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Future Male Mithra

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  • #91
    Re: Future Male Mithra

    your all repeating your self now ... we all know there being protected. So what. Maybe sometime the Male Mithra will Decide they want to Explore the world. its not up too us its up too them.


    • #92
      Re: Future Male Mithra

      what most people dont understand is that you cant just change or alter part of a story that has been solid for over 3 was stated and hinted that Males of the race are rare and do the house things. There is no herm thing or slave crap like many have decribed -.- think of it like this..........

      Males are rare, for every 10 females born a male might be, so there for to keep the race strong, the males are kept safe by staying in their homeland.

      now I cant see why people can not understand this, its not that hard -.-

      NOw SE has said that one day we will see them SEE not PLAY them, now that most likely will be in the next expansion since ToA is on the east, the next one will be on the south and then we will have the Mithra homeland and there see male Mithra.

      now just drop this before it get even stupider -.-
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #93
        Re: Future Male Mithra

        Least they could do is SHOW a manthra.. What are they slaves in a reproduction chamber??


        • #94
          Re: Future Male Mithra

          also they Did NOT say they wont be playable. they said they WONT be playable in the exansion.

          anyways they prob wont. i dont care anymore. Male cats are lazy so why would i want to be a Lazy Catguy? ill stick to my Normal RP and Play as a Hume Possesed by a Demon.



          • #95
            Re: Future Male Mithra

            Some people are getting a bit too in to this topic...

            My two cents on male mithras - They'll be NPCs. In games where you level characters like jobs, I can see adding in new races. But when your character is independent of the jobs, like FFXI, it just doesn't seem reasonable to make a new race.
            Generic Info!


            • #96
              Re: Future Male Mithra

              Originally posted by Kyero Fox
              lol >.> ooook

              i k now who did it and thats nice of you .... i think .....

              could you change it too Nogitune (Demon Fox)
              Only because you took it well and had a sense of humor.
              Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


              • #97
                Re: Future Male Mithra

                Sweetness thanks


                • #98
                  Re: Future Male Mithra

                  Originally posted by Kailea-D
                  Males are rare, for every 10 females born a male might be, so there for to keep the race strong, the males are kept safe by staying in their homeland.
                  I'd say it'd be a bigger ratio then that as many major cities in the US have a 10 to 1 ratio of female to male. With mithra it could easily be 100 to 1 if not higher.

                  Originally posted by Kyero Fox
                  your all repeating your self now ... we all know there being protected. So what. Maybe sometime the Male Mithra will Decide they want to Explore the world. its not up too us its up too them.
                  True, it is possible a male mithra might want to break out and see the world. But all the male mithra getting up and deciding to run away, I don't see that happening. One or two breaking out would work great in the story but making them a playable race won't.
                  "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                  • #99
                    Re: Future Male Mithra

                    I'm pretty sure it's fairly even between the number of males and females worldwide. It's just females tend to get out more... I don't know about you guys, but when I shop, I try to get as much as I need so I don't have to go back the next day...or week(s) if I can help it.
                    Generic Info!


                    • Re: Future Male Mithra

                      I just want to clear up some misconceptions that have been posted about cats in the real world to justify the current state of mithras.

                      First of all most spcies of cats are solitary. Meaning they live alone without other of their species. That means they need to hunt and protect themselves. Both males and females. So saying that with cats the females are nessacarily superiours hunters is false.

                      To the best of my knowlege the only cats that form family groups (prides) are Lions and Cheetahs. Though Lions are the only species with a single male and that only the females hunt. Cheetah prides vary from all male to all female groups and any mixture in between and every memer of the pride hunts, the purpose of these groups is to help drive away larger predidors that often steal prey from loan cheetah (such as lions and Hyenas).

                      And in both species of social cat there are a roughly equal ratio of male and female born. However with lions the ratio changes as they reach adulthood. For one male lions will kill any male cubs left alone for too long by their mothers, presumibly to prevent future competition. After the male cubs reach a certain age the are chaced away from the pride to fiend of themselfs, Some of these die do to enviromental hardship, or are wounded it fights with other male lions or other preditors in such a way that they can no longer survive on there own.

                      Mithran socitety in fact is nothing like the socail aspects of real cats. I personally believe that most people see mithra as more cat like than they really are. Beyond apperances and a few jokes and puns the NPC mithra are really not all that cat like.


                      • Re: Future Male Mithra

                        Originally posted by Jynx_lucky_j
                        I just want to clear up some misconceptions that have been posted about cats in the real world to justify the current state of mithras.

                        First of all most spcies of cats are solitary. Meaning they live alone without other of their species. That means they need to hunt and protect themselves. Both males and females. So saying that with cats the females are nessacarily superiours hunters is false.

                        To the best of my knowlege the only cats that form family groups (prides) are Lions and Cheetahs. Though Lions are the only species with a single male and that only the females hunt. Cheetah prides vary from all male to all female groups and any mixture in between and every memer of the pride hunts, the purpose of these groups is to help drive away larger predidors that often steal prey from loan cheetah (such as lions and Hyenas).

                        And in both species of social cat there are a roughly equal ratio of male and female born. However with lions the ratio changes as they reach adulthood. For one male lions will kill any male cubs left alone for too long by their mothers, presumibly to prevent future competition. After the male cubs reach a certain age the are chaced away from the pride to fiend of themselfs, Some of these die do to enviromental hardship, or are wounded it fights with other male lions or other preditors in such a way that they can no longer survive on there own.

                        Mithran socitety in fact is nothing like the socail aspects of real cats. I personally believe that most people see mithra as more cat like than they really are. Beyond apperances and a few jokes and puns the NPC mithra are really not all that cat like.
                        dont think anyone hear said anything to what you are talking about..... "Mithra are nothing like real cats" no duh -.-
                        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                        • Re: Future Male Mithra

                          Originally posted by Kailea-D
                          dont think anyone hear said anything to what you are talking about..... "Mithra are nothing like real cats" no duh -.-
                          Hey there's no need to get snippy, it was a valid contribution.


                          • Re: Future Male Mithra

                            altho lots of people do say there more cat than Women like people say about Furrys

                            Furry= Fur all over

                            Cat Girl (Which is also Mithra) are Fur in some spots like ... down there . Hair,Tail,Ears, maybe some uniqe places like Mithra face markings ... yea there fur.


                            • Re: Future Male Mithra

                              shave your mithra!


                              • Re: Future Male Mithra

                                /slap Ouija

