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Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

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  • #46
    Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

    For all of you who seem to think STR/ATK/ACC is better on the head- please tell me why all the best players on my server that HAVE adaman celata and practically infinite gear choose to wear Panther Mask +1, Dusk Gloves and Dusk Feet+1/Fuma along with swift/speed?

    Haste is expensive and popular for a reason. I parsed religiously when meriting my NIN and the #1 most noticable enchancement for me was HASTE. ATK, ACC and STR did shit compared to what haste does to DOT. Its quite simple- wear all the haste/acc/atk you can in that order of importance for TP gain and macro in STR (and DEX for nin) for WS. The most effective NIN and WAR i've meripoed with ALL do this.
    Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5 - Bahamut Endgame LS


    • #47
      Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

      Walahra, Dusk+1, Byakko's, Speed/Sonic, Fuma Sune-ate = 23% Haste GOD NIN

      There are information out stating that haste+% has a respected cap at 20%, varying from 3 sections; equipment, songs (March) and the actual spell (RDM & WHM)... but I can't really say with equipment, because I've seen PLDs state Utsu timer was lowered more when having 25% compared to 20%. Everyone knows March is capped at 20% (easy to test, Soul Voice), along with Haste (back when Wind Staff worked, now they don't.)

      I guess equipment is the only thing that allows you to get more than a 20% haste boost, eh?
      Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


      • #48
        Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

        I remember an old post from Apple Pie, as well as another post with some testing with Utsusemi and other spells that indicated that the hard cap for Haste effects from all sources combined was ~41%.



        • #49
          Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

          Originally posted by Tirrock
          Edit: Okay, real post instead of making fun of your lolJPface.

          You completely and totally disregard people disproving everything you say. How's that debuffing DC diremites with /RDM going? Throw several debuffs at them, hope they stick (MP sink!), and then plug your ears and hum when people say that you don't even need to debuff them as SMN, because avatars can kill the diremites before the diremites kill them?

          What bonuses does /RDM give you on crabs? Phalanx incase you pull hate? (Pulling hate as SMN in exp isn't even that easy. Especially at higher levels, I only exp with -2 enmity on and I don't pull hate...) Slightly more powerful stoneskin that still isn't as good as earthen ward? Barwater? (Which is an MP waste. If you're getting hit by the 'ohsodangerous' bubble shower, it's more efficent to cast curaga on everybody than have one non-tank take slightly less damage and still get hit by curaga. The curagas and barwatera would have to come from the BRD or BLM...or the WHM, which makes either the WHM or the SMN just a waste of a spot in the party.)

          I'm even reading (skimming's really old) your /RDM "guide" again. You suggest magic bursting as /RDM...and talk about how your own survival is important (WAR/WHM use the same arguement). I don't see how /RDM magic bursts and enfeebles is helping your party more than curing any negative stat...

          And I love your answer to somebody mentioning that SMN/RDM has no real benefit to the party with their subbed nukes/enfeebles and lower MP. "i must say out of 70 levels I only had issues with NA players with rdm subbed. not JPN or the Euro importers." Perhaps because we tend to speak our mind more in general? Communication problems? Take your pick. You don't truely justify it ever.

          I just wish a moderator of all people would stop spreading this crap.

          If any of the mods (minus Tazirai...) want to delete/edit this, I won't complain. It's way off topic and I know it. Want to PM me or something about it...okay, go for it. I just get annoyed by people spreading poor advice everywhere and people actually buying it.
          Ok my last post on the /rdm thing and im done.. I dont want this thread to go off course anymore than it has. Yeah I do get kinda defensive when people Quote a Really old thread I made 3 years ago when SMN was still new to the game.

          Things have changed since that time and I realize that But to say that in every single situation WHM is the only SJ for SMN is just plain arrogance on the part people. Speaking up doesnt mean you're right by the way , It just means you speak on something you believe in or not. Dont talk down to JP and Euro players becuase they may not see things as you do. You've never PT'ed with me and never seen what I can do, Cure monkey....not me. Support Cure yes wholeheartidly.
          I dont feel the need to justify something that I did for a long time, that may or may not be considered gimp in your opinion.
          My mind was made up a long time ago about the benefits of whm versus rdm.
          I actively use both when the time calls for it.

          As far as debuffind diremites ^^ it goes well actually. Dia and dispell are all you need on them. If you dont think they land thats your issue not mine. It's funny how if not every mage in a PT is not subbed whm they automatically become a waste of space. Do you really take that much damage at 75 to justify that much curing. Do you only fight things that spam AOE constantly?
          As far as the nukes thing goes yes I admit that the damage was poor and even offered substandard bursting. thats why I poked on INT for SMN. After realizing that nuking wasnt good. I tried to find other ways for RDM SJ.

          I soloed 72-74 in Ifrits . Phalanx,stoneskin,aquaveil,blink all came in handy from RDM sub. It let me survive that much longer until I was able to get off a summons.

          So yes that guide is old VERY old and I'll unsticky it. Its not poor advice its alternative advice. Something that people in FFXI fail to want to do, try something outside the norm. To many people seem to want acceptance at the cost of being cookie cutter. I noticed that leads to many people quittign in shear frustration, I m not one of those.

          As far as crabs go and crawlers Im talking about Dispell only. If you have another /whm in the party but no one to cast finale or dispel then /rdm works. There have been time when we didnt have a refresher didnt stop us from levelling a NA smn named tarutan on ramuh came as SMN/BRD was that a horrible SJ? No it wasnt.

          You level many SJ's for the ability to become what your PT leaders need you as.

          I have whm,brd,blm,rdm leveled to full SJ strength SO i can benefit my PT in the way they need me. I'll coem as what you need me to be. but to seriously say that /whm is all any mage should sub is arrogance. Im done.

          Forum members I apologize for going off on a tangent and almost derailing this thread. But I really hate when people are close minded on topics.

          I'll agree to disagree and move on..

          Tirrock.. no hard feelings and even though the wrong thread, I like the fact that you had an intelligent arguement and was able to call me on somethings. Cheers mate. I did debates in high school before, not officially of course, but when someone comes with intelligence I highly respect it. Even if we dont agree.
          It's Official Promathia Hates me....
          それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
          A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

          BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


          • #50
            Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

            Okay...last off-topic post about SMN/RDM on this topic for me too.

            First: "So yes that guide is old VERY old and I'll unsticky it." Thank you. I don't care if it stays long as it's slightly more current.

            You do have a point about me being close minded...about some parts. I did not even consider the lack of a BRD or RDM in an exp group, let alone a BLM/RDM. With COR lacking dispel (which I really wish they had), it is possible to have a decent party with no main job capable of dispelling. SMN/RDM could be more beneficial than SMN/WHM in those situations, depending on if the monsters have bad status effects on their TP moves/spells or not.

            I'm not close minded about SMN/RDM in general though. I weighed (weighted? ...whatever) the benefits of magic bursting and subbed RDM enfeebling vs status removal spells in my mind. I don't even really count the MP boost from WHM sub. It's like 20-30MP...not going to matter. Endgame is largely about +hMP over MP anyway. I found that before 30, you can sub RDM and do just fine most of the time. Only time you might wish you had a -na spell is for PLD tanks in the jungles against mandragoras. (And paralyna when fighting tigers in batallia, if anybody goes there any more.)

            As you raise in level, your enfeebles (minus bio/dia/dispel) land less often and your nukes do less and get resisted more often. So I compared that against things like the tank's provoke not getting eaten by paralyze, or attacks missed due to blind on people. Or even the really high amount of DoT damage spider poison does. (Seriously, have you watched that? It's insane.)

            My opinion in general isn't swayed in the least. I still feel the same about SMN/RDM (at least they're not SMN/BLM). SMN/BRD to me is situationally useful too. I've used it. When you don't need to cure or remove debuffs and you don't have a bard...why not? It sees the most use in SMN parties in KRT/sky that can't get a bard. SMN/WHM is technically "situationally useful"'s just that those situations are quite common, considering how often monsters use debuffs on players.

            Originally posted by tazirai
            I'll agree to disagree and move on..

            Tirrock.. no hard feelings and even though the wrong thread, I like the fact that you had an intelligent arguement and was able to call me on somethings. Cheers mate. I did debates in high school before, not officially of course, but when someone comes with intelligence I highly respect it. Even if we dont agree.
            Alright. No hard feelings. I'll try to avoid outbursts like that in the future. I apologize for my comments, and to the people that had to read it. (Except for you people who frequent KI/Alla and found it like a little piece of home in an otherwise peaceful forum.)

            As for Sweetkitty:
            You posted "-.-" as all of your 'words' in a post. Didn't even quote what post you were replying to. I poked fun at it, saying "Blatant post for 15 gil. >_>" while I was posting something else. That was all I did about it. >_>a I didn't even call you a spammer.

            You didn't seem upset at the time, so I didn't feel like I needed to make it clear that I was just poking fun at you. It's not like my world ended when you posted it.
            Generic Info!


            • #51
              Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

              As far as the turban goes, I do see that combined with a lot of other haste gear and such, it would prove useful even in meripo parties. 20% would give you something like an extra attack round after every 5 attacks. That is quite useful. However, I don't think that applies to the majority of people at endgame (though the playerbase it does apply to is growing steadily everyday), and it looks like this piece is much easier to get than most of the others. (No planned LS events or such, just get a lot of meripo parties and run like hell.)
              Its kind of the same tactic that a rng on Fairy uses in dynamis. He has the 2nd tier relic gun (maybe 1st now, not sure), a ridill, and a kraken. He stands at melee range and whacks away to 100% tp, then drops back and shoots a slugshot. I've always been curious to see how beneficial it is compared to an exceptionally geared ranger doing the normal tp building way. I know that doesn't totally apply since not having all the same str and atk gear probably won't kill your tp building dmg the way dual wielding those two weapons for a rng would be, but its kinda the same principle.

              Anyway, all this just makes me wish that rng's got any benefit from haste gear at all. Frustrates me that none of it makes one lick of a difference in how fast I shoot.
              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

              PSN: Caspian


              • #52
                Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                I have no idea if this is true or not... But I've heard that haste equipment caps at +20% or +25%, anything after those points in gear does nothing. Of course, haste spell and march will both help after that point anyway.
                Generic Info!


                • #53
                  Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                  Originally posted by Tirrock
                  I have no idea if this is true or not... But I've heard that haste equipment caps at +20% or +25%, anything after those points in gear does nothing. Of course, haste spell and march will both help after that point anyway.
                  Yeah, if the numbers are right that ApplePie found and Icemage referred to, then you could theoretically get an extra atk round every 2-3 rounds. Thats pretty impressive. Ofcourse it requires a ton of highly expensive haste gear, a brd with march and a rdm or whm with haste. (maybe rdm or whm/brd, cant remember what lvl march is.)
                  I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                  PSN: Caspian


                  • #54
                    Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                    Eh, can't get double march with /BRD anyway. Both due to level and because you can only have one song on somebody at a time without an instrument. (All instruments are BRD only.)
                    Generic Info!


                    • #55
                      Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                      Then you're asking for one perfect situation to get past the ~41% haste. I guess you have multiple brd's and rdm's or whm's at endgame in a hnmls, but to beg and plead the entire ls into stacking a party totally in your favor just to get a cpl extra attacks rounds....i don't know about that.
                      As for merit parties....I can't remember the last time I had a bard in my party that wasn't a friend or something of that nature.
                      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                      PSN: Caspian


                      • #56
                        Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                        I can think of at least one THF-NIN (both jobs are higher than level 70) that would wet himself at the chance. >_>a I could see this happening in smaller HNM shells with the right jobs... Of course, the question there would be: "Where did they get that other haste gear from?"
                        Generic Info!


                        • #57
                          Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                          that thing might come in handy for tanking Gods ... no sure if i want to trash my cool panthermask +1 for a ugly turban tho ....

                          CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
                          Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.


                          • #58
                            Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                            Just got mine last night. Sooooo glad I sold my PM+1 for 10mil last week ^^.
                            Attached Files
                            Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5
                   - Bahamut Endgame LS


                            • #59
                              Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                              At 75 a lot of stuff changes since you start to fight mobs that con VT-weak IT (or now some very fast respawning T) instead of IT to IT++. This means you can swap out a substantial amount of +acc and +atk gear without gimping your per-hit damage for +%haste gear, then macro in the +acc and +str (or other appropriate state) gear for your weaponskill, then switch back.

                              For most jobs it's pretty difficult to get to more than 20% haste from gear anyway.

                              Reasonable haste gear for War & Bst & Bard includes swift belt (4%), Dusk Gloves (3%), Dusk Feet (2%), Byakko's Hiadate (5%), and this Turban (instead of panther mask) (5%), for a total of +19%. In order to reach +20% or beyond you have to spend 30 mil+ for an HQ dusk or a speed belt, or you have to give up another peice of gear that gives you a substantial bonus (either str, atk, acc, or all 3).

                              For reference +19-20% haste is rougly the boost in regular attacks/TP build that a warrior gets from fully merited double attacks + AF1 feet + Brutal Earring.
                              Crafts 520/520+5: Bone 100+3, Leather 60+1, Alchemy 60+1, Others: 60
                              Bard: Making 5 people better than 6 one party at a time.
                              Beastmaster: It's not a mindless killing machine, it's my friend.


                              • #60
                                Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                                god why does it have to be a turban >> i think i gotta change DAT :/

                                CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
                                Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.

