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Is life worth waiting for?

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  • #31
    Re: Is life worth waiting for?

    Originally posted by Balfree
    not that i havent played for 8 hours straight on weekends, but i get incredibly burn out and end up not playing for a while, it happens when theres really nothing else to do
    Yea, you, but a lot of people are worse than you are. And not so many fishing-addicted people, not as bad. But videogames always are like that, as time goes slower on a PC.

    War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


    • #32
      Re: Is life worth waiting for?

      I think it would be fun but then I'd want to move my MH to Carpenters' Landing to get away from the hustle and bustle of the cities. Then again, I'd probably get no time to go help get rid of the mob problem in the world since the galka(hubby) and tarus(kids) can't fend for themselves without making a huge mess. Then there's the fact they have no skill in cooking and they keep forgetting to raise their skills for when I'm not around... Maybe I'll stay on Earth after all and just take solo vacations to Vana D.


      • #33
        Re: Is life worth waiting for?

        Originally posted by Aelathir
        This game is just a hobby for me. I mean, I love playing it, but I'm perfectly happy with the separation of real life and game life.

        That said, I've read some books where I've almost wanted to be in them or know the characters, so I can relate to a certain extent.

        Bottom line, I like my life. It's far from perfect, but every small reward here is better than the biggest and most rare reward in Vana'diel.
        Very well said.

        And, for me...
        If not for many, many seperate reasons.
        I wouldn't leave this world for my girlfriend.
        And, that may sound corny, or cheesy, or whatever...
        But, if anyone here is truly in love with the person they are with...
        Then, they understand where I'm coming from when I say that.

        |Alchemy: 3|Cooking: 3|Smithing: 1|Fishing: 1|


        • #34
          Re: Is life worth waiting for?

          Originally posted by Balfree
          Ugh, i cant play for more than 2-3 hours because of a full time job.

          It's infact surreal to me how people can play more than 5 hours straight, funny story, just yesterday i was having an argument with my best ingame friend who plays all fucking day and was sent to the hospital with a nervous break down, the doctor told him to sleep, alot, and something came over me to yell at him o.o;
          same here normally 2 hours on average at most, though then being a retained firefighter I can get paged and have to attend quickly (Thank god for the logout option now on the PC version since last update) I still havn't got a charcter to 30 (only 2000xp from it) but have 3 jobs in the 20's and 2 others following, plus crafting I am lvling alot.

          Its frustrating getting a party yes, but hey I'm still enjoying the game.

          Originally posted by Asir
          Then again, I'd probably get no time to go help get rid of the mob problem in the world since the galka(hubby) and tarus(kids) can't fend for themselves without making a huge mess.
          Hmmm I am getting a bad picture in my head galka and taru...... Like Alsation and chiwawa....

          Originally posted by Serryl
          Very well said.

          And, for me...
          If not for many, many seperate reasons.
          I wouldn't leave this world for my girlfriend.
          And, that may sound corny, or cheesy, or whatever...
          But, if anyone here is truly in love with the person they are with...
          Then, they understand where I'm coming from when I say that.
          Yes I know where your coming from I wouldn't leave my GF whatsoever. she a great strength in my life, also my firefighting job and the crew who are my brothers.
          Last edited by Jarre; 05-09-2006, 08:16 AM.


          • #35
            Re: Is life worth waiting for?

            I would love to but I have yet to find the damn bathroom in any of the major cities.............I would expload!
            "I am the Flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon You."

            -Genghis Khan



            50 BRD (Main)
            30 WHM
            27 DRK
            22 SAM
            20 WAR
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            15 THF
            10 BST


            • #36
              Re: Is life worth waiting for?

              Originally posted by Aniclator
              I would love to but I have yet to find the damn bathroom in any of the major cities.............I would expload!
              Buy a water pail in your mog house and put a Tarutura screen in front and whala... Instant private comode (don't foget to blindfold you mog, you know how much they gossip!!)

              Just don't listen when your mog complains about ahving to empty it!


              • #37
                Re: Is life worth waiting for?

                Nope =/ I don't think I've ever wished to be in a fantasy world.

                I have wished that they could make a virtual game like .hack though <_<


                • #38
                  Re: Is life worth waiting for?

                  The fact that you don't have to earn or do anything to stay alive or uphold your standard of living in Vana'diel is a major pro in my books, however, Vana'diel is also way too violent. I mean, just imagine yourself walking somewhere in the wilderness and then some damn beastman or one of the countless dangerous animals comes and rips you a new one. Not good.

                  Another big problem with Vana'diel is that it's a medieval fantasy world, which means the state of personal hygiene must be terrible. There are no real toilets or toilet paper and I bet showers and soap are only for royalty and nobles. I don't think I could live without those...

                  Magic would be absolutely awesome, though. Perhaps if magic could be used to mimic many modern day commodities I could consider changing worlds.


                  • #39
                    Re: Is life worth waiting for?

                    /ma Aquaveil Lago
                    /ma Deodorize Lago

                    Done. ^^
                    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                    • #40
                      Re: Is life worth waiting for?

                      Im not sure its so much mid evil seeing as they have huge flying boats guns a huge tower/city and other none mid-evil stuff im sure they have good hygiene

                      Which FF Character Are You?

                      And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


                      • #41
                        Re: Is life worth waiting for?

                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        /ma Aquaveil Lago
                        /ma Deodorize Lago

                        Done. ^^

                        I wouldn't trade my life for nothing. I'm about to graduate High school, have a loving family, and friends I wouldn't trade for magic or high adventure.

                        Unless I can take all this with me...which I doubt.

                        Take The Quiz Yourself!


                        • #42
                          Re: Is life worth waiting for?

                          RL is a piece of crap, give me FFXI anyday.


                          • #43
                            Re: Is life worth waiting for?

                            I think or I see Vanadiel as my "alternate reality" I think that most of us, here in FFXI have something in common. I sometimes think, how absurd it is for all of us that fight and disagree at times over somethingt that we all LOVE and have been attached to for at leat more than 1 year. But then again, it is in the HUMAN nature to fight and disagree. It has been that way since before civilized times. Nothing we can really do about it.

                            FFXI, unlike other hobbies or other addictions offers you so much at a very affordable prize and with easy access. We get to be who we wish we were, or who we would want to be. I am sure MOST OF US here like things like Harry potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Indiana Jones etc. Because we are ALIKE, wether we want to accept it or not. Wether some of us are rich, poor, fat , tall, pimps, geeks etc.. you name it... we all share in here a common interestest, that is what defines us, that is what bonds us and that is what makes us all... friends and related.

                            Why do I play this game? Well it is pretty simple for me. In here, I am judged by who I truly am. What you guys see, in this particular case, are words, and my name, there is not an image or a RL interaction, so people have learned to like or dislike me for who I am. Darkhound is liked or disliked for what I have chosen him to be. my other self or who i wish I were.... that is what Vanadiel offers me. A place to meet people from all over the world, see their points of view, see their thoughts, their ideas, and share with them my own. I love Vanadiel, but If I want to keep living on in vanadiel, I need to keep my job, be healthy, and live a life. We cannot let ourselves get too much into the game. Becuaes sooner or later, Vanadiel will shut down, and all that will be left, will be memories of all of us... who made this experience so unique, pure and rich. We will tell tales of LAGO, of Darkhound, of Acraus, or Aeny and many more. We will remember this world as our dream come true, where we had no limits, where we casted magic, where we were what our dreams dictated. There will be a day, where the warmth of a fireplace in Ronfaure will be nothing but a memory, where the crowds of Jeuno will be lost in nothingness, where the creepy, yet loving scene of castble zavhal will be forever gone. I am affraid of that day, I truly am, i love vanadiel but vanadiel like life itself is not eternal, it but a mere blink of time and we cannot get too atached to something that will be ofre in less than a decade.

                            Life is only lived ONCE, and we must make out the best of us. All of you, within your possibilities. I wish there were a world like Vanadiel, wich I would have been born to and grow up.... that my friends is a fantasy... our FINAL Fantasy



                            • #44
                              Re: Is life worth waiting for?

                              This topic is very intresting seeing what other people think. I got one question are their gil sellers in this Vana Diel :|


                              • #45
                                Re: Is life worth waiting for?

                                Yes i would in a second. The thought of being in a world of magic and wonder. where i am a hero and can help people using whatever powers i posess. going out and picking on bunnys lol. if vana'diel was real i would soooo be submiting a change of address at my post office.
                                Thanks to Kazuki for the amazing sig pic ^^

