Warning: spelling of FFXI-specific stuff is probably wrong, as I am transcribing it from katakana for now 
- casting magic uses MP, each magic also has level restrictions
- special ability "Argel Law", increases effectiveness of blue magic for set time
- ability "Blue Chain" allows you to use physical-type blue magic in skillchains
- ability "Blue Burst" allows you to use magic-type blue magic in magic bursts
- status of char changes depending on the blue magic chosen
- lv75 sword skill: 269 blue magic skill: 276, (could be affected by magic equipped though)
- Phantom Roll: strengthens party members, can also "Double Up"
- Phantom roll affects jobs in the following way:
WAR -> dmg accuracy up, WHM -> healing MP up, BLM -> mag.atk. up, RDM -> mag.acc, up, PLD -> counter damage, RNG -> acc. (both) up, SMN -> refresh, COR -> exp. up, other jobs unknown for now
- Quick Draw: weakening magic on enemy
- Wild Card: allow party members to reuse their abilities
- Maton (the doll) can be called like wyvern, using "Stringer"
- You can control your maton with items
- Maton will disappear when HP runs out but you can resummon or repair it
- You can change maton equipment - there are 12 types of "attachment", for head and frame parts
- graphics change according to equipment
- according to equipment, the maton changes skills in "white soldier", "firing soldier", "magic soldier" areas
New areas:
Gadarba floating lake: looks like Zi'tah
New NPC:
Beastman Mercenary "Gesshow" - Yagudo.
New equipment:
Beruan - self-defence equipment
Igito - mage equipment
NPC equipment revealed in besiege mode can also be equipped
New weapons:
Janviar - gold dagger
Amuhd - 2H axe with three gold points
Mezarak - 2H pole with 4 way spikes
Algor - legendary great sword
Other bits:
- field and dungeon music will be new
- region menu will change a lot. Aht Urhgan region map revealed... separate map to rest of VD.
- "unconfirmed items" will be from Assault only?
- Assault is for 3-6 people
- Besiege NPCs cannot be cured, they can also be captured and kidnapped
- There are mogs in Nashmo town

- casting magic uses MP, each magic also has level restrictions
- special ability "Argel Law", increases effectiveness of blue magic for set time
- ability "Blue Chain" allows you to use physical-type blue magic in skillchains
- ability "Blue Burst" allows you to use magic-type blue magic in magic bursts
- status of char changes depending on the blue magic chosen
- lv75 sword skill: 269 blue magic skill: 276, (could be affected by magic equipped though)
- Phantom Roll: strengthens party members, can also "Double Up"
- Phantom roll affects jobs in the following way:
WAR -> dmg accuracy up, WHM -> healing MP up, BLM -> mag.atk. up, RDM -> mag.acc, up, PLD -> counter damage, RNG -> acc. (both) up, SMN -> refresh, COR -> exp. up, other jobs unknown for now
- Quick Draw: weakening magic on enemy
- Wild Card: allow party members to reuse their abilities
- Maton (the doll) can be called like wyvern, using "Stringer"
- You can control your maton with items
- Maton will disappear when HP runs out but you can resummon or repair it
- You can change maton equipment - there are 12 types of "attachment", for head and frame parts
- graphics change according to equipment
- according to equipment, the maton changes skills in "white soldier", "firing soldier", "magic soldier" areas
New areas:
Gadarba floating lake: looks like Zi'tah
New NPC:
Beastman Mercenary "Gesshow" - Yagudo.
New equipment:
Beruan - self-defence equipment
Igito - mage equipment
NPC equipment revealed in besiege mode can also be equipped
New weapons:
Janviar - gold dagger
Amuhd - 2H axe with three gold points
Mezarak - 2H pole with 4 way spikes
Algor - legendary great sword
Other bits:
- field and dungeon music will be new
- region menu will change a lot. Aht Urhgan region map revealed... separate map to rest of VD.
- "unconfirmed items" will be from Assault only?
- Assault is for 3-6 people
- Besiege NPCs cannot be cured, they can also be captured and kidnapped
- There are mogs in Nashmo town