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Angry girl

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  • #31
    Re: Angry girl

    Originally posted by Jekk
    I've gotten the game and installed everything, FFXI is just updating now.

    This will be fun^^ I didn't know FFXI was windowed
    It isn't windowed. It plays full-screen, and breaks your connection if you lose full screen mode for any reason (though there are... ahem.. third party programs available which can sidestep this behavior).

    Good luck on your installation!



    • #32
      Re: Angry girl

      Sorry, I just assumed because the menu is windowed =P Oh well, it's not like i'll be chatting while on FFXI anyways.

      So, updating. Yeah it should die >_<. I was all excited when it was at 99%, then it starts another update that'll take an hour and 43 minutes.. ugh. It's going by pretty fast though, it said 3 hours 10 minutes ago now it's... an hour and 41 minutes.


      • #33
        Re: Angry girl

        Originally posted by Jekk
        Thanks!^^ I feel so stupid getting excited over a game =P But this game looks so good
        Lol, loved that quote. You'll want to read it intro warning when you to play the game. To sum it up it's basically saying "This game is HIGHLY addictive, please do not forget for your friends, family, homework, or work. We are not responsible if you die due to starvation from not leaving the game to go eat something." eer yeah... something like that.

        I am kidding around, but it does give a warning saying to not forget your friends and all that stuff.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #34
          Re: Angry girl

          Haha that's fun. All the antipation till you get into the game. I remember the good old days when I first got started... Although living in a fairly suburban/metro area getting a copy of the game isn't that difficult. Still I preordered. Luckily no one opened my copy when I got it.

          I still have an extra copy of the Chains of Promathia expansion pack I got from the Fan Festival... wtf am I going to do with this... I guess I can always try to sell it on e-bay. It's obviously unopened, I don't need to have a guilty concious selling to some poor person that would be royally pissed off if I used the reg code.

          Good luck with your installation, and just remember these three words

          Skill > Equipment > Race

          You can be any race and excel at what you want to play as. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise... except for those freaky galka whm, they scare me. Especially ones in full af2 relic gear...
          Hacked on 9/9/09
          FFXIAH - Omniblast


          • #35
            Re: Angry girl

            Lmfao, your sig made me laugh Omni <__<

            I wish this update would go faster.. grrr. I'll just... watch TV or go to the park for an hour.


            • #36
              Re: Angry girl

              lol well im happy you have the game, but you better get used to the updates a bad side effect to MMO addiction


              • #37
                Re: Angry girl

                I need to update my signature some day. Better looking clothes perhaps.
                Hacked on 9/9/09
                FFXIAH - Omniblast


                • #38
                  Re: Angry girl

                  Originally posted by Mhurron
                  Are you not supposed to get excited over something fun? Hopefully I'll be doing my first Expeditionary Force today and I'm looking forward to it.
                  You know, after playing for 3 yrs, I've never done an Exp. Force. >.< Heh...

                  Jekk, I think the wait is worth it. You'll like it in the long run. If you're still looking for a server, you can come to Diabolos. Let me know and I'll hook you up with a world pass.


                  • #39
                    Re: Angry girl

                    Originally posted by Eohmer
                    You know, after playing for 3 yrs, I've never done an Exp. Force. >.< Heh...
                    Neither have I, no one showed.
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • #40
                      Re: Angry girl

                      Originally posted by Deuciont
                      I'd have to agree about the logitech keyboard. Although compact and lightweight in my opinion it isn't a very good quality product. I've gone through two already, they wear out pretty fast while playing FFXI. After a while you'll notice that the key start to stick and/or don't work. Standard PC keyboards last much longer than the logitech one for PS2 so I'd recommend just buying a non-logitech keyboard. I'd have a lot more to say about my opinions of Logitech products, but I'll leave it before too many people begin disagreeing with me.

                      As for the game I remember seeing it on the store shelves in a best buy once for almost a full two years before I think they finally took it off the shelves for PS2. I think they still have it on the shelves for PC though.
                      Logitech ROCKS! I've had my lil keyboard for PS2 for 2 yrs now and still works fine! :D My wireless controller for PC is also Logitech, heh! I don't buy anything else.

                      Double Post Edited:
                      Oh, Jekk! You DID get the game already... maybe I should have seen the last posts in this topic! lol...

                      If you still need a server, let me know! I'll keep checking this.
                      Last edited by Eohmer; 05-08-2006, 02:53 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                      • #41
                        Re: Angry girl

                        wait didn't you order it off amazon? then your sister got it? O.O

                        Which FF Character Are You?

                        <a href="<A href=""><img">"><img src="" alt="I am nerdier than 1% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!"></a>


                        • #42
                          Re: Angry girl

                          Originally posted by Omniblast
                          Haha that's fun. All the antipation till you get into the game. I remember the good old days when I first got started... Although living in a fairly suburban/metro area getting a copy of the game isn't that difficult. Still I preordered. Luckily no one opened my copy when I got it.

                          I still have an extra copy of the Chains of Promathia expansion pack I got from the Fan Festival... wtf am I going to do with this... I guess I can always try to sell it on e-bay. It's obviously unopened, I don't need to have a guilty concious selling to some poor person that would be royally pissed off if I used the reg code.

                          Good luck with your installation, and just remember these three words

                          Skill > Equipment > Race

                          You can be any race and excel at what you want to play as. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise... except for those freaky galka whm, they scare me. Especially ones in full af2 relic gear...
                          I have actually played with a Galka WHM, he was pretty good. Kinda scary though having something that big curing you, lol...

                          I must agree with what you said though. It's the player's skill behind the character that makes them good, not the character and equipment... though of course, it helps! heh


                          • #43
                            Re: Angry girl

                            I've seen more Galka WHMs recently. It's kind of sad that they generally perform better than the Tarus who have a buttload of MP.


                            • #44
                              Re: Angry girl

                              Originally posted by Darius.
                              wait didn't you order it off amazon? then your sister got it? O.O
                              Some people just can't wait.
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                              • #45
                                Re: Angry girl

                                She hasn't replied here yet....

                                Either she's on, or her sister killed her for buying a copy for nothing! >.<

