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Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

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  • #31
    Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

    Originally posted by Patchinko
    Each rank of Fast Cast is a 5% reduction in cast and recast time. The Warlock's Chapeau also subtracts another 5%. So a level 60 RDM with the Warlock's Chapeau has a 20% reduction in cast and recast time.
    Tabard is probably 5% also.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #32
      Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

      I'm sorry, consider me a moron for not knowing this, I thought the +haste % only applied if you actually had haste cast on you. I didn't realize it affected anything if you didn't have haste already cast.

      If I'm thinking of this right, people keep saying that you won't notice the absence of O-hat that much on VT's. Which is probably true (not actually at that lvl myself). But its also been said that this hat really isnt that useful on mobs that you don't spend a lot of time on (mainly HNM's, god's, etc.) You pretty much smoke through VT's in a merit party. Since your delay doesn't matter when you're not attacking b/w mobs, you lose the biggest bonus of having this hat on. If you're going that fast through mobs, then you'd be hard pressed to notice the extra attack rounds its giving you. In which case your +atk and +str head pieces would probably be more noticable in adding to each individual hit.
      For the HNM's and such that you'd be fighting long enough to notice the difference in amount of swings, you'd probably notice a greater difference in accuracy and overall attack power that could offset the usefulness of it.

      EDIT: 5% haste means you would have to hit 20 times to get one extra attack round, correct? Thats a LOT of time spent on one mob in a merit party.
      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

      PSN: Caspian


      • #33
        Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

        Originally posted by kazuri
        Subbing RDM means no -na spells and Erase, along with the oh-so-convenient Telpo spells at 74-75! D;/
        Tazirai probably meant with /WHM sub, it's an option to bring out avatars faster to your convenience...
        I subbed RDM for 65 levels of SMN and yes it does make a difference as far as actually SUMMONING the avatar. SO yes I've had extensive use in it. Also im not in the whm only column for SMN rdm sj offers alot to a group if someone else is SJ whm.

        Smn doesnt Always need to sj whm trust me on this.
        but yeah telepo FTW^^

        Originally posted by Aeni
        Uh ... no. You sub RDM if you want to cast your avatars faster.
        I've noticed that haste does seem to make a difference, it summons the avatar at around 75-80% instead of 90-95% with both haste and rdm SJ.

        Whm Sj with haste spell I usually am able to pop the rat out at around 93-95%, its not much I admit. Rdm does offer the best spd in regards to timers.

        Btw RDM sj versus crabs FTW^^(theres nothing you can say about halved anythign to make me doubt it, I did it for 65 levels so )
        It's Official Promathia Hates me....
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        • #34
          Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

          Originally posted by tazirai
          for SMN rdm sj offers alot to a group if someone else is SJ whm

          Originally posted by tazirai
          Whm Sj with haste spell I usually am able to pop the rat out at around 93-95%
          You do realize that's normal, right? Without fast cast, spells actually go off before 100% anyway, the animation just keeps going past 100%. I've found that once it hits 100% you're able to cast another spell, mid-animation or not, not the spell is actually just finishing.

          Originally posted by tazirai
          Btw RDM sj versus crabs FTW^^(theres nothing you can say about halved anythign to make me doubt it, I did it for 65 levels so )
          Must... resist... urge... to... further... derail... topic. I need to learn to just laugh at what people say and move on. ._.

          Attempt to go back on-topic: Honestly, somebody that got this head piece should make an attempt to deal with what they replaced their head piece for. If they were overboard on ACC and using optical hat, I doubt the optical hat will be missed. (93% acc vs 92% acc and +5% haste...) Fortunately, not that many people go accuracy crazy at high levels any more (from what I've seen, at least). Still, if they were wearing optical hat and wore this turban...they should probably switch their necklace to chivalrous chain/specs/peacock charm, or switch from a ruby ring to a sniper ring or something...

          If they've somehow found the exact point of accuracy that's good for them, then they should have enough knowledge to be able to swap their gear accordingly if they decide to get this turban.
          Last edited by Tirrock; 05-01-2006, 10:36 PM. Reason: Because of a silly character limit with no spaces. >_>
          Generic Info!


          • #35
            Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

            Originally posted by Caspian
            I'm sorry, consider me a moron for not knowing this, I thought the +haste % only applied if you actually had haste cast on you. I didn't realize it affected anything if you didn't have haste already cast.
            +%haste doesn't need to have haste casted on you as I heard. A fully deck out haste gear ninja can have their Utsusemi : Ni recast shortenned so much that they don't even need to cast ichi.
            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

            - Pablo Picasso


            • #36
              Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

              Originally posted by Tirrock

              You do realize that's normal, right? Without fast cast, spells actually go off before 100% anyway, the animation just keeps going past 100%. I've found that once it hits 100% you're able to cast another spell, mid-animation or not, not the spell is actually just finishing.

              Must... resist... urge... to... further... derail... topic. I need to learn to just laugh at what people say and move on. ._.

              Attempt to go back on-topic: Honestly, somebody that got this head piece should make an attempt to deal with what they replaced their head piece for. If they were overboard on ACC and using optical hat, I doubt the optical hat will be missed. (93% acc vs 92% acc and +5% haste...) Fortunately, not that many people go accuracy crazy at high levels any more (from what I've seen, at least). Still, if they were wearing optical hat and wore this turban...they should probably switch their necklace to chivalrous chain/specs/peacock charm, or switch from a ruby ring to a sniper ring or something...

              If they've somehow found the exact point of accuracy that's good for them, then they should have enough knowledge to be able to swap their gear accordingly if they decide to get this turban.
              Keep on laughin son ^^
              /resists the urge to argue on the Itarweb( ̄。 ̄)y-~~

              The turban is still nice for the hp/mp boost to age jobs, even bard possibly corsairs depending on the subjob chosen.
              Last edited by tazirai; 05-01-2006, 11:49 PM.
              It's Official Promathia Hates me....
              それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
              A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

              BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


              • #37
                Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                Edit: Okay, real post instead of making fun of your lolJPface.

                You completely and totally disregard people disproving everything you say. How's that debuffing DC diremites with /RDM going? Throw several debuffs at them, hope they stick (MP sink!), and then plug your ears and hum when people say that you don't even need to debuff them as SMN, because avatars can kill the diremites before the diremites kill them?

                What bonuses does /RDM give you on crabs? Phalanx incase you pull hate? (Pulling hate as SMN in exp isn't even that easy. Especially at higher levels, I only exp with -2 enmity on and I don't pull hate...) Slightly more powerful stoneskin that still isn't as good as earthen ward? Barwater? (Which is an MP waste. If you're getting hit by the 'ohsodangerous' bubble shower, it's more efficent to cast curaga on everybody than have one non-tank take slightly less damage and still get hit by curaga. The curagas and barwatera would have to come from the BRD or BLM...or the WHM, which makes either the WHM or the SMN just a waste of a spot in the party.)

                I'm even reading (skimming's really old) your /RDM "guide" again. You suggest magic bursting as /RDM...and talk about how your own survival is important (WAR/WHM use the same arguement). I don't see how /RDM magic bursts and enfeebles is helping your party more than curing any negative stat...

                And I love your answer to somebody mentioning that SMN/RDM has no real benefit to the party with their subbed nukes/enfeebles and lower MP. "i must say out of 70 levels I only had issues with NA players with rdm subbed. not JPN or the Euro importers." Perhaps because we tend to speak our mind more in general? Communication problems? Take your pick. You don't truely justify it ever.

                I just wish a moderator of all people would stop spreading this crap.

                If any of the mods (minus Tazirai...) want to delete/edit this, I won't complain. It's way off topic and I know it. Want to PM me or something about it...okay, go for it. I just get annoyed by people spreading poor advice everywhere and people actually buying it.
                Last edited by Tirrock; 05-02-2006, 01:13 AM.
                Generic Info!


                • #38
                  Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                  Originally posted by Tirrock
                  Keep on falling for mass-marketing that smoking is cool. :D
                  They guy on the horse on the commercials does it. That makes it cool by default.

                  I agree about evening out your gear, but as I understand it, you need just about all the accuracy you can get with Kirin. 10 accuracy on a hat is hard to pass up. Can also set you free to use an atk food instead of acc and up your damage per hit significantly.
                  I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                  PSN: Caspian


                  • #39
                    Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                    For HNM and the like, you'd need a different gear set-up. Just look at MNKs, they wear totally different ger for HNM. From what I can tell (I've never actually gone up and hit an HNM...unless you count a level 72DRG on a friend's account against behemoth) you'd pretty much need to swap gear for all jobs if you're fighting a high level HNM.

                    I wouldn't just throw away my optical hat for this thing, as silly as it looks. But for exp it could be viable, especially with jailer torques and merits (and in some cases, divine might earrings) boosting your accuracy and attack.
                    Generic Info!


                    • #40
                      Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                      Originally posted by Karinya
                      Do you really think 5% haste is better than

                      Acc+10 (O-hat)
                      Acc+7 Atk+5 (Pahluwan Qalansuwa)
                      STR+5 Acc+5 (Shura Zunari Kabuto)
                      Acc+5 Atk+8 (Adaman Celata)
                      Acc+4 Haste+3% (Homam Zuchetto)

                      It clearly isn't better than
                      STR+4 Acc+7 Haste+4% (Ace's)

                      and that's not even counting AF2, AF+1 and JSEs.

                      It's one new option, certainly, but it doesn't seem all that compelling compared to other high level headgear, at least for DDs. It may not even beat Wyvern Helm's STR+5 alone.

                      I share this opinion. It looks like a great headgear, but a "no-doubt best headgear ever," I don't think so. Tested on hidden effects yet? ^^

                      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                      • #41
                        Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                        It's off topic but I too do not understand the benefit of having RDM sub for SMN. RDM still has the most important thing, Cure... but /WHM is so much stronger and gives more options, like -na and Erase, etc. I believe Divine Seal and stronger MP pool, along with Auto-Regen (just for the hell of it, it's nice to have!) outbeats RDM-only spells (Phalanx, Gravity, en-spells… eh?) and Fast Cast. Subbing RDM could work, and it could be useful... but no chance it's more valuable than WHM sub.

                        Back to the Turban! For MNKs, like Tirrock and co. said, Walahra is probably less useful, but for Meripo or something in the etc. factor (ie, weaker HNM where ATK/ACC doesn't really matter, like King Arthro~), especially KRT Bones PT I imagine it'd really shine. Could you imagine? Walahra, Black Belt, March, RDM’s Haste… you’re a POWERHOUSE.

                        Overall... I think NIN and PLD (Princely/Justice or Capricorn/Walahra/Homan/Dusk/Speed Haste set-up PLD/NIN FTW) are the jobs that'll benefit most from this equipment.
                        Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


                        • #42
                          Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                          How about a soloing Rdm? Just wondering. It's all I can think of lol. And yea, a soloing PLD perhaps. (Basically cause Pld/Nin and Rdm/Nin both melee, use HP and MP.)

                          War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                          • #43
                            Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                            Hmm, yea~ I guess solo/melee style RDM would fit under that section too. Faster TP gain, more attacks, and you DON'T have to macro-swap for a Warlock's Chapeau Fast Cast+! The negative effect would be more noticeable than PLD or NIN though, RDMs already lack behind when it comes to melee damage. :/

                            For PLD, I was actually referring to PLD/NIN Haste build-up HNM tanking style.
                            PLD/NIN with a strong sword in mainhand (Company, Princely) and Joyeuse/Justice and can rip stuff apart better than a Taru BLM with full merits (well, maybe not... but its damn cool) but Walahra would totally kill the style. It looks too ugly. :[
                            PLD/NIN Haste-空蝉 style can seriously benefit well from this. With Walahra, Homan Pants/Feet/Gloves (or Dusk+1), Speed Belt, Blitz Ring and Capricorn Staff... that's 26-7% haste WITH the PLD benefits (MP Pool, higher base HP, VIT and DEF.) Combine that with Loquacious Earring, March and RDM Haste... you got yourself a master tank right there.
                            Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


                            • #44
                              Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                              I think Pld/Nin is overrated compared to War/nin, lol . Besides, was Tirrock who said I was spamming.

                              War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                              • #45
                                Re: Walahra Turban secret unlocked!

                                Ah, lol what did you type to get told you were spamming :p

                                PLD/NIN when having full haste set really shines, I can't see any other types of tankers beating it in any situation. The downfall is that it takes an EXTREME amounf of wealth, power and dedication to achieve that rank and obtain those items (Speed Belt, almost full Homan, Dusk Gloves+1... IGE OK? lol) :/
                                But yea, once you see them in action... totally crazy.
                                Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]

