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japanese pov - PT play and invites.

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  • #16
    Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

    This is quite the post. Thank you Jei for bringing it forward^^

    Being able to play with Japanese folks is one of the reasons I play FFXI. Maybe, b/c half the game is actual play but the other half is more of the community experience. I made a very good JPN friend who I thought I lost contact with for 2 years when I quit 2 years ago but I recently reunited with him. I guess, you can label him as my mentor in Japanese, FFXI, and in life. He's much older than me and we always talk bout things like family, work, etc.

    I highly agree with Aeni's comment on the age gap. Its there and it exists. Plus, as much JP Onry there is I know alot of NA players who don't even try to party with Japanese players. As much as there is negativity on one side, there exists the same on the other.

    However, I do believe that the FFXI community is much better than the WoW community. Lets just say I don't see/hear shout wars as often as I do in WoW.

    JPN players are so nice. But so are NA players. Everyone should just get along^^

    I happen to be guilty of the /tell (name) {Party}? {Kazham}

    I will do my best to correct myself.


    • #17
      Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

      Originally posted by Aeni
      This is pretty common happenstance in the game, particularly at low levels. Part of this is also the fact that JP players, even when new, do not try to hold back the party. Almost every JP player that I've ran into, regardless if veteran or new, instinctively know how to play this game. They're always well prepared and are flexible with many things.
      This comment, and I mean no disrespect to the person who posted it, is complete and utter BS. I have met some JP players who just plain SUCK at this game. Worse then ANY NA or EU players I've met. I had a pt with my 13 mnk where the main tank was a Taru taru War/Whm with a sword who pulled with dia and wore a Yukata the whole time. I've had JP Blms who couldn't MB, manage hate or even use the spells a mob was weak too. And I've had a JP drg who, although a very nice person, couldn't SC for the life of her and had bare minimum if not out of date gear. Hell I was once kicked from a pt by a JP smn for not soloing TA on the nin, who held hate just fine without me, at lvl 48 thf. This smn was also asked to carby pull because three crawlers were all on top of each other, only when she pulled she brought all three back to camp. If it wasn't for me voking and PDing one while a stray high lvl Rdm killed the other link we would have wiped. Then she pulled a beetle and didn't once try to either dispel it or buff the melees, despite having fenrir, and we ended up having to escape cause we were about to wipe again. All that happened in the span of two pulls btw.

      I could go on and on and on about all the bad JP players I met, just like I could do about all the bad NA and EU players I met. But I prefer to not dwell on the bad and focus on the good. I've had great JP pts, I've had great NA pts. Heck the best pts I had were the ones where we had a combination of people from all over the world.

      Jp players don't 'instinctively' know how to play, many of them suck just as bad as everyone else sometimes worse.

      Originally posted by Rodin
      "This is also not to be taken as “JPs are better” or “JP way is the only way”, as I have been in a number of very good NA only PTs and very bad JP only PTs."
      THAT is the only truth in this game. The only real diffrence between Joe in Detroit and Akira in Tokyo is what language they speak.
      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


      • #18
        Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

        I dont suppose anyone could cross post that for me, this is the only major FFXI site I can access from work ><

        As for addin stat bonuses to the sea comment. As a mage I tend to do that because I've run into many mages that show up to the party either naked, wearing some level 1 event gear, or what have you. And that really pisses me off that they think just because they are in high demand, they can get away with stuff like that. So I'll put in my major stat bonuses just to show that I am wearing appropiate gear.


        • #19
          Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

          Originally posted by dirtyclown
          Bahahahahaha!! That was hilarious.

          That post was an interesting read, but I was already aware of all of those things from playing long enough. Good to know that this information is being passed along to the masses.
          It's true, you should not use the word "Jap" when referring to a Japanese person. In World War 2, Jap was used as a derogative term for Japanese people. It's become a racist remark and should be avoided when trying to say Japanese people. If you want to say Japanese person, you should either say JP or Nihonjin, either of those are acceptable and respectful. I have never seen a Japanese person call an NA person a redneck or a round-eye, so I think we should return the decency.

          Also, for those of you who haven't tried learning a bit of Japanese, it wouldn't hurt trying to learn some. It's a very fun language, and IMO, the pronunciations are easier than English. (I know some of you are going WTF? after I said that, but for people who are learning Japanese, they know what I'm talking about.) There's no trick letters or words in Japanese, everything sounds how it is spelled. Also, kanji is NOT as hard as it looks to remember. It's NOT THAT HARD WHEN BROKEN DOWN. If you think about it, it's very clever. One example would be the Kanji for looking ... it is a compound between the kanji for eye, and the kanji for legs. You think about that one. Remembering Kanji isn't that hard. Think of it this way. You already know thousands of symbols, you just don't use them to read. You see two golden arches, what's that? It's McDonalds. You see a small rectangular red tag....that's the trademark for Levi's Jeans. Etc...

          (Sorry for these long drawn out posts, I'm studying for the SATs and feel that anything that's less than 20 sentences is inadequate ><)
          Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
          90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

          Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


          • #20
            Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

            Originally posted by Ziero
            This comment, and I mean no disrespect to the person who posted it, is complete and utter BS.
            I meant no offense, but sounds like you're a bit angry about this discussion. Truth be told, you may have had your fair share of problems, but I can wager a bet that you might not be able to tell apart a Japanese player from a Chinese from an Indonesian from a Korean when they're all playing on the JP client. I've partied with plenty of Korean and Thai players before. The give away is the "J" mark next to their name, their poor english and their comment about not being able to understand Japanese. There exists about a hundred or so such players on each server. Truly FFXI is quite an international game if only because SE has adopted a strategy of having everyone play on the same servers.

            But I'm not in defense of the JP players. I've had my fair share of bad JP players, but you know what, I think I've had ten times more bad NA or EU. And I've played this game for well over 3 years now, probably twice if not longer than you've played.

            I cannot tell you how many times when I've told an NA player about how sneak and invisble spells work, that how you need to let someone know when you get the message in red about it wearing off. Yet time and time again, these players who I'm communicating in their language cannot for the life of them "get it."

            Yet, with my basic Japanese, I was able to explain how this works with a couple of newb JP players. Never had problems with them after teaching them.

            I'm not pulling the racist card, since there's no such thing (For all I know, majority of NA players might be asian or of Japanese descent, right? No way of knowing for sure...) but I can tell you, collectively, probably due to cultural/social differences, I can point out strong differences between the two groups, enough so that I can make a general statement in this thread, without having to be so emotional about it, like you have demonstrated in your post.

            Jp players don't 'instinctively' know how to play, many of them suck just as bad as everyone else sometimes worse.
            That's in your opinion. There's no way anyone could "suck" as bad or worse than this on NA player who I partied with once in the 70s... seriously, you should've been there. You'd probably have puked all over your PS2/PC that day...


            • #21
              Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

              While not "instinctively" Japanese players may (and I say may) understand better that FFXI works around cooperation (Quests, Missions and Exp gain). Individuals can only achieve something through grouping and the more efficient the invidual is the better the group will work.
              I'm back! Sanim restored!


              • #22
                Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

                Originally posted by Jynx_lucky_j
                I dont suppose anyone could cross post that for me, this is the only major FFXI site I can access from work ><

                As for addin stat bonuses to the sea comment. As a mage I tend to do that because I've run into many mages that show up to the party either naked, wearing some level 1 event gear, or what have you. And that really pisses me off that they think just because they are in high demand, they can get away with stuff like that. So I'll put in my major stat bonuses just to show that I am wearing appropiate gear.
                Cross posted from link Jei posted at top.


                This is based on my personal experience of EXPing thru 3 jobs as indicated in my signature.

                This is also not to be taken as “JPs are better” or “JP way is the only way”, as I have been in a number of very good NA only PTs and very bad JP only PTs.

                This is just some information that may come in handy - the next time you want to invite a JP person, or if you end up in a JP PT.

                I am Japanese. Japanese is my first language and English is my second. Please excuse me for any spelling, or, grammatical errors that may occur. I currently reside in NYC.

                Some background info about me:

                Initially when I started leveling my first job, as a WHM, I had NA system. I played on the NA PS2, on NA PS version release date. I grew up in Japan, so playing Final Fantasy was like for most Americans, playing UNO (I have yet to meet an American that doesn’t know this game).

                I am also not a “gamer”. This was my first MMORPG. Prior to FFXI, I did not know that you can play games on the PC…I thought PC was for work only, and consoles for games. Therefore, when FFXI came out, I opted to wait until NA release, instead of bothering my parents in Japan to send me not only the game, but a JP PS2.

                For the most part of my WHM career, I was just like most people here. “JE” designation, meaning, I was considered “not JP” by the JP.

                I did experience my share of discrimination, despite my use of Romaji.

                Like when I was doing a teleport service, I’d read a JP shout in JP. I will invite them, and on occasion, as soon as I said “Ryoukin wa sakibarai ni narimasu” (Please pay first) they’d disband because they thought I was NA.

                I would go hours without a PT invite despite my shining WHM job because I had “JE” designation.

                So, instead of being friendly to my own fellow countrymen, I just decided to play “NA”. I won’t talk to them in PTs, I won’t even say hello. I even turned down invites out of spite on occasion - well, politely of course; “JP PT {No Thanks}” (really…I’ve done it a few times)

                But as my real life got busier and busier, it became impossible for me to log on at NA peak time, and I found myself being the handful of “JE” amongst a sea of “J”s. So I started taking JP invites as well. I couldn't be a primadonna NA WHM.

                Then slowly, I noticed something.

                JP PT members remembered my performance as a WHM, and I would get repeat invites - night after night - from the same bunch of people. For example, one night a WAR from the night before will invite me. The next night, the PLD from three nights ago, etc. etc.

                Despite my “JE” designation and my all English Search Comment, and my Cheap-Chic (Like Electrums instead of Astrals, NQ MND rings instead of HQ…)something was getting them to invite me.

                It’s not for my Japanese abilities either. Most of these times, I’d speak in Auto-Translator only, because I had given up and got tired of explaining why I was playing on the NA system, even though I am Japanese, in hard to read, hard to type ROMAJI (Yeeek!)

                It's because I did my job as a WHM right, played by their rules (like not replacing, etc.), stuck until they were done with PT, and minded my own business. I did not spam {English}{Please} if they chatted in Japanese, I Hasted an odd job if told, even though I thought was silly, and worked as a part of the EXP grind machine.

                In fact, my NA NIN friend gets lots of repeat JP invites as well. it's true. They do remember the good ones and just as such, they will remember the bad ones.

                I eventually got over my “I hate my own kind” thing, and started to read more 2ch, more NA complaints on forums such as this, listen to complaints in LSs and for a long time, tried to figure this discrimination out.

                Because it was very strange to me. Most Japanese like America. They have English blurbs in most Japanese pop songs. They like to wear Western designers, they love visiting America. To top it all of, even our animations and manga characters certainly resmemble Anglo-Saxon race.

                So why don't we like "NA"s ... it's mostly the same thing - NA= North American. America! Don't we like all things American?

                Earlier, I figured out that some of this had to do with initial player skill gap between the JPs that’s been playing for 2 years vs. NAs that just started playing, with minimal information as to how to play this complex game. Perhaps the general age gap (younger pre-teen, teenager players in NA, older players in JP) had something to do with it too.

                Macros? Economy? Multiple kinds of armor for each level? Interaction with other players in a PT and your performance effecting the other five members? None of this ever existed in any previous FFs. Like me, there were lots of NAs that played such a complex MMORPGs for the first time in their lives.

                But after this initial player skill/game knowledge gap narrowed, there are still complaints of JPs not liking NAs and NAs getting spiteful of JPs.


                Here’s what I see as why: What NAs see as acceptable is not acceptable to JPs. And vice versa.

                Currently I play on the PC, with a JP POL, which I bought about a year ago, when I went home on a holiday. It is a lot easier for me to speak/write JP than English afterall.

                So - taking this into consideration - here are some things you might want to think about when PTing with JPs.

                1) Inviting
                When I get invites from a JP leader, the tell is like this:

                ”Hello~ This is a PT of JP WAR, RDM, NA NIN, 69-71. Would you like to join us for EXP PT?”

                or if it’s a start up PT

                ”Hello~ I am BLM75. I’m trying to set up a EXP PT. Would you like to join me?”

                When I get invites from a NA leader, the tell is like this:

                ”{Party}?” or “{Hello!}{Party}?”

                Let’s try to use the auto-translator to make a bit more JPish invite:

                ”{Hello!}{Experience Points}{Party} NA PLD, WHM, JP SAM 69-71. {Team up}?”

                ”{Hello!}New {Party}. THF 22. {Team up}?”

                I am not saying this is a sure fire way, but if you show that you have made an effort to communicate, customized just for the JP, you will win their hearts - and invite acceptance. Because the JPs will take note that you have done something very different from a typical NA person, and will appreciate it.

                2) Getting Replacements
                While this can be very efficient way to PT - PT as long as you want, or as short as you can - this is undoubtedly a VERY NA system. The only time JP PT might replace is if their single NA melee in an otherwise all JP PT has to go, after an hour of PT (because JPs tend to exp longer per session).

                With replacements, while the NA person will think he’s done nothing wrong, perhaps think that he’s done the JP PT a favor by getting his own replacement, made sure the replacement was at camp before disbanding, even went the extra mile by finding a replacement that’s same job, same level, the JPs may be perplexed.

                Why? Because what if the JP PT was going to go for an hour more? They will feel bad that now there is this brand new person that has traveled through many zones to get to camp, only to EXP for maybe an hour, even less?

                When making replacements, I think most JP PTs will not mind that you do. However, it is imperative that you ask how long the PT is staying, if it will be worth it for the replacement.

                “{Long time}{Party}? Get new WAR?”

                So many times I get this: “zzzzzz {I’m sleepy}WAR otw {See you again!}” followed by a “D2plz”

                …..While we understand simple words, like “get” and “new”, “otw” doesn’t make any sense.

                I think until FFXI, most JP people in Japan never associated multiple “z”s as sleepy noise. I’m pretty sure because I recall a thread in 2ch trying to figure out what the hell “zzzzzz” meant.

                Additionally, it is important that you try to find the job that will work in the PT - in terms of jobs and Skillchains. ….replacing a WHM with a BRD, replacing a RDM with a BLM, replacing a NIN with a WAR is just out-right silly.

                There is a new wave of JPs that are indeed adapting to NA style. There are those that like NA PTs for their freedom to “leave whenever you want”. However, if it is a bad PT or slow PT, they don’t feel comfortable, making somebody else replace them. Because again, JPs remember each other well, and they don’t want to be reprimanded.

                3) l337 Speak, Auto Speak
                I have a relatively young (14 year old) person in my LS. He uses this 1337 speak and even with my command of English, I cannot understand.

                “u need 2 4 dat”

                I think I got this reply when I asked how many something I needed for a synth. After staring at it for a few minutes, I concluded I needed 24 of them. So I asked “2 stacks?” ….I was quickly corrected by other LS members. Since then, he’s slowly learning to type real English….

                Please please please use auto-translator to its fullest extent, and where it is not available, use real words. Also, creative use of Auto-Translator doesn’t work…

                {Reward} = a command used for BST when feeding pets, will come out as "itawaru" which is more of a verb used when caring for a sick/hurt person.

                {May}{bee} = comes out as the {5th month}{bumble bee} ---After switching to JP POL, it took me a good few weeks to figure this one out.

                {Back} = comes out as {backside} - use {I’m back!} instead please…

                {Pull back} = used in many NA pull macros, but says, {retreat a little} in Japanese.

                JPs do like “lol” and “OMG”. I’ve actually seen “lol” and “OMG” used a few times in all JP PTs. Infact I've seen “lololololol” used often - the more the better!

                4) When in Rome, do as Romans do.
                While I know many NAs will not like to hear this, but when you are in a all JP PT, or when you are inviting more than 4 JPs, try to adapt to the JP style.

                - If you are leader, don’t ask where the PT should go. (Some JP leaders do this, and get ignored)

                - If you are leader, heaven forbid, don’t replace yourself.

                - Don’t “fake a DC” or leave PT as soon as you level.

                - Do believe that chaining 140 per kill EXP mobs are better than spending all your MP, all your HP and possibly a two hour ability for 240 per kill EXP is better.

                - Do defer to the leader. In a JP PT, the leader does all he/she can do for best EXP. So if you are in Qufim, and he says let’s move, do follow, no matter how good the Worms are around the ice pond. ….he’s probably thinking about Vana-time and the Bogies.

                5) Search Comments
                Very very important for JPs. There was a whole thread about how to write a good search comment in 2ch. While some of the 2ch stuff is garbage elitism and idiotic, I was surprised to find that I got far more invites when I removed what I thought was cute, "Ganbarimasu" from search comment, as mentioned in 2ch. You see, even amongst JPs, if your search comment is not up to par - like if you put in "Ganbarimasu" - "I'll try my best" they won't invite you. (Because they want you to obviously do that).

                But I think good Search Comments are very important for both JP and NA PT leaders.

                Here’re some examples:

                Butchman (62MNK/31WAR)
                @17800 HP: Jueno
                /WAR, /THF, /NIN
                {Sky}{Sea} O Black Belt O


                1st line your exp to next level, maybe Home Point location, your ability to OP if your Home Point is not in Jeuno (like OP OK).

                2nd line put in your appropriate subjobs, or your weapon of choice if you are a job that uses multiple weapons (WAR, DRK).

                3rd line put in areas you can go as appropriate - like don’t put {Sky}{Sea}{Moon} leveling your Nth job in the Dunes. Also, add some comments as appropriate.

                Very standard, and no harm done. When you get your final WS, you might want to add that somewhere too.

                But something like this, I see lots in NA search comments:

                Madmage (70RDM/35BLM)
                HQ {Staff} x 8, Melon Pie+1
                Snow Ring x2, HQ MND Ring x2
                Serket Ring, Tamas Ring O

                So what. Can you sub WHM? Do you mind being main healer in NIN PT? It doesn’t tell me anything I want to know.

                I think keeping it simple, with the necessary information is better.

                But still…unfortunately, this is the order a JP PT will pick:
                a) Seek “J” designation job and appropriate levels

                b) Then “JE” designation with appropriate levels with Search Comments

                c) Then “E” designation with appropriate levels with Search Comments

                d) Then JE or E designation with no search comments

                When seeking “J”, they will search up to 4 level discrepancies, even if there is a 1 or no level discrepancy “JE” or “E”.

                I have been a victim of this, and was invited to a PT where everybody 4 levels higher than myself. Needless to say, I was not happy, and told them I suddenly had something else to do and replaced myself with a equivalent level NA.

                I hope that some of this gave you an insight, a point of view, if anything regarding JPs, and how they work.

                Again, I am not saying JP is better or NA is better. This is just meant to be a little bit of information that might come in handy…if you keep it in the corner of your thoughts next time you seek during JP prime time, or invite a JP person.

                And just to finish off, there are many many high level JPs that prefer to Merit, EXP with high level NAs thatn JPs. Why? Because most high level NAs are in HNMLS of some sorts, have what we call 'Haijin Gear', and generally output crazier damage numbers. Like a JP KRT MNK PT will prefer: JP BRD (puller) JP RDM (dispeller) NA WHM, NA MNKx3.

                It's all good in the end?

                Edited, Wed Mar 22 18:43:33 2006 by uchipu

                Adventuring Tarutaru
                Sky, Sea, Moon ... Earth?!
                Shiva Server
                My Little Blog:
                LS: DivineXtasy


                CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


                • #23
                  Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

                  Another post that was realy helpful & interesting
                  (all of the * are i's because alla's block would have prevented it from showing up)


                  I bought an exellent strategy guide from ebay as an e-guide and it has some phrases you should use (I have directly copied and pasted this for you)

                  First Meetings

                  Pleased to meet you - Hajimemash*te

                  Nice to meet you (Please take care of me) - Doozo yoroshiku

                  What is your name? - Onamae wa?

                  I am Shigemo - Shigemo desu.

                  This is my friend. - Kore wa watashi no yuujin/tomodachi desu.


                  Hello ¡V Konnichiwa / Konnitiwa / Tiwa

                  Good morning ¡V Ohayoo gozaimasu / Ohayoo

                  Good evening - Konbanwa

                  How is everyone? - Minasan ikaga desuka?
                  How are you? - O genki desuka?

                  I'm fine - Genki desu.

                  See you tomorrow! - Dewa ash*ta!

                  Bye! Later! (informal) - Jya ne! / Matane! / Jaa mata!

                  Good night - Oyasuminasai

                  [NOTE: Ka at the end of a sentence signifies a question, (although not all questions use ka). You may chose to use questions marks at the end.]

                  Japanese or English?
                  Do you speak Japanese? - Nihongo wo dekimasuka?
                  Do you speak English? - Eigo wo dekimasuka?
                  Please say it in English ¡V Eigo de itte kudasai
                  I speak a little of Japanese. - Nihongo chotto shaberemasu.
                  I know a little Japanese ¡V Nihongo wo chotto sh*ttemasu.
                  Do you understand my Japanese? ¡V Watashi no nihongo wakarimasuka?
                  My Japanese is not good. ¡V Watashi no Nihongo wa yokunai desu.
                  If there are mistakes don¡¦t be surprised. - Machigai ga areba odorokanaide.
                  I can't read Kanji and Hiragana. ¡V Kanji to Hiragana wo yomemasen.
                  Please use roman lettering ¡V Romaji de onegaishimasu.
                  Yes, I understand ¡V Hai, wakarimasu.
                  No, I don¡¦t understand ¡V Iie, wakarimasen.
                  I don¡¦t know (informal) ¡V Wakannai / Shiranai
                  Please say it again -- Moo ichido yutte kudasai
                  Please speak slowly -- Yukkuri hanash*te kudasai

                  Being Polite
                  Just a moment please - Chotto matte kudasai
                  Thank you (informal) - Arigatou

                  Thank you very much - (Hontouni) arigatou gozaimasu.

                  You¡¦re welcome. - Doitashimash*te

                  Excuse me ¡V Sumimasen / sh*tsurei shimasu (more polite)

                  Sorry ¡V Gomen / Gomenne / Gomennasai

                  Really sorry ¡V Hontouni gomennasai

                  [NOTE: It is acceptable to say hajimemash*te, then doozo yorosiku onegaishimasu upon a first meeting.]

                  [NOTE 2: When using romaji, Japanese will commonly abbreviate words. It can be compared to how Americans use slang. For example, ohisashiburi desu = ohisa desu, purinto kurabu = purikura, warau = W.]

                  Chit Chat

                  Excuse me for a moment ¡V Chotto sumimasen

                  Do you have anything you want to ask? ¡V Nanika kikitai koto arimasuka

                  How do you say ¡§___¡¨ in Japanese? ¡V ¡§___¡¨ wa Nihongo de doo iimasuka

                  What did you say? - Nanto osshaimash*taka

                  What are you doing? - Nani wo sh*te imasuka

                  What country are you from? ¡V Okuni wa dochira desuka

                  Where are you from? - Dochira kara kimash*taka

                  I am from Tokyo ¡V Tokyo desu

                  How old are you? ¡V Nansai desuka

                  I am __ years old - Watashi wa __ desu.

                  Do you like ___ ? - ___ ga suki desuka.

                  I'm looking for my friends. - Tomodachi wo sagash*te iru no desu ga.
                  What is the matter? - Doushimash*taka

                  What happened? - Doush*tano

                  [NOTE: Males will commonly refer to themselves using boku (for younger males) or ore instead of watashi or watakushi. Women may use atashi.]

                  [NOTE 2: This guide does not use the most formal Japanese, but gaming typically does not require formal Japanese (which is more commonly used to show respect to elders or in a business situation). As a rule of thumb, it is good to be polite regardless of how informal this is, because Japanese are very courteous. Some people find all the niceties annoying ¡V those people shouldn¡¦t party with Japanese.]

                  Inspecting Equipment

                  Excuse me. Can I see your equipment? - Sumimasen. Soubi wo mite mo iidesuka?


                  I¡¦m looking for a party - Party wo sagash*te imasu

                  Do you want to level together? - Isshoni level agemasuka?

                  Please invite me? - Sasotte kudasai

                  Can I join? - PT ni haittemo ii? / Sankash*teiidesuka?

                  I am a new player ¡V Atarashii pureeyaa (player) desu.

                  Are you busy? - Isogashii desu ka?

                  Have you got a moment? ¡V Chotto ii desuka?

                  Sorry, I am not free now - Gomennasai, youji ga arunode kotowarimasu

                  Sorry, I don¡¦t have time ¡V Gomennasai, jikan ga arimasen

                  Glad to have you, looking for more ¡V Yorosiku, hokanohito sasotte imasu

                  I have asked a number of people ¡V Nannin ka no hito ni kikimash*ta.
                  ¡§____¡¨ wants to party with us ¡V ¡§____¡¨ ga kono PT ni hairitai no

                  He¡¦s already there ¡V Moo mukooni itte imasu

                  There's no WHM - Siro inai

                  Sorry, can you invite me again? - Gomenne, mou ikkai sasotte kudasai

                  Organizing the Party

                  Where are we going to hunt? - Doko de kari o shimasu ka?

                  What is my role/job? - Watashi no jobbu (job) / yakume wa nan desu ka?

                  I will be the first-line healer - Kaifuku senpatsude ikimasu.

                  I¡¦ll be the second-line healer and use weaken magic - Kaifuku nibanmeto jakutai mahou ikimasu.

                  My MP has run out ¡V MP kire

                  Switch healing duties (MP has run out) - MP kirede suwarimasu. Kaifuku onegai shimasu.

                  Wait while I raise you. - Reizu kakemasu! matte kudasai.

                  Group together for Protect/Shell - Puro to sheru kakerunode atsumatte kudasai.

                  (the person who lures the mob) - Tsuriyaku

                  Good Experience (Tasty XP) ¡V Umai ("umai desuyo," "umai dayo," etc)

                  I want to try killing goblins - Gobu wo korosh*temitai

                  What do you want to do now? ¡V Kore kara nani wo sh*tai desuka?

                  What shall we do? ¡V Dou shimashouka?

                  Picture please ¡V Shashin onegaishimasu

                  Can handle more ¡V Motto ikemasu
                  Don¡¦t worry ¡V Shimpai shinaide

                  Run! ¡V Nigete!

                  Tank - Zenei

                  Thank you for the hard work! ¡V Otsukaresama! (Otsukaresama desita!)

                  [NOTE: It is common to combine words in the Japanese language, (this is probably due to the way Japanese is written out in hiragana, katakana, and kanji - written without breaks). So if a word appears to be unusually long ¡V try to break it down. For example, mata ne = matane.]

                  [NOTE 2 : Although certain words have similar meaning, they may be used best in different situations. Like English, there are different ways to say the same thing. Keep in mind, some phrases are best used by females and some by males. On one gamefaq it said to use "Boku...", but boku is inappropriate for females to say.]

                  Coming and Going

                  Come here - Chotto kochi kite
                  Can you come - Koreru
                  I'm coming now - Ima iku
                  I can go ¡V Ikeru

                  I can't go - Ikenai
                  I want to go - Ikitai
                  I don't want to go - Ikitakunai
                  Don't go - Ikanaide
                  Shall we go? ¡V Ikimashouka?
                  Let's go - Ikuzo (Ikimashou)
                  I'm going back ¡V Kaerimasu / Modorimasu

                  I'm leaving soon - Mo sugu deru

                  Sorry, I have to go in 30 minutes. ¡V Gomennasai, ato 30pun gurai de ochimasu.

                  Sorry, but I have to go now - Sumimasen, ima, ikanakutewa ikemasen

                  I¡¦m going to the toilet - Toire (toilet) ittekimasu

                  I need to reboot, be back soon - PC o REBOOT sh*te, sugu modorimasu

                  I'm going to get a signet - shigu ittekimasu

                  I'm going to my mog house - mogurimasu

                  Stay here please - Kokoni ite kudasai

                  Where are you? ¡V Doko ni imasuka?
                  Where are you going? - Doko iku-no?

                  I don¡¦t know where ¡§____¡¨ is ¡V ¡§____¡¨ dokoni aruka shiranai.

                  Where is ¡§____¡¨? ¡V ¡§_____¡¨ wa doko desuka?

                  How do I get to ¡§____¡¨ ? ¡V ¡§_____¡¨ wa dou itta houga ii?

                  I went to Bastok- Basu e ikimash*ta

                  I am in Selbina ¡V Watashi wa Serubina ni imasu.

                  This way ¡V Kochira

                  That way ¡V Sochira

                  That way over there ¡V Achira

                  Which way ¡V Dochira

                  To the right ¡V Migi no hooni

                  To the left ¡V Hidari no hooni

                  You turn right ¡V Migi e magarimasu

                  You turn left ¡V Hidari e magarimasu

                  It¡¦s near ¡V Chikai desu

                  It¡¦s far ¡V Tooi desu

                  Let's go back to ¡§___¡¨ - ¡§___¡¨ he modorimashou

                  We should go to ¡§___¡¨ - ¡§___¡¨ he modoru beki da

                  I'm going to ¡§___¡¨ - ¡§___¡¨ he ikimasu

                  Words and Shorter Phrases

                  Hurry ¡V Hayaku / Isoide
                  Cute ¡V Kawaii
                  Cool ¡V Kakkoii
                  Beautiful, pretty, clean ¡V Kirei (na)
                  Wonderful, attractive ¡V Suteki (na)
                  Fine, splendid - Rippa (na)
                  Wow! ¡V Sugoi!
                  Help! ¡V Tasukete!
                  Take care! ¡V Kiotsukete!
                  Watch out - Abunai
                  Scary ¡V Kowai
                  Troublesome ¡V Mendokusai
                  Pitiful (how sad) - Kawaisou
                  I¡¦m okay, it¡¦s okay - Daijoubu desu
                  Don¡¦t worry, it¡¦s okay ¡V Ii desu
                  Of course, definitely ¡V Mochiron desu
                  Certainly ¡V Tashikani
                  Maybe, perhaps - Tabun
                  I need it ¡V Irimasu
                  I don¡¦t need anything ¡V Nanimo irimasen
                  I don¡¦t need it at all ¡V Zenzen irimasen
                  Hurray! Yay! - Yatta!
                  Good luck ¡V Ganbatte
                  Great job! - Yokudekimash*ta
                  Congratulations! - Omedeto!
                  This is fun - Tanoshiine
                  Linkshell - Rinkusheru
                  Crystal ¡V Kurisutaru
                  Furniture - Kagu
                  AFK ¡V Riseki shimasu
                  Back ¡V Tadaima / Tada
                  Welcome back ¡V Okaeri / Oka
                  LOL ¡V W (short for warau)
                  [NOTE: Be careful about spelling. For example, one page claimed to say ¡§Do you want to party¡¨ but the way it was spelt meant ¡§Do you want to throw up in my party.¡¨

                  [NOTE 2: If a Japanese player says something that looks familiar, they may be spelling it based on how it is inputed as Hiragana or Katakana, so try to consider what it may be. (For example, tomodachi = tomodati. daijoubu = daijyobu. yoroshiku = yorosiku). In other situations they may be combining words, as previously mentioned.]


                  Healing - Kaifuku

                  Poison - doku
                  Paralyze - Mahi
                  Blind - kurayami
                  Sleep - zzz
                  Curse - noroi
                  Weakness - jyakuten
                  Enfeebling - jyakutai
                  Protect - puro
                  Shell ¡V sheru

                  Bomb ¡V Bomu
                  1h sword - katate ken

                  2h sword - ryoute ken

                  Daggers ¡V tanken

                  1h staff ¡V katate kon

                  2h staff ¡V ryoute kon

                  Grapples ¡V kakutou

                  1h/2h axe ¡V katete/ryoute ono

                  Scythe ¡V Kama

                  Spear - Yari

                  Sickle ¡V Ryoutekama

                  Bow/Arrow ¡V Kyuushi

                  Shield ¡V Tate

                  Armor -bougu
                  Black mage - Kuromadoushi / kuro

                  White mage - Shiromadoushi / shiro

                  Red Mage ¡V Akamadoushi / aka

                  Warrior ¡V Senshi

                  Monk ¡V Monnku

                  Thief ¡V Shifu

                  Dark Knight ¡V Annkoku

                  Beastmaster ¡V Kemonotukai, Kemono

                  Ranger ¡V Kariudo

                  Bard ¡V Ginyuushijin / Ginyuu

                  Paladin (knight) ¡V Naito

                  Summoner ¡V Shoukanshi

                  Dragoon ¡V Ryukishi

                  Hope it helps, helped me a little.

                  Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

                  Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

                  80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


                  • #24
                    Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

                    good to know there's Thai players on hades. There are hundreds of us on Titan and we have new players coming to the game all the time, keeping our social LS very active with all level range ^^ The irony is that we joke about NA being bad too... Thai's time is only 2 hours off japanese times so they play mainly in JP prime time. The reason they play japanese style. (i live in the states btw)

                    About us flagging J is because in Thai, we grow up with japanese games. playing RPG in japanese is just so common. That is why we have TONS of importers who imported FFXI PS2 as soon as it came out on japanese. These group of players are the ones flagging J. Me included I guess :p

                    another funny use of translator...
                    when we use 【Back】 sometimes you may see japanese replies with 【Hill】【Picture】【Rin】...
                    don't be confused, it reads o-kae-rin 【丘】【絵】【臨】 similar to o-kae-ri which means welcome back xD
                    Last edited by Jei; 03-23-2006, 04:13 PM.
                    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                    - Pablo Picasso


                    • #25
                      Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

                      Originally posted by Aeni
                      I meant no offense, but sounds like you're a bit angry about this discussion. Truth be told, you may have had your fair share of problems, but I can wager a bet that you might not be able to tell apart a Japanese player from a Chinese from an Indonesian from a Korean when they're all playing on the JP client. I've partied with plenty of Korean and Thai players before. The give away is the "J" mark next to their name, their poor english and their comment about not being able to understand Japanese. There exists about a hundred or so such players on each server. Truly FFXI is quite an international game if only because SE has adopted a strategy of having everyone play on the same servers.

                      But I'm not in defense of the JP players. I've had my fair share of bad JP players, but you know what, I think I've had ten times more bad NA or EU. And I've played this game for well over 3 years now, probably twice if not longer than you've played.

                      I cannot tell you how many times when I've told an NA player about how sneak and invisble spells work, that how you need to let someone know when you get the message in red about it wearing off. Yet time and time again, these players who I'm communicating in their language cannot for the life of them "get it."

                      Yet, with my basic Japanese, I was able to explain how this works with a couple of newb JP players. Never had problems with them after teaching them.

                      I'm not pulling the racist card, since there's no such thing (For all I know, majority of NA players might be asian or of Japanese descent, right? No way of knowing for sure...) but I can tell you, collectively, probably due to cultural/social differences, I can point out strong differences between the two groups, enough so that I can make a general statement in this thread, without having to be so emotional about it, like you have demonstrated in your post.

                      That's in your opinion. There's no way anyone could "suck" as bad or worse than this on NA player who I partied with once in the 70s... seriously, you should've been there. You'd probably have puked all over your PS2/PC that day...
                      For the record I've been playing well over two years, so no you have not been playing twice as long, if not longer, then me. Second, the pt with the JP smn who let fenrir melee, never using a BP, nearly wiped the pt on two pulls then kicked me after saving the pt because she wanted me to do my job the wrong way was JP. The pt was three random NA and three random JP. The jp Smn sucked, the JP Blm and Whm didn't. The NA Sam sucked, the NA Nin and myself didn't. It basically ended up being two idiots, one JP and one NA, who ruined a perfectly good pt set up. And I'm pretty sure the other two examples I mentioned, along with many more I could mention were all JPs too. Since they all seemed to know japanese pretty damned fluently.

                      To say that 'jps instinctively know how to play' and say that most are better then another group of people is playing the racist card. It's saying that one race of people is just better then another without any real proof or reasoning. I'm saying JP, NA, EU whatever, they all have just as many bad players and good players as each other. I have met JP idiots (and yes they were JP), I have met NA idiots, I have met EU idiots. No one groups stands out more then the other in terms of skill. But this pre-concived notion that they do is an insult to everyone that it's against. To start saying that only reinforces that whole idea that 'JP > NA' or 'NA > JP' when it's just not true.

                      Some of the worst players you know may be NA, but some of the best players I know are also NA. Now yeah I'll agree that you may know an absolutely horrible player, but the fact that he's NA has nothing to do with it. A sucky player is a sucky player and in no way shape or form should be used to represent where they came from. Oh and you'll have to excuse me for being so 'emotional', I wasn't aware that being honest would upset you.
                      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                      • #26
                        Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

                        Um .. what he said about racism. Saying that JP are inherently better at the game than NA, and if you met a JP who was bad he was probably really Thai or Korean, is no better than saying that white people are inherently smarter than black people, and if you met a white person who wasn't smart he was probably a really pale hispanic. Regardless of your personal experience, making a broad generalization about people from a particular descent or geographical background being of inferior ability is expressing racism.

                        On a more positive note, thank you very much Silentsteel for posting those japanese phrases. I'll be printing that out momentarily. ^^
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • #27
                          Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

                          Well before this gets any worse, I think we should focus on the main point of the topic. That being ways to make it easier for JP and NA players to be able to interact with each othe in a pt. As I said before some of my favorite Pts were mixed groups where the only thing we had in common was that we were all halfway decent players. SC were often impromptu and nothing great, but they were there and always landed, pulls were smooth and frequent because both NAs and JPs tried to communicate the best we could and the pts generally ran effortlessly with a few laughs here and there due to funny AT comments and Emotes.

                          Skill is skill regardless of language, and a good player will stand out to others when given a proper chance. This topic can help extend that chance to go beyond the language barrier.
                          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                          • #28
                            Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

                            Originally posted by Ziero
                            Skill is skill regardless of language, and a good player will stand out to others when given a proper chance. This topic can help extend that chance to go beyond the language barrier.
                            Even Spanish players? j/k

                            I don't know why all this bashing directed to spanish players. Can someone explain it to me? When I played (2 years ago :x) there were not a lot of spanish players and the ones that I knew played quite well..
                            I'm back! Sanim restored!


                            • #29
                              Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

                              Basically those were importers, and they've had a lot of experience. Now, there has been a strong influx of people from Europe, mainly from Spain on Ragnarok. I can understand why a lot of people don't like partying with Spanish people. From my experience, the constant using everything in caps for their macros is annoying. Seeing "TENGO EL PODER!!!! <call3>" everytiem they use berzerk is annoying. But that's beyond the point. The only problem I've had with Spanish people, is that when you ask them to do something, they don't listen. Like the PLD I had in a party the other day on my BLM. He had berzerk on every moment he could. The WHM that was in that party kept sending me /tells >> Hey, this PLD sucks, doesn't he? Then I asked him if he could stop using Berzerk (in Spanish mind you, I took about six years of it in school.) And all I got was "callate, voy a hacer ke quiero." Translated, that meant "Shutup, I'll do what I want." Needless to say he promtly got DIIed after that. Most parties I have with Spanish people are quite nice. But a BLM in my HNMLS, and I quote said, "DON'T EVER PARTY WITH SPANISH PEOPLE, EVEN THOUGH I'M SPANISH >_<" So I'm guessing people have more than one sucky Spanish party, and just label all of them as bad players.
                              Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                              90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                              Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                              • #30
                                Re: japanese pov - PT play and invites.

                                lol, "TENGO EL PODER" omg ;;

                                Thats it, I didnt remember about the release of the European version. Well, then it explains all that bashing. I left a lot of time ago and the only spanish ppl that I knew played well

                                Ty Rodin ;D
                                I'm back! Sanim restored!

