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What the hell?

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  • What the hell?

    I was very excited when I bought this game, being the first MMORPG for Xbox 360 I was expecting great things. I didn't mind spending 3 hours to get it all set up, because I wanted to play it really bad. However, now I'm not so sure.

    #1 Character customization is seriously lacking, but that's not a major.

    #2 These graphics are horrible! Oh my god, my poor eyes. This looks like a PS1 game, not even close to next-gen.

    #3 I can look past the graphics, if the game is good enough. But it isnt. Controls are cumbersome, your character can't even jump. And then I killed my first monster. Oh man, Auto-Attack? Who the hell thought of that. This is the laziest excuse for a combat system I have ever seen.

    #4 Levelling up is fairly easy when you're level 1-3. From then on, it's just plain boring. The so called "even match" monsters are actually WAY STRONGER, and the "decent challenge" monsters are managable but give you hardly any XP. Yes, this game sure is fun! Killing hundreds of rabbits and worms just so you can get to the next level.

    #5 Where are the weapons? I'm level 7 and still using the Onion Sword I started with. If you're rich you might be able to buy a slightly stronger weapon from the auction house, but you never really "find" weapons. Just items that do nothing, like flint stones and bat wings.

    #6 I have to force myself to like this game, because I payed money for it and I can't return it. So give me some ideas on how to succeed! I must be the weakest player on the server, because everybody I see has uber weapons and armor, and trying to sell lame items for 99,999,999 gil. I want to enjoy this game, I really do. But it feels like Square-Enix have done everything they can to make it suck.

  • #2
    Re: What the hell?

    you sound like a WoW kinda person....

    You want instant gratification and pretty flashy colors? Choose WoW. However, if you wanna work hard for enjoyment and satisfaction, choose FF11. The choice is yours.

    I'll break down what you say and give my 2 cents

    #1 Character customization is seriously lacking, but that's not a major.

    Eh, I'll give it that. SE could have done a greater job in improving the individualities of all the characters.

    #2 These graphics are horrible! Oh my god, my poor eyes. This looks like a PS1 game, not even close to next-gen.

    Um.... I don't even know what to say here. Do you play on an HD tv? If so, what size? It all has to do with the relative resolution on the televsion set. I play on my computer, and the game looks amazing. Just look at the many pics on this forum and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    #3 I can look past the graphics, if the game is good enough. But it isnt. Controls are cumbersome, your character can't even jump. And then I killed my first monster. Oh man, Auto-Attack? Who the hell thought of that. This is the laziest excuse for a combat system I have ever seen.

    This game isn't meant to be played as a First person real-time game. There has to be limits as to what your character can and cannot do. Like I said before, if you want more freedom on what your character can do, then world of warcraft is the better game.

    #4 Levelling up is fairly easy when you're level 1-3. From then on, it's just plain boring. The so called "even match" monsters are actually WAY STRONGER, and the "decent challenge" monsters are managable but give you hardly any XP. Yes, this game sure is fun! Killing hundreds of rabbits and worms just so you can get to the next level.

    >.> Leveling isn't the entire game. You have to balance leveling with other activities that interest you. If you're not that interested in leveling, hell. You could just level to 30 and get by. Trust me. There's plenty of stuff to do besides leveling.

    #5 Where are the weapons? I'm level 7 and still using the Onion Sword I started with. If you're rich you might be able to buy a slightly stronger weapon from the auction house, but you never really "find" weapons. Just items that do nothing, like flint stones and bat wings.

    /sigh. It's called the auction house. You go to the local country (bastok, windy, sandy) and check it. Basically, it's run by the players, who can set their own prices on items. You can find anything from a level 1 weapon to a level 75 weapon on the auction house. Since the countries are near low-leveling areas, you'll find a lot of the gear you'll need for your specific level.

    #6 I have to force myself to like this game, because I payed money for it and I can't return it. So give me some ideas on how to succeed! I must be the weakest player on the server, because everybody I see has uber weapons and armor, and trying to sell lame items for 99,999,999 gil. I want to enjoy this game, I really do. But it feels like Square-Enix have done everything they can to make it suck.

    Just meet people. When you party, you'll eventually be given the oppurtunity to join a linkshell (group of people that help each other out, etc). There's much to be done in this game, and you really can't picture it as a grind-only game.
    Last edited by Mog; 05-03-2006, 01:43 AM.


    • #3
      Re: What the hell?

      I'm not a "WoW" person. This is my first mmorpg, I really hope they aren't all like this.


      • #4
        Re: What the hell?

        You're a "WoW" person, trust 'em.


        • #5
          Re: What the hell?

          ok first and foremost, this game is LONG, yeah you are going to kill lots and lots of mobs and the higher in lvl you go the more mobs you are going to need to kill. You havent even gotten to the fun stuff, i mean lvl3 and you are already complaining, you still have 72 lvls to go and that is just with the first job. that doesnt include the 37 lvls for your subjob. I gotta tell ya though if you are hurtin this early in the might want to cut your losses and close out your accounts and just ditch the game right now.

          However if you do stick it out, need to know a few things, I see you are on the Titan server (not mine but i can still help with some general stuff), but what nation are you in, those bat wings and flint stones are used in quests and crafting. Also what job are you? Those items you see for 9999999999 are just the individual showing off a bit, no one actually buys any of them.

          It is slow going at first...and middle...and even with everything to do at lvl75 it is slow, but, at least to me very rewarding.

          RNG67 BRD66 THF55 NIN35 WHM31 RDM35 WAR24 PLD30


          • #6
            Re: What the hell?

            The moogle (arcadia9) has covered most of the basics. So I'll say a few things he didn't say.

            This game is old. It's over 4 years old now. The PS2 version in Japan came out first, then after a while they came out with the JP PC version, which had a graphic update for the PC users with "higher end" computers (honestly, even at the time it came out FFXI didn't have really high requirements anyway, so just about everybody with PC version bumped the graphics up high). They haven't really done anything with the graphics since. Expansion areas look much nicer than starting zones though.

            I suggest you look around shops for weapons too. New Xbox360 players got kind of screwed. Low level weapons/armor shot up to outragous prices once the expansion came out, while the main income for low levels, crystals, shot down in price.
            Generic Info!


            • #7
              Re: What the hell?

              aww, well that's never happened iin the history of threads. ; ; (referring to a different thread me cas and tir were having fun on)

              The answer was 7 btw.
              ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


              • #8
                Re: What the hell?

                Originally posted by arcadia9
                aww, well that's never happened iin the history of threads. ; ; (referring to a different thread me cas and tir were having fun on)

                The answer was 7 btw.
                I was expecting that topic to get locked and the website editted out so we could all laugh at it, not deletion. Oh well.

                So yeah... FFXI... Takes a lot of patience and time. And perhaps a lack of sanity. I'm not sure. I will say that the game does get more interesting after your first party though. Everybody I've talked to has mentioned a similar story.
                Generic Info!


                • #9
                  Re: What the hell?

                  LOL arcadia. Dangit I was close.

                  Its your first MMO. This is the only one I've ever played, but for the most part they're the same way. Even WoW has some grinding in it. If you do want instant gratification, your best bet would be to cut your losses, eat the 50 bucks, and buy a 1 player rpg or something. Sorry, but if you're that pissed after only playing 7 lvls, then you're in for disappointment. Stick it out to lvl 20. Things go by faster when you start partying and participating with other people. Kill some bees and get some crystals. Noone expects you to have amazing gear on your first job. It is a very long game that really never ends. (I thought the jumping thing was funny, sorry. Never expected it when you've played rpg's for a while.)
                  I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                  PSN: Caspian


                  • #10
                    Re: What the hell?

                    Meh. /shrug It takes two clicks to delete a thread, but many keystrokes to go into the post and edit out the links. All your posts were spam, anyway As I told Caspian, next time don't party on top of the RMTs. That way you're clear of the blast when they get MPKed.

                    Anyway, we're getting way off track here. akill, for the most part you're criticising MMOs in general. Auto-attack is pretty much the standard. Even City of Heroes uses a variation. It's a game of stats and tactics, not of manual dexterity. Latency issues with a huge number of people pretty much dictate that.

                    As for things taking a long time, that's how it is. FFXI is worse about that than other MMOs, but the greater the investment, the greater the reward. If you killed a rabbit and for some reason a sword fell out of the sky next to it, that item would have no value. In this game you work toward the sword by hunting monsters for things that would actually make sense for them to have and then selling them to other players who can use them. Bat wings, for example, are not useless. They're used by alchemists to make mp restoring ethers and turned in for a quest to gain fame.

                    More to say, but I just noticed it's 5 am Just work at it. You'll eventually accomplish the things you thought were retarded or impossible and it'll feel good. If you need quick gratification, go play X-Men Legends or something.
                    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                    • #11
                      Re: What the hell?

                      Alright, Alright, I'll give it a chance. Sorry for the rant, just got sick of killing heaps of monsters for XP only to get smashed by another monster and lose all I had gained. I think I migh scratch my guy and start again, now that I've learned a bit more about the game. Thanks for the input!


                      • #12
                        Re: What the hell?

                        First of all, you all talk like WoW is a bad game and for retards. I played WoW and I think it's great. But yes, lol, he'd like WoW more.

                        Originally posted by akill
                        I'm not a "WoW" person. This is my first mmorpg, I really hope they aren't all like this.
                        Do yourself a favour, and don't play Mmorpg's. All are look-a-like. What do you want a in MMORPG? Not kill monsters? Be level 75 after killing 2 rabbits? Or what.. do quests for experience points? ~Some games do that, such as WoW... It's one of the best things of WoW lol, but unfortunately they don't have that in Ffxi. You can't judge a Mmorpg on first look.. and this experience points thing, get used to it. That's what Mmorpg's are like. If you'd be smart, you would have checked on internet and stuff first to see what it's like. Throw the game away, and go play Need for Speed and Medal of Honor on your xbox.

                        War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                        • #13
                          Re: What the hell?

                          The game on xbox 360 isn't very impressive graphic wise.
                          It looks pretty much the same way the game does on PC. no real up dates to it.
                          I can see if some xbox players got disappointed.
                          The game isn't using 360 to it's full potential and the frame rate isn't even as good as PS2.

                          Anyway the real charm of FFXI lies in it's content... Like others pointed out. Give it a chance, get to level 20 or so before you decide if you like this game or not.
                          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                          - Pablo Picasso


                          • #14
                            Re: What the hell?

                            Sounds to me like a WoW person also...

                            But yeah, like everyone else says, there is more to just "fighting"... quests can be fun.

                            As far as selling "lame items" for 99,999,999 gil, people put that price so they won't accidently drop it from their inventory. Obviously someone won't pay that much for something, so it's in a "safe place".


                            • #15
                              Re: What the hell?

                              I think the nubbles in Valkurm Dunes will turn him away before he gets to 20. (Just my opinion.)

