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CoP continuity???

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  • CoP continuity???

    There are some spoilers here, so please read at your own will.

    I have some things on my mind regarding CoP and the continuity of that storyline....

    ToA seems to take a new direction from CoP but what about the follwing...

    !. Tenzen... where is he to be seen, will we ever face him again?
    2. The whole bahamut thing... where did he go?
    3. Pheonix, the last CS from CoP is well you know... a phoenix feather... what about that?
    4. Sea... that area is HUGE and many people have said it is a waste. Do you see Se adding some interesting stuff to SEA? More things to do?
    5. CoP and Sea were very very hard and I would hate to see nothing done about it.

    I know about apocalypse nigh and I am looiking forwarard to do that... so i guess that will clear up some questions?

    But my main concern is sea..... it was VERY hard to get there. and it is a huge huge area, and i insist, there has to be more to it.

    Ay commments?


  • #2
    Re: CoP continuity???

    Answers, some have spoilers, I guess
    Last edited by Gobo; 04-24-2006, 11:36 AM.

    PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


    • #3
      Re: CoP continuity???

      I see.. well you make some pretty valid points!!! I personally think it is a shame that SEA is just there, there is alot of things they could be in that huge area... what a waste. Toa seems so so much fun i cant wait to explore more.


      • #4
        Re: CoP continuity???

        It may seems like a waste, but Sea is also a staging ground for Limbus. The north areas are used for that.

        Title: Sergeant Major
        SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
        Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
        Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
        Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


        • #5
          Re: CoP continuity???

          Aht Urhgan don't believe in Dualism(if that is the right spelling). They have many gods, all based on serpents.


          • #6
            Re: CoP continuity???

            Well I believe SE stated that the ToAU story was going to be completely seperate from the events of CoP. So it's doubtful that there will be, many/if any at all, interactions from characters introduced in CoP.


            • #7
              Re: CoP continuity???

              I'm sure pheonix and Tenzen and all them will appear in future CS and storylines, just not ones for AU. There is still a LOT of world left unexplored in this game and a story to gowith each land that's released. There's still the northlands, home of Gigas, the southern islands, true home of the mithra, the far east, tenzen's home, and whatever else SE decides to add.

              They're taking a break from the heavy story content found in CoP to release more action oriented, playable content in ToAU. But they won't just walk away from the old storyline all together.
              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


              • #8
                Re: CoP continuity???

                I really hope that in some way ToAU has some relation with CoP, afterall... the near east is at war with the far east.


                • #9
                  Re: CoP continuity???

                  the casual player will never even do any CoP RoZ OR ToAU missions...

                  at least not me i have a hard enough time just finding a pt to lvl let alone do missions


                  • #10
                    Re: CoP continuity???

                    Yes.... unfortunatly FFXI does not appleal well for the casual player. But with the new expansions seems you can enjoy more the game with shorter events!


                    • #11
                      Re: CoP continuity???

                      Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                      Aht Urhgan don't believe in Dualism(if that is the right spelling). They have many gods, all based on serpents.
                      my bad

                      PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                      • #12
                        Re: CoP continuity???

                        the casual player will never even do any CoP RoZ OR ToAU missions...

                        at least not me i have a hard enough time just finding a pt to lvl let alone do missions
                        Not true. Don't let your short time on FFXI speak for the entire game. You can do all of RoZ in four nights or get sky in three.

                        I'm thinking the next expansion will be the Far East(or a big chunk of it) and the rest of the Empire of Aht Urhgan(everything we see right now is only half of it, West Aht Urhgan). I'm thinking one or two zones to Aht Urhgan(which would be interested if they were linked to another expansion's zones), and two to four zones of Far East. Maybe even PvP style Assaults(you pick which side you want to be a mercenary of), Battlegrounds like zones(Trench Warfare), and IS working there, also another set of Signet for the other Empire. Then again, SE could always just go into another direction.


                        • #13
                          Re: CoP continuity???

                          Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                          Not true. Don't let your short time on FFXI speak for the entire game. You can do all of RoZ in four nights or get sky in three.
                          If you have a linkshell that will help. Right now is the worst time to ask anyone for help, especially with AF. Cause everyone wants a key or an item and monsters are pretty bare all around (First time in months I will see conquest with every nation's flag on every point on the map)


                          • #14
                            Re: CoP continuity???

                            Originally posted by Darkhound
                            I really hope that in some way ToAU has some relation with CoP, afterall... the near east is at war with the far east.

                            Everything in FFXI is related in terms of storyline you just hav eto know where to look and quests to do. I found an Aht urghan storyline months before the expansion. its called a pokemon ^^, It levels with youand has its own series of genkai, and has a storyline dealing with the divinities of Light and darkness.

                            As far as Promathia goes, the storyline "may" be continued in the fareast, seeing as they have all but declared war on jeuno. They may be spreading themselves thin with aht urghan and Jeuno. The emptiness ravaged the Far east, so the emperor may have to deal with the repurcusions of that.

                            Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                            Aht Urhgan don't believe in Dualism(if that is the right spelling). They have many gods, all based on serpents.
                            The gods of the "middle" continent are a pantheon that's in slumber.
                            Theres the sahagin gods, they also follow altana. Theres the celestial gods who reign over the elements. The terrestrial gods who warred with the Ziraat and the slumbering gods. Theres also the gods from Al'taieu. Altana, ugalepih, promathia and others unmentioned.

                            So yeah theres a pantheon here. theres also the western continents that Tenzen mentions.
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                            • #15
                              Re: CoP continuity???

                              Doesn't mean they are in one pantheon. God and Anubis are not in the same Pantheon.

                              Just like Norse and Geek doesn't share pantheons. There is more than one type of religion in Vana'diel. All the ones based on the "Middle Lands"(not Aht Urhgan) seem to have roots in Dualism(Altana and Promathia). No one worships the Celestial Gods(anymore).

