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Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

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  • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

    I successfully organized and executed an 10-person alliance with the purpose of completing G2. So not only did I get the quest done, so did six other people, which made me feel good.
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
    ~I has a blog~~
    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


    • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

      Yesterday with the help of some in game friends (who happen to be RL friends )
      I obtained my Boxer's Mantle! Gonna take me a while to pay them back their coins
      though, lol.


      • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

        Let's see....

        -Got up through 5-1 on CoP
        -Got PCharm drop fromthe BCNM
        -Got Byakko's Haidate from Sky
        Name: Treabor
        Server : Fenrir
        Rank: 9
        Linkshell: NightStalkers / WildeCards / BombToss
        Jobs: BST75-NIN75-RDM71-WHM41-BLM37-WAR37-THF30-MNK30-SMN24-DRK1-SAM1-DRG1-PLD1-RNG1-BRD1

        "I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence" - Ricky Bobby


        • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

          Carp Diem!

          Finally got my Lu Shang's after 3ish years of casual fishing.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

            My latest accomplishment: I got 10,000 GP in Woodworking and obtained Lumberjack last night. So now I can sing, sing, sing:

            I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK!


            • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

              "Maat Masher" finally... 1/4


              • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                Originally posted by Cometgreen
                My latest accomplishment: I got 10,000 GP in Woodworking and obtained Lumberjack last night. So now I can sing, sing, sing:

                I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK!
                I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                PSN: Caspian


                • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                  Thanks to Shintaru i finally beat the Pot for ZM12 and got sky acces, now just need to kill some ark angels
                  Lacion RDM70/BLM35 / blm35 / drk 22 / nin23 / war 23 / pld 17 / thf 16 / whm 16 / blu 8
                  Rank8 / ZM12 / PM3-5
                  Cooking 50 /Fishing 7
                  Bismarck ApocalypticalChaos


                  • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                    Ooooh - Why haven't I posted in this thread recently! /shocked

                    Well, my greatest is in my signature...

                    and my latest is:

                    On a lesser note, my SAM is now Lv.41 >.>


                    • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                      MNK to 75 on Monday.
                      Melee Gloves obtained on Wed.
                      Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5
             - Bahamut Endgame LS


                      • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                        Cleared my first area of Limbus with my LS on Wednesday night (Apollyon NW)!


                        • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                          I finally did G1. And I finally got around to getting the Map to Crawlers Nest
                          "I am the Flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon You."

                          -Genghis Khan



                          50 BRD (Main)
                          30 WHM
                          27 DRK
                          22 SAM
                          20 WAR
                          19 BLM
                          15 THF
                          10 BST


                          • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                            The biggest thing i have done recently would be getting my chocobo license. I also got my rdm almost to 22 in less than 1 and a half hours from 20. so that's all i have now. Now im just looking for ways to make gil in jueno for some spells. I only have like half of my bar spells and none of my ens and low on some others. so.. any suggestions.
                            Thank you very much to Selphiie for this sig!


                            • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                              I posted a thread about it, but I suppose it fits here better. OSe taken down by my 60-62 EXP pt last night!
                              Originally posted by Ellipses
                              Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                              Originally posted by MCLV
                              A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                              More Sig:


                              • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                                I finally decided that I'm sticking with my BLM instead of a DRK.

                                after months of debating, it feels like an accmplishment

                                Thanks for the sig, Selphiie!!

                                FFXI Xbox360 user ----- BLM 63 / RDM 36/ WHM 42 / THF 25
                                DRK 26 / BST 21 / DRG 17 / WAR 17 / MNK 10 / SMN 9 / PUP 4 /
                                BLU 1 / PLD 1 / BRD 1 / RNG 1 / NIN 1 / SAM 1
                                Bonecraft 63 / Leathercraft 19 / Fishing 7 Windhurst Rank 5

