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  • #46
    Re: Pronounciation?

    Originally posted by Atma
    I'm surprised no one's mentioned Qufim Island heh.

    I generally just look at the katakana for the name and go by that heh.
    Do you know a good resource for reading the kana names of most of the zones in the game. I used this method when trying to figure out some of the new zones by comparing their names and the English and Japanese sites. A full list of ingame names as they appear in the JP version would be phenominal as me and my wife both play and constantly are using terms outloud.

    We've done a lot of research into pronuncion of names that seem to have obvious basis on other languages such as pretty much everything in and around Sandy seeming to be based in French.

    We're constantly trying to correct ourselves on bad habits but some things there's no way to really know without looking at the kana. A good example for us is Selbina.

    sel - bēna or sel - bīna

    This would be easily fixed by reading the kana where there can be no question about the pronunciation basically.
    A Day in the Life of a Taru


    • #47
      Re: Pronounciation?

      hm, Kana is an interesting idea.

      Anyway, "Kwei Fum"

      Almost like 'queef', but with an I sound, not an E.

      Excuse the obscenity >_>;


      • #48
        Re: Pronounciation?

        Ellipses on Fenrir
        There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
        . . .


        • #49
          Re: Pronounciation?

          Qufim -> Kifim.

          I know it's likely wrong.

          How about the following?

          Kuzotz (Ku - zawtz)
          Elshimo (Elsh I mo)
          Valdeaunia (Vall doe ne ah)
          Fauregandi (For-e-gan-d)


          • #50
            Re: Pronounciation?

            Coo Zotz
            Elsh E Moe
            Vhal Do Knee Ahh
            Fair Guan Dee


            • #51
              Re: Pronounciation?

              I unfortunately don't know of a comprehensive site, however you can always go to the japanese version of mysterytour or whatnot.


              • #52
                Re: Pronounciation?

                Originally posted by Feba
                Now....MHAURA. Someone Pronounce that! I just sort of mumble something like 'moorah'.
                Well if it's intended to be Gaelic-alike (as in Irish/Scottish), then the "mh" is pronounced like a "v", so something like "voh-ra". If not, I'd say the h is silent, so more like "moh-ra" (which is what I use).

                Oh, and Bastok is pronounced "grey hell hole". Windurst (pronounced like Kirsten Durst ^^) for the win. We don't mention the land of the elves in polite company.
                Author of POLUtils (with forums here).


                • #53
                  Re: Pronounciation?

                  Originally posted by Pebbles
                  Oh, and Bastok is pronounced "grey hell hole". Windurst (pronounced like Kirsten Durst ^^) for the win. We don't mention the land of the elves in polite company.
                  Lol! Yes!

                  As for my pronouncitatin of zone names, I feel I say them pretty accuratly. Most FFXI names stem from French, Latin, or Chinese. So, all you really need to know is the basics of those languages to really properly pronounce the zone names. (However, I'm a language major, so it's prooobbbablyyy easier for me. ;o)

                  Oh, and about Mhaura, I have no idea what's up with that zone name. Personally, I just say, "M-har-a."
                  Last edited by Etra; 05-08-2006, 04:15 PM.


                  • #54
                    Re: Pronounciation?

                    Originally posted by Atma
                    I unfortunately don't know of a comprehensive site, however you can always go to the japanese version of mysterytour or whatnot.
                    oooh that's a good idea. If I get bored some time I'll post some of my findings.
                    A Day in the Life of a Taru


                    • #55
                      Re: Pronounciation?

                      Qufim swings wildly in my head between Key-fm (sort of like fum with a very short u) and Quiff-im.

                      Also, I have a mule called Niamh, which is pronounced Neeve and gets me a lot of /checks .
                      I have heard that those who celebrate life
                      walk safely amongst the wild animals.
                      When they go into battle, they remain unharmed,
                      the animals find no place to attack them
                      and weapons are unable to harm them.
                      Why? Because they find no place for death in them.


                      • #56
                        Re: Pronounciation?

                        "Au" is "o" in french, so I usually pronounce Mhaura like "Moe-raw" or "Mow-ra" or something like that.


                        • #57
                          Re: Pronounciation?

                          Just be glad they didn't turn to Wales and welsh for names, when i was born i used to live 4 miles from Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwll-llantysiliogogogoch on the Isle of Anglesey (and yes this is a real village name) the welsh pronounce LL as (Cla) pw (as pwo) go (as ka) , fa as (vi) etc etc.

                          Just remember that most of thee palce names are japanees words which mean something, we only see the text in how we would pronounce it in english. it would be intresting for any of our Japaneese speakers who also have the import to translate into english the Japaneese text for the palce names and see what the difference is.

                          Originally posted by Etra
                          Oh, and about Mhaura, I have no idea what's up with that zone name. Personally, I just say, "M-har-a."
                          i think its M-aura with a silent h but thats my take on it.

                          Last edited by Jarre; 05-08-2006, 04:53 AM.


                          • #58
                            Re: Pronounciation?

                            If you listen to the intro video, you hear the guy say all the three main cities name, aswell as Jeuno as for Qufim, i say it Que Fim

                            Not One Of My Proudest Moments >.>


                            • #59
                              Re: Pronounciation?

                              Even though it originally was a japanese game, not many names of zones are actually japanese (in fact at the moment I can not think of any.) On JP version of ffxi, when npcs refer to zones, they use katakana, the character system used for foreign words. Also, when you zone into an area, the zone names are spelled in romanji (e.g. the roman alphabet, A-Z.)

                              Edit: Thanks for reminding me of the intro vid. On the JP version of ffxi, that video is actually in english. When I first imported the game, I double checked my speakers after hearing the intro guy talking in english.
                              Calin - Ragnarok


                              • #60
                                Re: Pronounciation?

                                Ive allways pronounced Qufim with the Latin version of Q ..

                                Qu - as in "Quack" (duck? XD)

                                Fim - as in "Finland", just replacing the "n" with an "m" in "Fin"

                                And Mhaura to me just sounds like...

                                Mhau - as in "Maul"

                                ra - as in Rack, with a soft "R"
                                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine

