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Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

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  • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

    picked this up last night at 2:30ish am; i'll uncurse it later gotta go to class now D:

    fk yes


    • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

      After watching the pop and death 5 stright times and never having the crew to kill it. (poped once and sat unclaimed for 2 hours) I finaly have my joy toy
      Originally posted by Raydeus

      Other than that the only thing I'd like to see is SE changing Homam so RDM can use it, but the chances of that happening are the same as those of me winning the Mog bonanza.


      • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

        I duo'd titan with a friend, practically solo'd Shiva for a low-level WHM pal (all he did was cast barparalyzra and cure me when I was slept, which he got hate for later, LMAO). Later we gathered a group of people who had no concept of the words "Hurry" and "Please listen" (and a ninja who kept whining and DEMANDED unnecessary tools and delayed us at least 30 minutes to an hour) and we fought CoP 3-5 Diabolos. We won by the skin of our teeth because two Nightmares got off just before our stunners managed to get them - one at the start and one near the very end - two of our members dead and the rest of us in red health down to slivers when Diabolos finally bit the dust. Next time I get a chance I'm getting a group to do the prime and FINALLY get the summon.

        After that I vowed never to party with that ninja again, and we had to convince the Blue Mage with us that Diabolos Prime was NOT the Swift Belt fight.

        Diabolos Prime and Alexander are going DOWN next time I see their ugly little faces. GYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


        • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

          I made a new friend today:

          Related mini-rant:

          How hard is it to CS Stun, really? How hard is it to get at least a Thunder Staff and a Dark Torque? That's easily less than 100k. We did this fight four times tonight. (Corsairs rule, btw) First two times, we had the first RDM. He had AFv2, but apparently didn't understand how to CS Stun. I was on WHM. Checked him, no Dark Magic plus gear. Nightmare got through a total of 5 times on him, twice in one fight and 3 times on the other.

          Third fight, had a different RDM. Didn't even use staves. No dark magic plus on this guy, either. Nightmare again. Death again. /em is sick of fail RDMs on CS Stun.

          Now I'm not 100% elitist (yet), but it's not that hard to get a Dark Torque if you're going to CS Stun. It's also not hard to get a Thunder staff (or better, Jupiter's, which I don't have yet but I'm working on). I also have Crimson Finger Gauntlets (should have gotten blood from the get-go, but the abjuration isn't exactly a rare drop) and Abyssal Earring. I don't expect everyone to have those two pieces, because they're a bit harder to obtain. But seriously, stack up your INT, Stack up your Dark Magic gear, Stack up Magic Accuracy gear even.

          But for god's sake, don't run in there and CS Stun to get a resist after your third freaking cast. >.< I counted 8 full stuns (and 2 no effect because it hadn't worn yet) on my Stun rotation the final time we went and did it - which we won, btw, without a WHM but because I bit the bullet and came RDM/DRK because I was sick of the epic failure of the previous stunners.

          Another part of this rant:

          Why do CS Stunners insist on casting from macro? Why? It is much faster if you just list cast it. I know this from experience. I have CS Stun many times and it is always easier if you cast it straight from the list. Macros have delay, list casting does not.

          We went our fourth run with two RDM/DRKs, and I went first on the Stun rotation because I knew if I let the other RDM do it first we'd end up getting Nightmared. Diabolos didn't do shit during my Chainspell, it was only during the other RDM's CS that Nightmare got through, but at that point he was at 30% and we got him anyway.

          So yes, I'm ranting. CS Stun is not rocket science. I know that it takes a teeny bit of skill, but come on. I've had failboat RDMs on DL, Ultima, Omega, sky gods (lolskygods) and Diabolos, too. I bet I will encounter more. And what irritates me the most is I know how good I am at CS Stun but I'm always needed on WHM because every fucking person on the server and their sister have RDM leveled. And we always go with some other RDM/DRK and we always wipe because the CS Stun fails, where I know that if I had been the stunner we would have won.

          Call it elitist or bragging but damn it I know what I'm good at and it irritates me that people who do it so badly are the ones always chosen to do the job.
          Last edited by Aksannyi; 02-11-2008, 11:28 PM.
          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
          ~I has a blog~~
          ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


          • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

            Probally lack of experience to use it these day. Not defending, but if you throw me out there with my lack of crimson finger gauntlets, lack of dark torque(cause i'm always poor), no relic boots, I know I'm gonna get resisted more than likely. Plus, I never gotten a chance to CS Stun Suzaku during Kirin or on the actual Suzuka since getting /drk to 37. v.v;; Even though i did manage to waste 15k for mp+ and +6int from that 3 hour jelly food =x 68+41 int, go go go!
            Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


            • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

              Originally posted by Amberly View Post
              After watching the pop and death 5 stright times and never having the crew to kill it. (poped once and sat unclaimed for 2 hours) I finaly have my joy toy
              Good grief--and good job!

              My friends and I had to stomp on a freshly dead PLD/NIN to get my Joyeuse.

              I felt kinda bad, but that duo of PLD/NIN and RDM/WHM never had a chance; they used Chivalry and Fealty(Why?...) and Convert all within the first 5 minutes or so. They offered to team up only when they were deep in trouble--I would've have gladly accepted if they had offered within the first minute of claim.

              * * *

              SCH37 -> SCH39

              After begging (and pestering) random people (both seeking and not-seeking) to join, my friend and I managed to put together a 5k+/hour NA-JP party. Can you believe we were camping for melee DDs to pop on /search, and BLMs who were seeking were all mute to invite pleas?

              Yeesh. I wish more Japanese players would realize it's not that bad partying with NA players--most of us don't bite, and a fair number of us actually look up camps and set up reasonable party configurations.

              So glad we insisted on quality members, however. (i.e Fully leveled support jobs. ) We rejected a seeking THF37 (/NIN9 and /WAR10! Urg!) and a non-seeking PUP36 (no /WAR or other suitable DD SJ ready), and manage to put together this after an hour:

              NIN/WAR (friend), SCH/RDM (me), DRG/WAR, WAR/NIN, WHM/BLM, BRD/WHM.

              Once (finally) at camp, we tore through those Nest Beetles easily, and shredded every Doom Scorpion the puller brought back. (Putting together the party was the hard part. lol.)

              The WHM was kinda new but at least he was trying hard to keep up Erase. (Yes, I actually mean that new player had Erase.) Everyone else was likely veteran player; WAR had four types of melee weapons ready, along with a ranged weapon and ammo; DRG accounted for 45% of the damage output; BRD was testing song range before start and hit all the songs right--and backup cured. Everyone even used appropriate food!

              If luck is an accomplishment, getting a party like that at Lv.37-39 is almost monumental.
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                Show off!

                Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                  Illuen and I were suitably adorable today. That's about it for accomplishments though.


                  • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                    A full Tarutaru party? That's incredibly rare where I play at >.< I want to switch to Kujata!
                    Ketski : Carbuncle
                    Tarutaru: PLD 40 WHM 31 BLM 27 WAR 28 MNK 27


                    • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                      Those are NPCs. There were only two of us.


                      • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                        Lol, yeah, I just noticed >_<
                        I barely see any female tarutarus nowadays. The server is being filled by manthras D:

                        Latest Accomplishment: Rode the ship to Mhaura. (Success!)
                        Ketski : Carbuncle
                        Tarutaru: PLD 40 WHM 31 BLM 27 WAR 28 MNK 27


                        • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                          Not that I would be averse to a Taru static or Taru LS or whatever.


                          • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                            Lol. What kind of User Interface mod were you using by the way?
                            Ketski : Carbuncle
                            Tarutaru: PLD 40 WHM 31 BLM 27 WAR 28 MNK 27


                            • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                              Those are Brandson's fonts. And I replaced the UI background with a solid black. I miss my old school FFVII blue background that I used to have, but I can't seem to find it on the internet anymore.


                              • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                                Hey, it's Yufafa!

