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I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

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  • I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

    Being at LvL 31, I know that the next place for partying is Garleige Citadel, but I seem to have lost it. I went there just for a short while, just to to check the place out about a week ago but now I don't know where it is.

    I downloaded a massive map of Vana 'diel ages ago and had a look around.
    I thought it might be in or near Meriphataud Mountains, but the map doesn't point it out there so obviously I'm wrong.
    Which region is it in please?

    Also...... where do you go for partying after Garleige?
    Someone wrote out a long list of places where you go but that was a while back.
    If anyone knows the location and can remind me, it would be helpful.

    (\ /)
    ( . .)

  • #2
    Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

    it's in sauromugue

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

      Cool. Thanks a lot for the help.

      The map of Vana 'diel I copied to my PC ages ago doesn't show all the important aarea like the dungeons and such. I don't know why, but it should do.
      The one you gave me a link to is much better.

      Thanks again.

      (\ /)
      ( . .)


      • #4
        Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

        What I did first was photo-paint a giant 8x16ft wall mural of the Vana'Diel map on my wall next to my computer desk. Then I mad-scientisted a Speak-and-Math, changing the numbers to zone names and entrances as well as hooking up combinations and possibilities to LEDs which are inplanted inside my wall. Then, when I want to go from The Boyahda Tree to say, Windurst, I input :

        The Boyahda Tree + Windurst - Jeuno = <enter>

        The Speak-and-"Map" [teehee] then figures out the most probable and fastest route for me to take without stopping in Jeuno for an Airship ride. After the computation is done, It lights up the route on my wall, as well as congratulates me on my Multiplication and/or Division prowess.

        Going to everytime you need a map is too much work.


        • #5
          Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

          Man, if I had artistic skills and owned my own house ... a wallmural-sized map of Vana'diel by my computer would be teh sweet.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

            I have a 3x3ft one that I printed at work. That's pretty helpful, and if it had a nice frame from Michael's or something, it would actually make a good wall hanging.


            • #7
              Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

              Originally posted by PotentPotables
              What I did first was photo-paint a giant 8x16ft wall mural of the Vana'Diel map on my wall next to my computer desk. Then I mad-scientisted a Speak-and-Math, changing the numbers to zone names and entrances as well as hooking up combinations and possibilities to LEDs which are inplanted inside my wall. Then, when I want to go from The Boyahda Tree to say, Windurst, I input :

              The Boyahda Tree + Windurst - Jeuno = <enter>

              The Speak-and-"Map" [teehee] then figures out the most probable and fastest route for me to take without stopping in Jeuno for an Airship ride. After the computation is done, It lights up the route on my wall, as well as congratulates me on my Multiplication and/or Division prowess.

              Going to everytime you need a map is too much work.
              Wow! That all sounds pretty complicated to me.

              Oh, and..... I don't have either the right paper size or enough ink in my printer to ever have the ability to print out a large map of Vana 'diel.
              My printer isn't suitable enough for it. It's a little bit old and isn't exactly up to date.

              (\ /)
              ( . .)


              • #8
                Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?


                Please do take a picture or two of your Wall-Mural-Destination-Route-Speak-and-Map. I'd be interesting in seeing it. (as im sure everyone else is, too!)
                Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
                >> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
                Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
                >> Alauna : yeah...


                • #9
                  Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

                  This should be good ...
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • #10
                    Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

                    Damnit, Ill come up with a pic when Im done with the tons of other projects Im alreday werkin on, sheesh...

                    Damn slave drivers...

                    I'm already scrapping my Bird to make some time...


                    • #11
                      Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

                      Would you belive that I did not even know where the entrance to Garlaige was until I was level 46?

                      Would you further believe that I never partied in the Crawler's Nest until level 50 (even though I'd had the map for it since level 24)?
                      Monk - Mentor


                      • #12
                        Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

                        I believe it o.o, I never partied in either untill i was into the 60's x_X. But I was in a perma and we never went to areas most other people went to


                        • #13
                          Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

                          Where did you party instead, if I may ask? I have never ever had a good party experience in Garliage, either near the door or by the gate in the 30s or in the basement in the ... 50s? If I could avoid ever going there again after I finish my AF that would make me happy.
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • #14
                            Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

                            Well, I had a Linkshell static, and we went to Altepa for the early 30s, and then, um.... *tries to remember* then the other Altepa, out by the mesa in the middle of the desert, and then I think we went into Quicksand Caves. After that, then I think we were about 50~ish, and we went into the bottom of the Crawlers Nest, leveling on Knight Crawlers.
                            I remember dinging to 52 there and putting on my AF boots.
                            We stayed there for a while, then I think we maybe did the Boyadha tree for a bit, and then in the late 50s we were in the back of the Monastic Caverns in Davoi (where the Overlord pops).
                            Monk - Mentor


                            • #15
                              Re: I Have Lost Garleige. Where Is It Please?

                              oh, damn.

                              Now I want a wall mural of Vana'diel.


