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Question about CoP and normal static parties

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  • Question about CoP and normal static parties

    Ok well I have a few questions about static parties for CoP and regular leveling.

    Well I guess I'll start off with CoP first:

    1)How long does it usually it take for a static party doing CoP to complete CoP when they meet say 2-3 times a week for 2-4 hours at a time?

    2)Also what is the highest level required to complete CoP 60? 70? 75, I hope not...

    3) On average how hard are they to organize and how long does it take to form a working one?

    Now for regular leveling:

    1) I've heard many stories of static parties making it to around the late 60's and early 70's, but then short afterwards they become broken for numerous types of reasons. Is this true and also is it common?

    2) How often do you recommend that a static party meet to gain around 1-2 levels a week at level 60+?

    3) What is a good EPH (Exp Per Hour) for a static party at level 60? 5000 exp an hour? 6000?

    Basically any info and recommendations on either two kinds of static parties would be of great help to me so please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions.
    Nation: San d'Oria, Rank 6
    Current Missions:
    • San d'Oria Mission 6-1
    • Zilart Mission 4
    • CoP Mission 2-2

    Paladin 64 / Warrior 34
    • Woodworking 52
    • Smithing 23
    • Goldsmithing 15
    • Alchemy 15
    • Fishing 11
    • Clothcraft 4
    • Cooking 4
    • Leathercraft 3
    • Bonecraft 1

  • #2
    Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

    Originally posted by Deuciont
    1)How long does it usually it take for a static party doing CoP to complete CoP when they meet say 2-3 times a week for 2-4 hours at a time?
    I'd imagine if you have a dedicated static with people who show up reliably, you could probably do it within a few weeks. Some of the missions are long, and some are really hard. A few weeks assumes that you'll complete certain missions in one attempt. Individual results may vary.

    Originally posted by Deuciont
    2)Also what is the highest level required to complete CoP 60? 70? 75, I hope not...
    The highest level-capped areas and missions cap at level 60. There's several uncapped NMs and BCNMs that would be very difficult to finish at level 60. I got to sea with a group of 70-75 players, and some of the last few fights were really difficult. I'd imagine that CoP could be completed at level 60 with skill and a fair bit of luck.

    Originally posted by Deuciont
    3) On average how hard are they to organize and how long does it take to form a working one?
    I can't really answer this, I did CoP in several bursts with different groups of people.

    Originally posted by Deuciont
    1) I've heard many stories of static parties making it to around the late 60's and early 70's, but then short afterwards they become broken for numerous types of reasons. Is this true and also is it common?

    2) How often do you recommend that a static party meet to gain around 1-2 levels a week at level 60+?

    3) What is a good EPH (Exp Per Hour) for a static party at level 60? 5000 exp an hour? 6000?
    All of this depends on the party you have. My static meets once a week for about 3.5 hours, and we are just barely scraping one level a week making about 4k-5k/hr. I think it depends a lot on the jobs in your static and the abilities of the players.

    75 Red Mage :: 75 Blue Mage :: 63 Thief -- San d'Oria Rank 10 : Windurst Rank 5
    75 Woodworking - 60 Alchemy - 30 Cooking
    Pandora Linkshell on Ramuh


    • #3
      Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

      Originally posted by Deuciont
      Ok well I have a few questions about static parties for CoP and regular leveling.

      Well I guess I'll start off with CoP first:

      1)How long does it usually it take for a static party doing CoP to complete CoP when they meet say 2-3 times a week for 2-4 hours at a time?
      My CoP static party did this starting at Chapter 2 and finished in what would be the equivalent of 2 months (we had to wait as new missions were added) meeting about twice per week.

      2)Also what is the highest level required to complete CoP 60? 70? 75, I hope not...
      I'd say level 70 at a bare minimum, with the requirement being closer to 75 for tanks and melees.

      3) On average how hard are they to organize and how long does it take to form a working one?
      This is entirely dependent on the players involved, their skill level, dedication, available job levels/selection, and their available gear/finances. Chains of Promathia has by far the most challenging sequence of missions in FFXI, and you feel a real sense of accomplishment when you pass the difficult battles.

      Now for regular leveling:

      1) I've heard many stories of static parties making it to around the late 60's and early 70's, but then short afterwards they become broken for numerous types of reasons. Is this true and also is it common?
      It sometimes happens. It's hard to schedule 6 people to work together all the time and level at the same rate. It's more noticeable at the 60+ range because the XP required to gain a level goes up steeply from that point on.

      2) How often do you recommend that a static party meet to gain around 1-2 levels a week at level 60+?
      Minimum of 4 to 8 hours per week of effective battle time for people with lots of money and lots of skill. Increase this estimate if players don't have the resources to get specific items that significantly impact their jobs (Elemental Staves, Auto-refresh gear, HQ instruments for bards, etc.).

      3) What is a good EPH (Exp Per Hour) for a static party at level 60? 5000 exp an hour? 6000?
      Depends on the level range, party setup, and what you're fighting. 5000 XP/hr is what I'd consider to be "good" for a pickup party. For a well built static party with unlimited gear and intelligent decisions about jobs and party dynamics, I'd say a good average is closer to 6-7K/hr, but that generally requires that all players have another job at level 75 and can buy pretty much anything they need to improve party performance.

      Towards the end of that level range (70+), the XP/hr can go way up towards the 10K/hr range - again, this is assuming unlimited resources and smart players.



      • #4
        Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

        In my opinion the only reason to static for exp is if you have a schedule that precludes going LFG. I've been in many statics and I've yet to ever have one end without some sort of drama. If you have a group of fairly level-headed people, I wouldn't worry about the drama, but do be aware that eventually most statics end due to 1-2 people wanting to leave the static. Most of the time they even have a good reason. When it happens just replace them with someone else and keep going.


        • #5
          Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

          1)How long does it usually it take for a static party doing CoP to complete CoP when they meet say 2-3 times a week for 2-4 hours at a time?
          My CoP static met once a week regularily, and sometimes a second time to do farming or non-soloable flagging. It took us about 4 months to finish starting at Chapter 2, but we got stuck on a few fights for awhile, and we had 8-10 people in our static so we did 2 separate runs sometimes occasionally on alternating weekends depending on scheduling conflicts.

          Meeting 2-3 times a week regularily with everyone showing up and pretty much on time you could with luck finish in a few weeks, but I would say probably a month or maybe more.

          2)Also what is the highest level required to complete CoP 60? 70? 75, I hope not...
          My group was 70-75, and some of the fights were really tough. I would say 70 is probably the minimum to beat CoP, but you can get to Sea at level 60.

          3) On average how hard are they to organize and how long does it take to form a working one?
          I lucked out and a friend of mine had a linkshell static at the same point as I was (Chapter 2-Mammet Fight) and invited me along and I stayed with them to the end. We all had at least one job 70+ when we started and most of us were leveling a second job at the time that was 60-70+ by the time we finished. Our static worked well because we were all flexible with jobs and we could choose jobs based on the fight which gave us more freedom with strategy. I think the fact that we had more then 1 party of people and less then 2 was an advantage for us. Sure some people had to do fights twice, but we rotated and it gave us more flexability with schedules and job choices.

          To form a working one you need to find a group of people that are dedicated to finishing CoP. It's not easy and takes a lot of hard work and time. You will most likely lose people along the way. We lost 2 people on our journey, one left us to join another group that was going faster then ours, and the other was removed due to another playing demanding that we choose between him and the other guy. Our leader made the decision. There were times that I wanted to quit, and there were times that I just wanted to give up. From Chapter 4 onward I had one member of our static party blacklisted the entire time, but I stuck it out with him for the sake of the other members of our group.

          Mostly I would say it's based on luck having a good static party, but in all cases it takes a lot of hard work. Good luck.


          • #6
            Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

            if you join a static make sure that everyone has atleast 2jobs at 60+
            you cant beat every mission with the same Party setup , you need to be versatile.

            What you should have:
            2 NIN ( the more ppl that have ninja leveld the better for you)
            1 PLD (with staff leveld)
            1 RDM
            1 BRD
            1 WHM (whm is really nice because some monsters tend to spam things that can only be erased by the whm spell erase )
            2 SMN (alot of BC's in COP get alot easier if you have smn 2hr)
            2 BLM ( BLM can deal alot of DMG to a given time and dont DoT which helps you in alot of fights)
            3-4 Meele jobs ( what job the meeles are doesnt really matter but the all should have /nin leveld and good gear in 40>60 range. war/nin is prolly the best meele DD and backup tank in CoP missions)

            if you got these jobs together you have a fair chance to beat CoP without dieing too much ^^
            Last edited by Rai|Kye; 05-06-2006, 09:21 AM.

            CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
            Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.


            • #7
              Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

              1)How long does it usually it take for a static party doing CoP to complete CoP when they meet say 2-3 times a week for 2-4 hours at a time?
              The actualy fighting part of each mission should be doable within 2 hours session.
              There are parts of mission that are about travelling around and talking. Just make sure your group do it in their own time before meeting up for the fighting part

              2)Also what is the highest level required to complete CoP 60? 70? 75, I hope not...
              70 at least I would say. The uncap area will eat anyone lower than that.

              3) On average how hard are they to organize and how long does it take to form a working one?
              I found a static CoP group among my LS... without them I really have no idea if I can ever organize a group for it with random people ><
              I mean, later battles, without spending a lot of gil on medicine they can be near impossible. And you can expect a total stranger to dedicate too much...

              My static spent about 5 months to complete CoP from chaptor 2 til complete... We only meet up on saturday-sunday for less than 3 hours a session too. Some weeks we just can't do it because some members had RL stuff coming up.

              1) I've heard many stories of static parties making it to around the late 60's and early 70's, but then short afterwards they become broken for numerous types of reasons. Is this true and also is it common?
              If the PT set up can make it all the way to 60, that means the set up works IMO. They should be able to make it to 75 too unless some drama shows up among your static

              2) How often do you recommend that a static party meet to gain around 1-2 levels a week at level 60+?
              60-65 You will need at least 20,000 exp per level.
              If your static can pull in an average of 5,000/hour, it means at least 4 hours a level.
              I'm not sure how long you planning to PT per session but hope this gives you some idea.
              It varies too.. if you find a good camp spot, if your PT works, if the area is over crowded etc. Bad things can happen that will slow you down.

              3) What is a good EPH (Exp Per Hour) for a static party at level 60? 5000 exp an hour? 6000?
              3000/hour is acceptable... but pretty bad
              5-6000/hour is about what an average PT should be able to get.
              Above 6000 are considered really good.
              the rate above are my own... by the way.
              Last edited by Jei; 05-05-2006, 03:44 AM.
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #8
                Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

                Originally posted by Rai|Kye
                if you join a static make sure that everyone has atleast 2jobs at 60+
                you cant beat every mission with the same Party setup , you need to be versatile.

                What you should have:
                2 NIN ( the more ppl that have ninja leveld the better for you)
                1 PLD (with staff leveld)
                1 RDM
                1 BRD
                2 SMN (alot of BC's in COP get alot easier if you have smn 2hr)
                2 BLM ( BLM can deal alot of DMG to a given time and dont DoT which helps you in alot of fights)
                3-4 Meele jobs ( what job the meeles are doesnt really matter but the all should have /nin leveld and good gear in 40>60 range. war/nin is prolly the best meele DD and backup tank in CoP missions)

                if you got these jobs together you have a fair chance to beat CoP without dieing too much ^^
                Listen to Schuldig ! He knows what he is talking about


                • #9
                  Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

                  You don't "need" any job to win any battle for CoP. Some jobs are more useful than others, but my static made it through all the battles without any of us having Ninja or Red Mage above level 40, and only one SMN above level 40.



                  • #10
                    Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

                    and where did is said that you cant win without these jobs ?

                    it was just a listing to give the OP an idea of what a CoP party that is obviously solid could look like.

                    Skill and gear is always a factor but the right setup for a fight means alot ...


                    Hey Wintry ^^
                    nice to see your are on the boards

                    CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
                    Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.


                    • #11
                      Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

                      No love for the WHMs


                      • #12
                        Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

                        you are right ... i forgot whm ... i gonna edit my post !
                        whm is really nice in CoP because of erase

                        CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
                        Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.


                        • #13
                          Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

                          The implied statement was there that they should go after those specific jobs for some special reason, and it's just not true. The key is having people who have multiple jobs levelled, without too much overlap, unless you're looking to do something unusual like SMN x 6 all the way through (which I hear works for pretty much every fight, but good luck trying to find that many summoners who still need the missions... ).



                          • #14
                            Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

                            Thanks for all of the info and advice. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer than I expected to finish CoP. From what I've read it is easier to finish CoP with a job around level 70.

                            Also another question sort of came to mind a few weeks ago. That one is probably better suited for the Paladin forums, but I'll post it here to see what other people think about it too.

                            I was thinking of making a Static party in which the Paladin isn't the main tank or at least not all of the time. I was thinking of trying to switch roles so that a Paladin would be a DD/ backup tank with the options of Pld/Nin and Pld/War. Yes I know it is a little awkward and you need the right equipment/food for it to work properly and effectively, but I was wondering if anyone thinks it might work in a static party?

                            This is because I'm thinking of trying it out sometime.
                            Nation: San d'Oria, Rank 6
                            Current Missions:
                            • San d'Oria Mission 6-1
                            • Zilart Mission 4
                            • CoP Mission 2-2

                            Paladin 64 / Warrior 34
                            • Woodworking 52
                            • Smithing 23
                            • Goldsmithing 15
                            • Alchemy 15
                            • Fishing 11
                            • Clothcraft 4
                            • Cooking 4
                            • Leathercraft 3
                            • Bonecraft 1


                            • #15
                              Re: Question about CoP and normal static parties

                              and where did is said that you cant win without these jobs ?
                              you cant beat every mission with the same Party setup , you need to be versatile.

                              His point was, assuming it's not a total whack setup... yes, you can beat every mission with the same party.

