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There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

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  • #91
    Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

    Awesome story

    Gludd is pretty much the first GM name I heard on both forums and in my LS. He is one of those truly great GM that we need more of. Good on him!


    • #92
      Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

      Originally posted by Jordan
      Scanning the thread, I saw.

      Ah [GM]Gludd... He's awesome. Helped me when i fell through the docks in Kazham years ago... he made me taru dance before he warped me though >.<

      I saw him 2 years ago when I first started playing.

      Maybe some GM's have more rights then others? Master GM! MGM!

      Double Post Edited:
      Originally posted by Manamule
      I am just wondering who it was that told you what a GM can or cant do. Is there a GM guidlines that we can read?

      Just because you think they shouldnt be able to do something, or because you think its wrong, doesnt mean they cant do it

      (btw, i have heared of this kind of thing happend a few times, its not new)
      I don't think GM's with their 9 to 5 job's are allowed to fuck about in Vana'Diel, if they even have to say "Have a nice day!" or something familiar to it. They're not even allowed to tell what they're gonna do about someone you reported lol. No harm allowed to do against players either.
      Last edited by Kittyneko; 05-06-2006, 04:01 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


      • #93
        Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

        It's a shame that pictures of GMs don't really do them justice. I remember seeing a few pictures of them and thinking "meh"...and then I saw a real one with the blue glow and rippled air (bottled rage, according to [GM]Dave) around them...
        Generic Info!


        • #94
          Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

          A GM is a GM on any MMO, and most GMs have the same power that all GMs have for any game, and I know from my GM experiance in UO that a GM has acces to many MANY commands that allow for a GM to do pretty much anything... teleport, summon a monster, make items out of thin air, anything...........
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #95
            Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

            [GM]Dave is an actual GM? I thought it was just a guy writing a RP in his blog. It was funny, but if he really did all that stuff.. o__o

            Maybe it's someone pretending to be him...

            Anyways, I only read page 1 and page 5. It's good to know that there's GMs on FFXI that help. Makes me even more excited about getting the game today (I'm not going to abuse the GM help command but now I can play FFXI and feel safe).


            • #96
              Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

              A reply to Siber, but also my general position on posts of that nature for general reference:

              I concede the point about it taking two different viewpoints to divert the thread.

              On the other hand, you recognize that you're probably not going to convince anyone or affect any change, so why do you persistently restate and reinforce your opinion over multiple posts? You've made your position known, and the other posters have respected that so far as I can see. There's no reason to continue the discussion in my opinion.

              Mostly I disapprove of this kind of discussion because they tend to turn into flame wars. The dissenting side always comes off as hostile, however carefully phrased your posts may be, because simply by stating your opinion you're calling the other poster a liar. The longer it continues the more likely someone will take personal offense at something and it all goes downhill from there. For the most part that hasn't happened here, but to quote Sweetkitty "I don't believe shit of this." There's no need for that kind of hostility.

              You are not wrong for not instantly believing a story you read on the internet is true, nor for saying so. However for the purposes of civility, I'd appreciate it if you and those who share your view would leave it at that. My previous posts were not meant to slight your viewpoint, intimidate you from posting (ha), or anything along those lines. I just think having this discussion at all is walking on a slippery slope, and I'd rather it didn't go there. I've seen it happen to many times and frankly it annoys me.

              For the record, I don't know anything about [GM]Gludd. I think many aspects of the story sound suspect as well. I just don't think that's the way GMs operate, but then again what do I know. Because Darkhound is a valued poster here to me, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and treating his story as true while reserving my own doubts in my mind. For that matter, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt when the alternative is to assume wrongdoing. I choose not to express those negative thoughts because it serves no purpose other than to stir up drama.

              You have freedom of speech here so long as you're not breaking the forum rules, but as the maxim goes, "Just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean its right to say it."
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #97
                Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

                I didn't even pay attention to the argument <_< I don't like arguing online, and I don't even know what you guys are talking about.


                • #98
                  Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

                  I remember a while ago, there was a GM that was VERY helpful to a friend of mine.

                  Ok, this was before the patches that kept the NM name red, this was when the mobs name would flash white everytime you had to stop meleeing and disengage.

                  A buddy of mine needed his Moldavite Earring. So I decided to help him get it.

                  We were there for about 45 minutes. There was another BLM out there, who was level 75, and had the earring. So we didn't think he was camping it, we thought he was AFK and just killed it. So Mysticmaker pops, and I claim with Flash. I knock it down 3%, and a gob pop causes a link, my BLM buddy disgengages and sleeps the link. And for some reason MMP goes purple. The other BLM stunned it when it went white. He had Stoneskin and Phalanx up, and was holding it. Then in /say, he says "I sell you earring for 1,000,000 gil." My friend said, lemme think about it. Then he called a GM. Luckily, the GM responded fast. My buddy told the GM what happened, and he went to "check the logs." The GM was invisible, so we couldn't see him. About 2 minutes later, the GM tells my friend to "Wait one second." Then MMP uses both Manafont, AND chainspell. (Mysticmaker doesn't use chainspell, so we were like WTF?). The BLM got knocked out with Tornado and Burst. And my buddy got a /tell from the GM saying, "There ya go. Have a good day." and then promptly left.

                  The same BLM had been doing it for a while. Another friend of mine who was camping it had the same BLM do it to him. Luckily, he got the same GM. And again, it did the same thing. But this second time, the BLM (who was a known gilseller at the time.) was banned.

                  The GM was no one other than Alanone. I salute him!
                  Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                  90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                  Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                  • #99
                    Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

                    Very interesting story! Don't hate me but I just want to point out a few things k?

                    First you said that the gil sellers bot pulled Aspid and was holding it for a few hours. GM came and made the NM go into crazy-awesome-super mode and killed the gil sellers. You guys killed it afterwards and it was back in normal mode.

                    That much I can believe. That part of the story sounds convincing. Then you posted what was said on your LS site:

                    First and Foremost, Aspid. We are in The Valley of the Sorrows getting ready trying to claim and low and behold the RMT's take Aspid from us. They proced to try and melee him to death. As we all know that doesn't work. So after speaking at length with a very helpfull(yes i said helpfull) GM he kills off the CGF's. The low and behold that JP Linkshell Beamsboy takes it. Well they can't kill it either since it is in SSJ. The GM helps to kill off the JP LS and we finally get the claim. Unfortunatly that stupid turtle is still in SSJ. So I tell the GM My Group has claim on the NM. And Miraculously the SSJ Mode is gone. We killed him off in about 13 mins.
                    Here is where I see a problem. You once again mention the GS holding Aspid and the GM killing off the GS because of their shady methods of claiming. However, what is said next is disturbing. "The low and behold that JP Linkshell Beamsboy takes it. Well they can't kill it either since it is in SSJ. The GM helps to kill off the JP LS..." Herein lies the problem. Once again I can believe the part about the GS but I just can't believe the part about the JP LS. What the hell did they do "wrong" that the GM felt the need to also kill them. It is sounding like the GM just liked your LS and killed off any LS that tried to take a claim from you which you never had in the first place. I don't know what GMs can or can't do but I know if a GM acted like that, it would be incredibly unfair.

                    Just my opinion...


                    • Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

                      Thanks for your comments guys. First of all, I would like to reinforce this point:

                      In all my GM experiences, i have been left in the dark. And getting the typical ¨we will look into it¨or bla blabla. I really was AMAZED to see what happened with Aspid, and I only tell whatI saw MYSELF and what i was listening on Teamspeak. Apparently, the GS were using foul techniques to hold the NM, and the GM told my LS leader that he would hand it to us, that is why, then one of our paladins CLAMINED IT, he got a warning from the GM, and was asked to release it, untill my ls leader told the GM that it was one of us.

                      But anyway, this post was not intended to start a debate of truth or lies, it was simply to post something, that even myself, had found hard to belive. If this thread contines to go downhill, I please ask the mods to close it and i will reserve myself from posting something similar



                      • Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

                        Originally posted by Rodin
                        I remember a while ago, there was a GM that was VERY helpful to a friend of mine.

                        Ok, this was before the patches that kept the NM name red, this was when the mobs name would flash white everytime you had to stop meleeing and disengage.

                        A buddy of mine needed his Moldavite Earring. So I decided to help him get it.

                        We were there for about 45 minutes. There was another BLM out there, who was level 75, and had the earring. So we didn't think he was camping it, we thought he was AFK and just killed it. So Mysticmaker pops, and I claim with Flash. I knock it down 3%, and a gob pop causes a link, my BLM buddy disgengages and sleeps the link. And for some reason MMP goes purple. The other BLM stunned it when it went white. He had Stoneskin and Phalanx up, and was holding it. Then in /say, he says "I sell you earring for 1,000,000 gil." My friend said, lemme think about it. Then he called a GM. Luckily, the GM responded fast. My buddy told the GM what happened, and he went to "check the logs." The GM was invisible, so we couldn't see him. About 2 minutes later, the GM tells my friend to "Wait one second." Then MMP uses both Manafont, AND chainspell. (Mysticmaker doesn't use chainspell, so we were like WTF?). The BLM got knocked out with Tornado and Burst. And my buddy got a /tell from the GM saying, "There ya go. Have a good day." and then promptly left.

                        The same BLM had been doing it for a while. Another friend of mine who was camping it had the same BLM do it to him. Luckily, he got the same GM. And again, it did the same thing. But this second time, the BLM (who was a known gilseller at the time.) was banned.

                        The GM was no one other than Alanone. I salute him!
                        lol That is great! ^^

                        "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


                        • Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

                          wow ^^


                          • Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

                            Originally posted by Rodin
                            I remember a while ago, there was a GM that was VERY helpful to a friend of mine.

                            Ok, this was before the patches that kept the NM name red, this was when the mobs name would flash white everytime you had to stop meleeing and disengage.

                            A buddy of mine needed his Moldavite Earring. So I decided to help him get it.

                            We were there for about 45 minutes. There was another BLM out there, who was level 75, and had the earring. So we didn't think he was camping it, we thought he was AFK and just killed it. So Mysticmaker pops, and I claim with Flash. I knock it down 3%, and a gob pop causes a link, my BLM buddy disgengages and sleeps the link. And for some reason MMP goes purple. The other BLM stunned it when it went white. He had Stoneskin and Phalanx up, and was holding it. Then in /say, he says "I sell you earring for 1,000,000 gil." My friend said, lemme think about it. Then he called a GM. Luckily, the GM responded fast. My buddy told the GM what happened, and he went to "check the logs." The GM was invisible, so we couldn't see him. About 2 minutes later, the GM tells my friend to "Wait one second." Then MMP uses both Manafont, AND chainspell. (Mysticmaker doesn't use chainspell, so we were like WTF?). The BLM got knocked out with Tornado and Burst. And my buddy got a /tell from the GM saying, "There ya go. Have a good day." and then promptly left.

                            The same BLM had been doing it for a while. Another friend of mine who was camping it had the same BLM do it to him. Luckily, he got the same GM. And again, it did the same thing. But this second time, the BLM (who was a known gilseller at the time.) was banned.

                            The GM was no one other than Alanone. I salute him!
                            that's very surprising. Makes me wanna be there. Too bad (or good ? ) S-E fix the claim system. I guess we'll never see this again.
                            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                            - Pablo Picasso


                            • Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

                              I guess SE is starting to realized that perhaps CS are really hurting the game and wants to do somethinga bout it. This game is 4 years old, and SE should keep is as clean as possible from that. I hope we keep listening to more good stories guys.


                              • Re: There is hope!!! A GM that helps!!

                                Wish something would happen on gilgamesh.. buuut nothing ever does. =P But.. these good GM's need to go slap around [GM]Jcblue... grrr.

