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Something Nice

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  • Something Nice

    I was training earlier, with the all powerful... bumblebee (I can kill them easily, but I was too lazy to fight stronger things).

    I saw a guy run by me, and close behind him was a... um.. (please don't flame me for forgetting the name) a half eagle half human chasing him. I felt bad for him, I know if I was running from a monster I'd want help, so I chased after the monster and clicked "attack". It took a few seconds, but I finally got close enough to hurt it, and it started to attack me (I also used Provoke, I think that helped). I actually killed it, which was cool since I only killed it once before from luck (it kept missing). I didn't even realize the guy running was still running, even after I attacked the monster. Maybe he thought he ran too far from it or something.

    So the point of this thread is, has anyone here done something just to be nice and help someone?

    Random Question:
    Where do screenshots save on PC? I checked both "Screenshots" folders but nothing was saved (I've taken like 10 pictures).

  • #2
    Re: Something Nice

    Occasionally at the cost of my own foolish life.

    Most of the time when I'm running through lower level areas where people solo, I'll check health bars as I go by and watch people who are low to make sure they can finish the fight on their own. When they win, I'll toss them a big cure so they have a little less downtime and give them the highest level Protect that'll last significantly long on them.

    It always made me feel good when I was a newbie and some nice passerby would save me from certain death like that and speed along my leveling, so I try to do the same for everyone I come across.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: Something Nice

      I'll probably help people a lot when I'm at a stronger level... which will take a long time >.<


      • #4
        Re: Something Nice

        Originally posted by Jekk
        I was training earlier, with the all powerful... bumblebee (I can kill them easily, but I was too lazy to fight stronger things).

        I saw a guy run by me, and close behind him was a... um.. (please don't flame me for forgetting the name) a half eagle half human chasing him.
        Yagudo, welcome to Windurst.

        Originally posted by Jekk
        I felt bad for him, I know if I was running from a monster I'd want help, so I chased after the monster and clicked "attack". It took a few seconds, but I finally got close enough to hurt it, and it started to attack me (I also used Provoke, I think that helped). I actually killed it, which was cool since I only killed it once before from luck (it kept missing). I didn't even realize the guy running was still running, even after I attacked the monster. Maybe he thought he ran too far from it or something.

        So the point of this thread is, has anyone here done something just to be nice and help someone?
        Drive by healings, escorts from here to there, tips one making gil (Start fishing), rescuing parties. It's nice to show off

        Originally posted by Jekk
        Random Question:
        Where do screenshots save on PC? I checked both "Screenshots" folders but nothing was saved (I've taken like 10 pictures).
        C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\PlayOnlineViewer\pub\homeXX\open\ScreenShots\FinalFantasyXI

        For me HomeXX is Home01, but there is a Home00 as well, but they will be somewhere there.
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • #5
          Re: Something Nice

          I love showing off to wiped newbie parties with Chainspell Raise Raise Raise Raise Convert Cure IV Raise Raise. They're all stunned to be on their feet in seconds.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: Something Nice

            I do drive-by healings all the time when I'm on my mage jobs (and since all my jobs are mage jobs except for Thief, that's 99.9% of the time ). The only exceptions I make are when I'm in a terrible rush to get somewhere, such as trying to catch a ferry or airship, or I have a friend that's in need of immediate assistance.

            It costs me nothing, and gives someone a good feeling, so why not?



            • #7
              Re: Something Nice

              I think you'll find the majority of players will help out ppl in need. I've help walkthrough/escort rank missions, thrown the "hey he really needs a cure..." out and a few other things. The one thats probably tops in my feel good list was equipping a new (really new, not a mule) player by outfitting him with better gear. Everyone has died due to a bad pull, and anyone who can and is there will usually save you if they notice.



              • #8
                Re: Something Nice

                I just switched over to RDM a few hours ago...
                And, I saw this low level WAR fighting a Scarab Beetle...
                It was sad...Because I knew he wouldn't be able to kill it...
                Regardless of that which I knew...I proceeded to stick by him and cast Cure a few times.
                Being a lowlevel, myself, in RDM...It's all I had...

                I eventually ran out of MP...And the fellow died...

                Then the Beetle came over to me...
                And, I killed it with a few hits...

                I felt bad for stealing the guy's XP...
                But...nothing that could be done, right?

                That's one reason I wish Potions didn't cost an arm and a leg...
                It would be very helpful even if they costed a few hundred less than they do now...

                |Alchemy: 3|Cooking: 3|Smithing: 1|Fishing: 1|


                • #9
                  Re: Something Nice

                  I saw a guy run by me, and close behind him was a... um.. (please don't flame me for forgetting the name) a half eagle half human chasing him. I felt bad for him, I know if I was running from a monster I'd want help, so I chased after the monster and clicked "attack". It took a few seconds, but I finally got close enough to hurt it, and it started to attack me (I also used Provoke, I think that helped). I actually killed it, which was cool since I only killed it once before from luck (it kept missing). I didn't even realize the guy running was still running, even after I attacked the monster. Maybe he thought he ran too far from it or something.
                  Nice job, you're already showing one of the makings of a good WAR/tank.

                  One of the most important lessons you learn real quick in this game is:

                  "Even if you think you've lost the mob tailing you, never stop running"

                  So yeah, that guy might not have even noticed that you pulled it off. But give yourself a pat on the back for it anyway; many times you'll encounter the guy running from something and the mob tailing him remains out of range of all your attacks and Provokes, you call at the guy to stop running so you can save him, he doesn't listen... yadda yadda.

                  So the point of this thread is, has anyone here done something just to be nice and help someone?
                  All the time; it's why I took up mage jobs.

                  I started the game as WHM and got it to 56 for Raise 2.
                  After that, RDM became my main job and I've taken that to 75.
                  In the process of that I finished leveling my BLM sub to 37, but I decided to take BLM a step further to 40 just so I'd be able to cast Warp 2 with it.


                  • #10
                    Re: Something Nice

                    If potions were too cheap and plentiful, no one would invite healers.

                    Part of the mechanics built into FFXI is that, after around level 10, you really need other players to accomplish your goals - solo is incredibly slow, incredibly painful, and incredibly frustrating if you die. Even Beastmasters, the most independent job in the game, still benefit greatly when they come together and form parties.

                    For low-grade regeneration, Selbina Milk is a useful asset. It's a stackable drink (x12), is very inexpensive (~55-60 gil per if you get it from the vendor), and is readily available from the town of Selbina, or from the Zulkheim regional vendor (who will appear in whatever city currently controls that region in Conquest). It adds 1HP every 3 seconds for 60 seconds, and is extremely useful at low levels for faster recovery, iffy fights, and countering the damage effects of Poison, Dia, and Bio.



                    • #11
                      Re: Something Nice

                      I felt bad for stealing the guy's XP...
                      But...nothing that could be done, right?
                      It's not like he would have gotten the EXP without your help. It was never his to begin with. Think of it as a reward for making a valiant attempt to help someone, even if it wasn't successful XD


                      • #12
                        Re: Something Nice

                        I know about Selbina Milk...
                        But, the Merchant that sells it in San d'Oria is never able to sell stuff...

                        |Alchemy: 3|Cooking: 3|Smithing: 1|Fishing: 1|


                        • #13
                          Re: Something Nice

                          Random heals to people that need it, sometimes to competing parties when we have down time. When I play WAR I also sometimes provoke to take the hate. Good old Dunes flash backs. Someone was about to die, voke the mob, run like hell to the zone point with health in the single digits, good stuff.
                          Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


                          • #14
                            Re: Something Nice

                            When I'm in the dunes and have the misfortune of partying with...not so bright people, often at least ONE person is chased by a goblin. The party still doesn't have a tank or a whm yet and the person being chased runs to us as if we can save him. -.- So, being a BLM with Bind, I always feel the need to at least try to bind it so we can all get away alive, especially when we're all on the verge of death after being hit with a bomb toss.

                            Bind very rarely works on those stubborn I.T. Gobs and I end up taking the aggro and sacrificing myself for everyone else. Everytime I do, no one else dies, so my sacrifice is never in vain. Usually, the bummer of it all is seeing how "grateful" some of them are. But at least I did something nice for someone else, even if all of them aren't grateful and even if I did level down. Regardless, that one thank you I may get is always great to hear and even if I don't get one, I'm always happy to do something kind for someone else. ^_^


                            • #15
                              Re: Something Nice

                              Yes, I try to do the same with EP and worth nothing for people in trouble. Many times, though, I can't get to the monster and cast a spell on him in time. (As a mage, I don't have voke.)

                              I know what it is like to die and don't wish it on my worse enemy.

                              I'll cure, protect, shell, etc., people who need it as I travel around Vana'diel. Even though my skills are Blue, I still do this to help my fellow adventurer.


