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Some GM's are retarded

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  • #16
    Re: OMG proof FFXI is JP biased

    Originally posted by Aeni
    LOL ... the OP might be the same OP in the other thread. Maybe an admin can verify by checking the IP addy.

    Yeah I agree, I don't buy it at all. I've never even seen anything as flagarant as that and this guy seems to hate JP players for some reason. This and the way it was poorly written...

    Also, notice how this is exactly like how that other thread went:

    "I didn't have Windower up and couldn't take screenshots..."

    Listen, that's complete and utter BS. Anyone with *Windower* can tell you that much. 99% of Windower users run FRAPs or similar programs already.
    um aeni u failed to see what i said about windower.. how can i use FRAPS when windower si broken right now after the new update.. ALSO did u read the part where i said i CANT take SS cause windower DONT work atm..

    also how would i fraps a GM conversation? magicly know its gonna happen before hand and have fraps at the ready?

    also also i didnt know about the other Jcblue posts o other sites til after i posted this.. i didnt even have his name right

    also also also my situation is completely diffrent from the other jcblue posts.. he DIDNT ban me


    • #17
      Re: OMG proof FFXI is JP biased

      The way you presented your experience makes me very doubtful.

      First of all, you didn't take screens.
      Second, you "forgot" the GM's name (a GM you yelled at)
      Third, I highly doubt that the JP players were willing to die and lose experience just to ban you.


      • #18
        Re: OMG proof FFXI is JP biased

        FRAPS has nothing to do with windower and you don't need the windower for it

        anyway, before shouting "proof" of bias everywhere how about next time you just say unfair/stupid treatment? we don't need more conspiracy theories

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #19
          Re: OMG proof FFXI is JP biased

          1st of all Kage i CANT take screens...

          do u flamers actualy READ the posts or just randomly FLAME for no reason

          and 2 Neighbortaru i renamed the title like 5 min after i posted it realizing my stupidity its not my fault the title hasnt changed yet dont like YOU or another mod have to approve the new title or something..

          anyway GG on the flames guys


          • #20
            Re: OMG proof FFXI is JP biased

            You sure over-react. No one is flaming you.

            I think I'm starting to understand why the GM bothered to get into an hour long argument with you.


            • #21
              Re: OMG proof FFXI is JP biased

              meh people don't believe your story. can you blame them? you haven't given them much to go on other than your words.

              and no YOU can't change the title of a thread after it has been created (only the subject). WE have to do that so be more careful next time. that being said, I'll fill out the damn paperwork and go do it right now... yeesh.

              Thanks Yyg!


              • #22
                Re: OMG proof FFXI is JP biased

                Originally posted by tetsuol
                1st of all Kage i CANT take screens...

                do u flamers actualy READ the posts or just randomly FLAME for no reason

                and 2 Neighbortaru i renamed the title like 5 min after i posted it realizing my stupidity its not my fault the title hasnt changed yet dont like YOU or another mod have to approve the new title or something..

                anyway GG on the flames guys
                Lol, getting aggressive there Tetsuol... I'm not even carrying about the bias part because it's seems pretty obvious it looks like it was suppose to be renamed to "Some GM's are retarded". Though I don't know why it didn't change the thread title unless you did it wrong or just the design of this forum.


                Looks like someone beat me to changing it >.>

                /me shakes angry fist at neighbourtaru.
                For some wierd reason I have an urge to yell out "Kahn!"..

                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                • #23
                  Re: Some GM's are retarded

                  thanks.. and as to the flame comment.. having ppl call me a liar .. well to YOU it may not me a flame. but to ME i take it as a flame a insult and a slap to the face

                  thanks for changeing the title for me


                  • #24
                    Re: Some GM's are retarded

                    You don't need windower to run fraps. You don't even need fraps to take screenshots.

                    That said, wtf is the deal with anytime someone comes on here and says something with no screenshots to back it up they're automatically a liar? Should I start running fraps in the background all the time just in case something bad happens to me? I'm just hope you're never the deciding member on a jury.

                    "My house got broken into. I've been robbed."
                    "Do you have surveillance cameras in every room of your house?"
                    "No ..."
                    "Well how do I know you didn't just break your own window and hide all your things to stir up drama?"
                    "Case dismissed!"
                    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                    • #25
                      Re: Some GM's are retarded

                      lol THANK YOU Taskmage thats exactly how i feel when ppl call me a liar

                      anyway i did a GM call today GMHaruko said he would "look into it" whatever that means

                      anyway i hope the warning is taken off my account


                      • #26
                        Re: Some GM's are retarded

                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        "My house got broken into. I've been robbed."
                        "Do you have surveillance cameras in every room of your house?"
                        "No ..."
                        "Well how do I know you didn't just break your own window and hide all your things to stir up drama?"
                        "Case dismissed!"
                        that's classic xD
                        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                        - Pablo Picasso


                        • #27
                          Re: Some GM's are retarded

                          i think we've grown cynical and jaded in our old age. or maybe that's just me

                          Thanks Yyg!


                          • #28
                            Re: Some GM's are retarded

                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            You don't need windower to run fraps. You don't even need fraps to take screenshots.

                            That said, wtf is the deal with anytime someone comes on here and says something with no screenshots to back it up they're automatically a liar? Should I start running fraps in the background all the time just in case something bad happens to me? I'm just hope you're never the deciding member on a jury.

                            "My house got broken into. I've been robbed."
                            "Do you have surveillance cameras in every room of your house?"
                            "No ..."
                            "Well how do I know you didn't just break your own window and hide all your things to stir up drama?"
                            "Case dismissed!"
                            Lol, that is good. I said nothing though, the allakhazam board had a number of complaints about the same GM and in more then one source. I can understand a person forgetting a GM's name even if they yelled at them. Hell a guy that annoys the heck out of me I was at inches of fighting and yet I can't recall his name one bit though I know I should know it because I was using his name when I was yelling at him.

                            All I did though is check tetsuol to make sure he wasn't pulling anything, he was clean from what I see which is why I say he just seems like a newbie with incredibly bad luck. Hope that GM deal clears up though.

                            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                            • #29
                              Re: Some GM's are retarded

                              well I just find it funny that you say you CANT take screen shots....

                              1) FRAPS can be run in the back ground and not lower perforance of FFXI
                              2) Windowers is not needed.... hit select then R1 (on a PS2 or a PC with a game pad) (forgot how to do it on keyboard :p)
                              3) there is no reason why you cant take screenshots, and if there is please explain...

                              also even with the ingame SS thingy (cant take chat pic) you could have SS the party following you while fighting
                              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                              • #30
                                Re: Some GM's are retarded

                                for kaelia
                                YES i can take SS of the pt following me ect and me being in morodon gaol but if i cant take pics of text then why bother at all?

                                i mean if i post SS of ppl following me and no text to back anything up and me beining in MG with no text to back anything up then ppl are still gonna call me a liar

                                + my ffxi SS folder is full and it always says "your screenshot folder is full" or sumpin in red letters when i try to take SS

                                and i always use windower SS function to take my SS cause they can take text SS like for instance this one

                                without the text you wouldnt relize im a noob and its my 1st trip to jeuno.. your think something else

