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Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

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  • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

    Well....I managed to become 350 tnl....

    Also managed to make a pretty kick-ass sand angel, dontcha think?
    Last edited by Mog; 12-07-2007, 10:04 AM.


    • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

      Well I managed to bump my MNK up 2 lvls in one day in the dunes (a new record for me) and made it to lvl 20... XD

      Made my way back to San'doria and am now trying to get a complete set of Lizard Jerkin armor for my lvl 20 WAR (I got the gloves from quest and got the jerkin from AH for 20k)

      But now I'm down to 6k and still need the pants, boots, and cap

      Looks like it's more quests and crystal farming for me


      • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

        Samurai unlocked is my latest.... kazham keys...meh
        Diablos- 47-Sam/30War/9Thf/7Mnk
        = Zoko(retired)
        Titan- 12 Sam/30 Thf/14 War
        = Keza


        • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

          Finished soloing G3. Sky Breaker! I'd put it off for so long because someone told me you need a running speed increase to get to the door from the torch, so I leveled thf from 15-25. Flee isn't needed. -_- I got killed by the Yagudo High Priest in the process, but the joke's on him. His precious seal came with me when I hped. ;p
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

            I managed to buy the game and begin playing... yay! We'll see how long I can stay... the game seems very daunting to a person like myself who no longer has the free-time I used to.


            • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

              I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance.


              • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                Originally posted by Bishop
                I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance.
                by switching to geiko, I presume?
                ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                  Rank 8, MNK, WAR and wrapping up DRK (17) through the dunes, lost to Maat again but did better.

                  I even got him to sleep again but after his Stone III went off. So I'm laying dead and he's standing there asleep.

                  How long does reraise last?
                  I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                  HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                  • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                    I finally got to equip my Warlock's Boots! Level 52 RDM, w00t! Now, to go after coffer keys so I can get the rest of my AF ...
                    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                    ~I has a blog~~
                    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                    • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                      Rank 4, did G1, lvl 52 blm, lvl 39 pld, 6/8 elemental staffs, 4/4 tarutaru rse


                      • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                        Finally got my yorva organ yesterday as well as the 4 phuabo and 1 hmpede I was lacking for my sexy Breeze Gorget! <Blade: Jin> <fun> <excitement> <You can have this.>
                        Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5
               - Bahamut Endgame LS


                        • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                          I just reached Rank 3 in Bastok........Black dragon was a cake walk!!!!! Thanks everyone in the Party, Great job!!

                          I fire up the grill.

                          Lighter fluid, lighter fluid, lighter fluid.

                          [GM]Dave>> FIRAGA III!!!

                          I pretend not to notice Susan shaking her head as I throw the match

                          Originally posted by Mog
                          holy shit, apparently crazy is contageous. I turned his brain into the mind of a bulldog! nOO!!


                          • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                            Well I just been setting up SMN gear and stuff lately. Currently leveling WHM and BLM to 40 for it, also getting Carby Miits, Light and Dark spirit pacts, Fenrir, Evoker's Ring, and just farming so I can afford the more expensive stuff. >.<; SMN is very low level, but oh well. I'm excited.

                            I also got Valor in dynamis, and I'm up the top of the list for another one in the next run. =)

                            "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


                            • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                              Well right now Im lvling my THF (Ive got him up to lvl9) and trying to earn money to buy lizard boots and a lizard cap...

                              But the best part is that I finally realized how to earn gil... the AH!

                              Since I started, ppl have told me to sell crystals to earn gil, which I did... but to NPCs

                              I didn't understand that when they said that, they meant the AH, not NPC's (Im such a newb )

                              Now Im getting tons of gil and am on my way to getting the gear I need so that I can finally start lvling my lvl20 WAR in Qufim!



                              • Re: Post your Best/Latest Accomplishment

                                My LS beat Kirin on our first try last night, it took us quite a while though. It was about 2 hours 50 minites total for the fight, about the first 30 minites we didn't actually hurt Kirin though since we were short on people we only had a tank party hold him until all the mini gods were dead, then they joined up with the DD parties to work on Kirin. We picked up the pace quite a bit for the last 20% or so. We should be able to do it faster next time.

