Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment
~My first King Behemoth kill, from which I got the tongue autosort, lol. Was awesome, I was there on pop and while I was not the one that claimed it, I was shocked to see my Stun actually cast for a god damn change instead of that "Cannot attack" message that pisses me off so much, lol.
~DNC 22.
~A feet autosort from Odin, and then I realized that they're not worth the 700k to uncurse them.
Odin was great today actually, we got E body, W body, and Valhalla Breastplate. E body went to CK! So happy for him! I don't expect to get anything off Odin, but I don't pass stuff unless it's lotted, and well, I got lucky on the autodrop. Too bad that abjuration is just gonna sit around until I've got enough gil where I feel like bothering to uncurse them. Maybe someday when I get a sorcerer's ring ... lol ...
Dynamis Xarc tomorrow, hoping for a shiny black hat. I also always seem to get something autosort that no one wants, so let's see what kind of lootwhoring I can get myself into.
Not the best thread for this, but AWESOME story:
So today, Cerberus pops and this one LS gets it ... they're pretty fail, as most of the linkshells on Hades are, but we know they can at least kill it.
Or so we think.
We had someone there watching since we were all killing Odin (and he didn't have access this time) so he was giving us the play by play, and apparently, the fail ls wiped ... at 1%
Well one of their members who is not in the alliance shows up just as another ls is buffing up to claim (at 1%, seriously, why waste time buffing just fucking nuke it or something dipshits) and the guy Stuns it and hits it like, twice, and kills it. FUCKING soloed Cerberus, hilarious. He got Algol, too ... best fucking thing I've heard in a long time.
This is what I love about Hades ... shit like this just doesn't happen anywhere else, I dare you to find a funnier story, and I'll beat it with something hilarious that took place here.
~My first King Behemoth kill, from which I got the tongue autosort, lol. Was awesome, I was there on pop and while I was not the one that claimed it, I was shocked to see my Stun actually cast for a god damn change instead of that "Cannot attack" message that pisses me off so much, lol.
~DNC 22.
~A feet autosort from Odin, and then I realized that they're not worth the 700k to uncurse them.
Odin was great today actually, we got E body, W body, and Valhalla Breastplate. E body went to CK! So happy for him! I don't expect to get anything off Odin, but I don't pass stuff unless it's lotted, and well, I got lucky on the autodrop. Too bad that abjuration is just gonna sit around until I've got enough gil where I feel like bothering to uncurse them. Maybe someday when I get a sorcerer's ring ... lol ...
Dynamis Xarc tomorrow, hoping for a shiny black hat. I also always seem to get something autosort that no one wants, so let's see what kind of lootwhoring I can get myself into.
Not the best thread for this, but AWESOME story:
So today, Cerberus pops and this one LS gets it ... they're pretty fail, as most of the linkshells on Hades are, but we know they can at least kill it.
Or so we think.
We had someone there watching since we were all killing Odin (and he didn't have access this time) so he was giving us the play by play, and apparently, the fail ls wiped ... at 1%
Well one of their members who is not in the alliance shows up just as another ls is buffing up to claim (at 1%, seriously, why waste time buffing just fucking nuke it or something dipshits) and the guy Stuns it and hits it like, twice, and kills it. FUCKING soloed Cerberus, hilarious. He got Algol, too ... best fucking thing I've heard in a long time.
This is what I love about Hades ... shit like this just doesn't happen anywhere else, I dare you to find a funnier story, and I'll beat it with something hilarious that took place here.