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Role Playing?

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  • Role Playing?

    Feel free to bludgeon me with sharp sticks if this is the wrong place to post this but I was wondering just how many of you all actually RP in FFXI?

    I don't mean cute lil'text macros for spells like "/p Oh I summon thee Ifrit kickest yon bootay!" I mean serious in character RP with a storyline and personality that fits into the world of Vana'diel. These days it's been harder to RP and find other players without getting harressed by the younger generation who thinks AD&D is what their doctors get them meds for.
    [Kaliet-RDM] [Tryn-WHM] [Sowilo-WAR]

  • #2
    Re: Role Playing?

    A surprisingly high number, apparently:
    Generic Info!


    • #3
      Re: Role Playing?

      I don't. But I would, if I had people around who did. I played on RP servers in both EQ2 and WoW, and for me it really added to the experience. It's not for everyone though, and I get that, so I don't do much of it in Vana'diel.

      I kind of wish I could though. :/


      • #4
        Re: Role Playing?

        i put on my robe and wizard hat....

        um.. wrong kind of RP..


        • #5
          Re: Role Playing?

          What do you mean, Tetsuol? Like, you wear a hat and stuff while you play, or...?

          I've found that a lot of FFXI players don't understand/don't want to understand RP. It makes them angry or something. I don't know. Anyway, it's not easy to do if you're not in an RP LS or with good friends.


          • #6
            Re: Role Playing?

            no its a quote from this fake cybering thing where this guy would pretend to cyber with girls and say weird things til they got freaked out


            • #7
              Re: Role Playing?

              Originally posted by Aelathir
              I've found that a lot of FFXI players don't understand/don't want to understand RP. It makes them angry or something. I don't know. Anyway, it's not easy to do if you're not in an RP LS or with good friends.
              Reason #1 my LS had to switch from natural /say chat while RPing to /p... which really ruined it for those of us who liked to do an RP in the Gardens while seeking party. People would get nasty for some reason ; ;

              But anyway /wave Aelithir, nice to see more of us know what the RP in MMORPG means.

              [Kaliet-RDM] [Tryn-WHM] [Sowilo-WAR]


              • #8
                Re: Role Playing?


                If only I actually participated in it in FFXI. I mean, there may very well be some RP LS's on Bahamut, but I haven't heard of them yet.


                • #9
                  Re: Role Playing?

                  Like others here already said, I would RP if there were anybody that would RP along with me. I have seen 1, count them, 1 person that RP'd in all of my days on Pandemonium and he was a very high level WHM that got me a Raise once. 1 guy... that seems sad to me.


                  • #10
                    Re: Role Playing?

                    I've been in two RP LS's on two different servers, the first of which did pretty good. I'd do it again if I got the opportunity, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.


                    • #11
                      Re: Role Playing?

                      /sniffle makes me kinda sad to see so little LS's across the other servers, I know at least two on Asura that exist other then my own, both are pretty small, but they're there. I've been thinking of promoting more cross server RP via forums, but it really isn't the same as sitting around Timbre Timbers or the Whitegate coffee house chatting.

                      [Kaliet-RDM] [Tryn-WHM] [Sowilo-WAR]


                      • #12
                        Re: Role Playing?

                        I think part of the problem has to do with the way FFIX is set up. In other games I've RP'd in (WoW, EQ2, COH/COV, etc.) you could easily change servers, and any time you wanted to play a new class or job, or whatever, you made a new character. But since everyone is essentially stuck on their server, and you never change characters (only jobs), it means that folks are less likely to congregate than in other games.

                        In WoW it was nothing to say "Oh hey, that other server has a high RP population, I'll go check it out.", same with the others. But here that's not really an option, especially with the steep startup costs in terms of time/gil/etc.

                        Not that I haven't started over a few times. (Heck, I'm doing it now), but I think it's one of the reasons this game doesn't have a stronger, more concentrated RP community. Which is too bad.


                        • #13
                          Re: Role Playing?

                          I originally planned on starting off in a roleplaying linkshell on FFXI, but most of the people in the linkshell couldn't get the game when it first came out, and it all started falling apart from there.

                          While I think it might be fun for a while... I honestly don't think I could stand trying to RP all the time. I used to imm on a roleplaying enforced mud (nerd points +5 there) and I'd switch to my immortal character because I'd rather deal with random tells for help or technical questions than watch the same old RP over and over again. ><

                          Generic Info!


                          • #14
                            Re: Role Playing?

                            Originally posted by Tirrock
                            While I think it might be fun for a while... I honestly don't think I could stand trying to RP all the time. I used to imm on a roleplaying enforced mud (nerd points +5 there) and I'd switch to my immortal character because I'd rather deal with random tells for help or technical questions than watch the same old RP over and over again. ><
                            Hehe, this is a common issue with RPLS's, which is why we allow marked OOC to encourage a social atmosphere as well. It's hard to keep people in a RPLS when they need to take off to a social LS to get help with coffers, missions, keys, etc. So we decided to find a middle ground where people could find help, static as well as blow off a little steam when they get a horrible party.

                            And a big /cheer for MUD's! Those were my refuge when I suffered withdraws from lack of a AD&D group (Which oddly enough my LS is getting together a online Ebberon AD&D campaign, geeks of "teh" world unite).

                            [Kaliet-RDM] [Tryn-WHM] [Sowilo-WAR]


                            • #15
                              Re: Role Playing?

                              It's really best to take breaks from full-on RP from time to time. It's never a good idea to RP in a pickup group. Heck, it's not even really a good idea to RP in an EXP group period. There is too small a margin for error. But in your downtime. When you're crafting, or questing, or hanging out in your moghouse, it's a perfect time to RP with your friends.

