Idk if this is ware this goes...but does anyone know or have info if there comeing out with a new strat book with the new expansion out? if so please reply with what you know ^^
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Re: Anyone know?...
they are usually written by people that probably havent even played the game to its fullest extent day in and day out. take all those shitt....brady guides for example.
they spew so much crap all over the place im suprised they dont come with a free plastic poncho for you to put on to shield yourself from the crap.
for game play and strategies, the best place to come are these forums. theres other forums as well and they all discuss best practices (though some you might have to sift through the millions of flame posts) and strategies.
for hard info, goto this page has a db of just about everything and if you cant find it there, it will link you to several sources that will more than likely have it.
/exhaleOmni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
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Re: Anyone know?...
Mysterytour is nice too. Depending on what you're looking at, one is formatted better than the other. I like Mysterytour for synth recipes and Somepage for item and mob info. That being said, both are great for hard information. For things like, how to play a job, what to sub, etc., look on the job forums here. Or, if need be go to Allakhazam or KillingIfrit. Just please, please, don't come back acting like 90% of their population. There really can be good information to be had on those sites, just don't get caught up in the endless flaming and trolling that goes on. Certain jobs that aren't played as much (i.e. RNG), KI can be great for finding opinions and other things on how to play and what equipment to use. For most mage jobs, and many of the other jobs, searching here is just fine.
NOTE: I would love to recommend that you look on the ranger forum here for advice, but its just too damn quiet. Usually get a couple posts a month, and thats about it. Think its b/c most RNG's just wanted to bitch post-nerf, and people here quickly got tired of it, so they moved on.
Anyway I'm rambling. About the only things strategy guides are good for is the occasional beastiary when you want something tangible to look at, and for the crappy skillchain chart thats usable until about lvl 30. All of those things can just as easily be found on the internet, and just printed off.
I would recommend FFXI atlas, it is missing some various zones, and doesn't have anything from ToAU, but what it does have is nice, and its easier than printing off about 200 pages of maps.I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2
PSN: Caspian
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Re: Anyone know?...
somepage links to mysterytour! and i think vice versa ^^
somepage also has maps of all the zones i believe, even the TouA ones.Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫
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Re: Anyone know?...
don't for maps....the only reason Ive found to have the strat guide is for
1) WS lists- Im just starting melee abd having the WSs in front ofme whenever I need them is great
2) spell\ability list.
..thats it...really that it. and now that you can use wind....r yoiu can have all the info really its just a waste of money
Final Fantasy XI: Midgardsormr
Avihai: 32BST | 41MNK | 39BLM | 41WHM | 24WAR | 6NIN | 6SAM
Windy Rank5
Panwaffles: Gardening mule/Windy
Vanillaicecream: Armour mule/Sandy
Scones: Crystal Mule/Bastok
Sounds YUMMY!
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Re: Anyone know?...
Somepage's maps are provided by ffxi-atlas, last I checked.
I personally find somepage good for just about everything....except quests. Somepage is rather lacking on help for quests. They didn't even have help on RNG AF3. Still, it's not like a strategy guide will help you with many quests either.
Plus stuff in an MMO is always updated...what might be good (let's say that the strategy guide was actually right) could be changed later. The only thing I used my old strategy guide for was a skillchain chart. And then I found a better one online.Generic Info!
Yay for broken connection preventing me from exping/meriting!
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Re: Anyone know?...
Originally posted by arcadia9somepage > mysterytour >> allakhazam >>>>>my dogs poop >>>>>drunken omni vomit >>>> Brady Guide
Nuf saidOmni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫
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