Hello all, I'm totally new to this game, but not to mmorpg's. I'd played Everquest for about 3 or so years. I've currently been off for like a year. Man, I miss it! I actually haven't bought FFXI yet, but I am going to. The only reason I had to quit playing everquest was because my computer got way outdated. I think its AWESOME that you can play this game on a PS2... my only concern is that is will be really laggy and slow on the PS2. So I have a question for the people playing on a really good pc. Can you tell when someone is using a PS2? Is it annoying? Just curious, cuz I don't wanna buy all the things neccessary if it's going to be slow and laggy. One more question, if you are in a highly populated area (bazaar), while using a PS2 compared to say a 256mb ram computer, which one will be laggier (if thats a word)? On the contrary, what about the 360? I know nobody can answer that one, but that is actually what I plan on doing come April 18, buy the 360 and FFXI. Thanks for the input and I look forward to seeing people in game. Take care now.
