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Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

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  • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

    Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
    I GOT A HANDS!!!

    Screw the noble's I've been saving for (at least for now) I'm getting my Zenith Mitts. Magic Attack Bonus /drool.
    Grats Aks! Im so envious, I want A Hands ; ;

    On the brighter side, I have got BLM to 60, and all my AF, plus nearly full on my HQ Staves. Just Fire, Water and Light to get.


    • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

      Originally posted by Eohmer View Post
      So why is your sig with rng af? o.O
      Cause I like the way RNG af looks. >_>;;; I never claimed to have level RNG, I just wanted a sig with it. >_>;; Maybe weird but I just wanted a sig that I liked. :x
      Originally posted by Caspian View Post
      I so hate ES. Hate him with a passion. 14 or 16 or whatever window - 30 something thanks. My love for this game still hasn't recovered from that ordeal and I still don't have a E/V bow to show for it.
      Yea...16-32 hour respawn window, it's really horrible. I wasted quite a bit of time on him, but I finally got my drop. There was nothing more disappointing than camping him for about 4-6 hours after his window opened, and getting a Revival Tree Root. Drove me crazy >_<
      Last edited by KoukiRyu; 11-12-2007, 03:29 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

      Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


      • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

        Originally posted by hongman View Post
        Grats Aks! Im so envious, I want A Hands ; ;
        On the brighter side, I have got BLM to 60, and all my AF, plus nearly full on my HQ Staves. Just Fire, Water and Light to get.
        Did you get the Necropolis key?

        Originally posted by Aksannyi
        "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


        • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

          Yep, and luckily coffer didnt take too long


          • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

            Got the HQ ACC Specs of Friday in a little over an hour. Also, got BLM to lv 10 in only a few hours of pounding...
            Current Server: Asura
            Current Home Nation: Bastok (Rank 10)
            Race/Sex: Elvaan/Male
            Main Job: 75 DRK / 37 SAM,RDM,NIN,WAR,WHM
            Main Craft: 73 Cloth

            (Read this at a normal pace...)
            Tihs Msseage Connat Be Raed By Nromal Huamn Biegns. Pelsae Ntoify Yuor Firedns Taht If Tehy Can Raed Tihs, Taht Tehy Aenr't Namrol...Cnovrresly, Atmpetnig To Raed Tihs Msasege At Nmaorl Pcae And Bineg Albe To, Cna't be Namrol Etiehr...If Yor'ue Albe To Raed Tihs, Tehn Mybae Yur'oe Not Nrmaol.


            • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

              75 Whm

              Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


              • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                grats eticket
                I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                PSN: Caspian


                • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                  Grats eTicket!

                  Well,, logged in after maintenance and went straight to solo BLM. Set my /seacom etc.

                  Well after logging a few times (damn resists!) I suddenly remembered that my /seacom disappears after logging. While retyping it, I thought I would stick the flag up, just for a laugh.

                  Lo and behold, not even before finishing my /seacom, I get an invite to Aydeewa Sub.

                  Well....6k/hr solo, 3k/hr party. Go figure.

                  We was on Crawlers, with a PLD tank (who was probably the only decent player there). with no dispel or Refresh. Which basically meant the THF, MNK and DRG just fed it TP while the PLD held it for me to nuke down.



                  • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                    Congrats, eTicket.

                    Louverance path complete. Now it's down to Ulmia's path. Those damned Mithra and that damned snoll...


                    • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                      Static Earring get.

                      Originally posted by Aksannyi
                      "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                      • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                        Grats Kirst. Now if only I can convince {Mega Boss} to do Baha V1 again....

                        Its not like it takes all evening, the thing dies in 30s. We can have the rest of the evening as free day :D


                        • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                          Plus is only takes 18 of you - meh when we did it, we did it the old fashioned way, taking 50 or so minutes. You might be better trying to set it up yourself - it was done only a couple of months ago, and there are other events we still need that haven't been done - lets face it, can you remember last BQ run, and there are a ton that need it.

                          Originally posted by Aksannyi
                          "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                          • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                            Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
                            Congrats, eTicket.

                            Louverance path complete. Now it's down to Ulmia's path. Those damned Mithra and that damned snoll...
                            I'm on that same mission. I really want to kill the Mithra that is traumatizing the poor Tarutaru. >.>


                            • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                              Originally posted by Eohmer View Post
                              I'm on that same mission. I really want to kill the Mithra that is traumatizing the poor Tarutaru. >.>
                              by the end of it all, the Shikaree sisters were some of my favorite characters in COP.

                              Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                              • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                                Those tarus annoy me. At first, they were cute, now they're just annoying little bastards.
                                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                                ~I has a blog~~
                                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

