I always try to hold my anger and keep this to myself, but this weekend was perhaps one of the most frustrating weekends ever in my 2 year FF HISTORY.
The story unfolds as following....
I hit 60 on my BLM (which will be my second 75 job) so, I decided to manaburn and speed things up a bit, we decided to go to the boyada tree, everything was going pefect until this (calmn down DH, calmn down) #@%^$^%&^@# these..... individuales showed up!!! "loiling", "katataka" "lilylong" "poingling" "weiling" "linglin" show up,,, at 1st we didnt mind, they just stood there, when all of a sudden those individuals decided to xp and camp ON TOP of m party.. I couldnt belive my eyes!!!! Im getting furious again just to remember. We were down the 1st waterfall in the tree (as if you are going to fafnir) and there are not too much crabs there, but campin right on top of us... i mean for the love of good.... I didnt wnat to do much hassle... then we decided to go to the valley of sorrows... so there we go...
We were on the south entrnace in the beach of cape terringa, doing good, xping on raptors... and then.... oh yes..... surprise surprise.... 10 individuals show up,
"lingling" "pingping" "yingying" "queping" "gonging" and a few more. I wa sabout to die.... after them watching us for like 6 mintues they did the same thing.... camped on top of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not only that.. this time it gor worse, their ohter powerlevelers... invisibled themselves in the tunnel.. so that our pulled would get "stuck" for a second and died. They had like 4 guys invis so our puller died like 3 times. After that.... i was SO annyoned, I SWEAR I want to MPK them, and I have never ever done this. I called a GM.... and well... his reponse was "move your camp" if they follow you then report agian.... $^$@$^%*&(*)(*(&^^% move my camp????????????????? How on earth do they support that???? I mean, not only do they ruin our economy, but how they are ruining our xp camps? This didnt happen to me when i was leveling my summoner...
Does this happen on other servers? Has this happened to you?
So.. anyway.. I TOLD the GM... "so, i can xp on top of any pt i want and i wont get banned or suspended" and he said yes!!!! So, to make things worse... yesterday, sunday.... i got a regular xp party and went to Ozonzo.... and grrrrrrrrrrr.. PINGPONG, LAMELONG and the rets of his crew was there... camping on top of the parties as well.
Do they realize that they are hated? Why doesnt SE do something about it? I am so so so so so frustrated. I want to keeep my posture, but i think i will go off the next time i see them!
The story unfolds as following....
I hit 60 on my BLM (which will be my second 75 job) so, I decided to manaburn and speed things up a bit, we decided to go to the boyada tree, everything was going pefect until this (calmn down DH, calmn down) #@%^$^%&^@# these..... individuales showed up!!! "loiling", "katataka" "lilylong" "poingling" "weiling" "linglin" show up,,, at 1st we didnt mind, they just stood there, when all of a sudden those individuals decided to xp and camp ON TOP of m party.. I couldnt belive my eyes!!!! Im getting furious again just to remember. We were down the 1st waterfall in the tree (as if you are going to fafnir) and there are not too much crabs there, but campin right on top of us... i mean for the love of good.... I didnt wnat to do much hassle... then we decided to go to the valley of sorrows... so there we go...
We were on the south entrnace in the beach of cape terringa, doing good, xping on raptors... and then.... oh yes..... surprise surprise.... 10 individuals show up,
"lingling" "pingping" "yingying" "queping" "gonging" and a few more. I wa sabout to die.... after them watching us for like 6 mintues they did the same thing.... camped on top of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does this happen on other servers? Has this happened to you?
So.. anyway.. I TOLD the GM... "so, i can xp on top of any pt i want and i wont get banned or suspended" and he said yes!!!! So, to make things worse... yesterday, sunday.... i got a regular xp party and went to Ozonzo.... and grrrrrrrrrrr.. PINGPONG, LAMELONG and the rets of his crew was there... camping on top of the parties as well.
Do they realize that they are hated? Why doesnt SE do something about it? I am so so so so so frustrated. I want to keeep my posture, but i think i will go off the next time i see them!
