that will allow you to show chat logs and such, you need to use another program like Fraps to do it.


                  • #24
                    Re: Something Nice

                    Originally posted by Fynlar
                    You must clear the screen before you can take screenshots. To clear the screen, press Scroll Lock first.

                    In order to take screenshots that will allow you to show chat logs and such, you need to use another program like Fraps to do it.
                    Piece of---

                    thanks =P Luckily someone told me or I'd be like "WHY WON'T IT WORK?!:@". I have fraps I think, I got it before WAYYY back when I played MS in like.. October?

                    Edit/Another Random Questions:
                    Okay um.. Oh yeah, I read something about people having parties and stuff. Just so I'm not spamming other topics, are these "parties" hosted by GMs or just a bunch of friends?


                    • #25
                      Re: Something Nice

                      I do nice things for people on occasion... but if I remember you for doing something mean to me or someone I know, don't expect my help. Other than that I do what I can. Anytime I see someone call for help on something I try my hardest to save them when possible. When I know I'll die, I might cure bomb em from as far away from the mob as I can, then haul ass.


                      • #26
                        Re: Something Nice

                        Not much different from everyone else, the usual drive-by healings.

                        Oh, and once, I gave away an Aspis to a Hume WAR who was nearing the level where you can equip it. Not much, but, meh, every little bit helps.


                        • #27
                          Re: Something Nice

                          party = PT lol.

                          a group of adventurers, brought together for kicking the crap out of Crabs/Beetles/Bats for hours on end.


                          • #28
                            Re: Something Nice

                            Originally posted by Jekk
                            Edit/Another Random Questions:
                            Okay um.. Oh yeah, I read something about people having parties and stuff. Just so I'm not spamming other topics, are these "parties" hosted by GMs or just a bunch of friends?
                            Are you talking about parties in the "let's do this thing together like gain XP or do a mission", or parties as in like food/cake/etc? In the new ToAU expansion city there is a "restaurant" of sorts that you can reserve for a private party. Put in the reservation, pay your money, and get invitations that you can give to other players that will get them in the door at the appointed time. The game will provide food and drink while inside the restaurant, but aside from that I don't know how it works.



                            • #29
                              Re: Something Nice

                              Originally posted by Icemage
                              Are you talking about parties in the "let's do this thing together like gain XP or do a mission", or parties as in like food/cake/etc? In the new ToAU expansion city there is a "restaurant" of sorts that you can reserve for a private party. Put in the reservation, pay your money, and get invitations that you can give to other players that will get them in the door at the appointed time. The game will provide food and drink while inside the restaurant, but aside from that I don't know how it works.

                              I meant as in cake parties =P I know about partying with people, I talked about it earlier I think.

                              I found a fire place by a tower earlier today, I think people would hang out there when bored of training. It seemed peaceful.

