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Key Ring Belt

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  • Key Ring Belt

    Hello everyone. Here some info about what Allakhazam doesn't have, as usual.
    It's about the Key Ring Belt.

    Note: Rumour says in order to obtain the Key Ring Belt, you have to complete the quest with the Lucky Charm as weapon. This is not yet confirmed. Read further to see what I mean.

    Name: Key Ring Belt
    Job: Thf
    Race: All
    Level: 20
    Stats: Def:2, DEX+1, Steal+1, Dispense: Skeleton Key <5/5 0:30/[30:00,0:30]>
    Obtained by quest: ?

    Quest: "Bait and Switch"
    Reward: Pot of Silent oil.
    Starting NPC: Salim
    Summary: "Lately, a strange friar has been snooping around the Temple of the Goddess. Salim wants you to get rid of him."

    Guide (As far as I know):
    Speak to Salim. He will tell you to go to the Goddess Temple. This is not the one in Jeuno. It's in the Metalworks itself! Between the elevators, there's a little hall going downstairs. Click the ??? there. You will get a cutscene where Luto will appear with a friend, Miledo-Shirrado. Luto will let you choose a "weapon." This is a tool that ~should~ help you through this quest. You'll see. Anyway, from now, speak to all NPC in the Metalworks, excluding the one's outside on the second floor (the area where the consulates are). Write down in what order you need to press switches. There are 3 switches in the Metalworks.
    1. Small Switch - In the Cermet Refinery, G-7
    2. Medium Switch - At the entrance of the Metalworks, G-8
    3. Large Switch - Between the Blacksmith's Guild's, F-8
    Depending on what "weapon" you choose, you have to press a certain amount in all. For example, a NPC might tell you that you have to press every switch twice, which gives a total of 6 switches to press. Now to set up an order, do so by talking to NPC's. So make a list for yourself, 1: ?? Switch, 2: ?? Switch.... etc. Then when you got the list, the hardest(imo: dumbest) part begins. You need to press the switch. One or more guards will be there. Now, you need to find an excuse. If you don't say the right excuse, one of your team members (Either Luto or Miledo) will most likely get caught and placed in Jail. At this point, you will need to find the NPC that releases them. In my case, that was Folzen. Note: You need to speak to a NPC first that says: "I believe a thief's been captured, and locked in Salim's cell." Something familiar to it, then speak to the other NPC which will say how to release them. Anyway, now you just try to press the switch again. I suppose, once you get all switches, you will get your reward. The Key Belt Ring. I haven't gotten that far yet :/. Also note: The answers you give to guards hoping to not get caught is never the same. So that is bad. If your friends get caught more then twice, you will have to start over. Be careful! Listen to what the guard says after you press the switch. It should help you on what answer or sollution to choose.

    Good luck.

    In my opinion: This quest is one of the dumbest quests ever. ><

    Edit #1: Editted something about when Luto/Miledo is captured.
    I'm still trying. Haven't gotten further than 2/6 of switches, using ID card.

    Edit #2: Discovered that different weapon also might change the total amount of switches you need to press. Trying this with Lucky Charm, 8 switches to press ._.

    Edit #3: I don't know what to say about this..

    To make it clear, another NPC said to me there are 8 switches in total. This is with Lucky Charm.

    Edit #4: Pay attention! Listen to what a guard says right after you press the switch! It should give you a clue on how to get rid of the guard without being captured! Completed quest with Scope.

    Edit #5: My last edit to this guide for now, rumour says in order to obtain the Key Ring Belt, you have to complete the quest with the Lucky Charm as weapon. This is not yet confirmed.

    Notes to think about:
    - The first time you do this quest, you're unable to choose ??? as weapon. Luto says: "You're not ready for this yet." This might mean you can do it again.
    - So what is needed to do it again? I don't know. Maybe fame, but i have a lot Bastok fame.
    Last edited by Kittyneko; 02-28-2006, 12:11 PM.

    War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75

  • #2
    Re: Key Ring Belt

    I like the quest. It's not that hard to complete, you can do it solo, and it trys to put a little puzzle solveing into FFXI (something I feal has been left out). The rewards might not be the best around, but most FFXI quest have worst ones. As far as I know, no one has been able to select the "???" option at the botom of the list, so maybe something intresting is down there.

    No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
    Rest of my sig


    • #3
      Re: Key Ring Belt

      Id like to know what the cooldown time is before you can attempt to repeat the quest. I did it with the scope and only got a silent oil, but it has to be repeatable to use the "???" which is unusable the first time you do it =/


      • #4
        Re: Key Ring Belt

        I just got this quest the other day but have yet to actually start it. Being a Thf myself I'd LOVE this belt to death. And if I can repeat this quest to get a new belt every time I use up the old one I'd be one insanely happy thf. I'll certainly try it out though, and I'm sure this walk through will help me out tons. If I get any new info I'll post it here.
        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


        • #5
          Re: Key Ring Belt

          I just finished this quest, it's kind of a fun bit of puzzle solving. Here's my experience so the rest of you might have an easier time. I chose lucky charm and got the belt at end.

          NPC's said:
          1. Hit the hardest switch 3rd and 6th.
          2. Hit the smallest swith first.
          3. 3 switches are in order.
          4. Need to hit 8 switches total.
          5. 1st and 5th switches are the same.
          6. 2nd, 4th, 7th, and last switches are also the same.
          7. Hit medium switch last.

          Working from that I made a list of 8 lines and filled in small switch for #1 and medium switch for #8. Working from the rest of the clues, that gave me:

          1. small
          2. medium
          3. large
          4. medium
          5. small
          6. large
          7. medium
          8. medium

          Ok, so off to trigger those CS's for these. You'll notice the guardsmen have different names, this is kind of a clue for what works for each guard. In my situation, I had one guardsman who almost always fell for the excuse "I'm just checking out the Metalworks", he thought I was with the Blacksmiths' Guild and let me pass. His line when I approached the switch was always: ... "Just wait til I get my hands on those theives." Guess, I managed not to sound enough like a THF to him. Every time I came to the main guardsman, I used the lucky charm to get him to leave. I failed one time, by deciding that it was too easy using my standard line on the guardsman looking for THFs and letting the taru try. Essentially the taru will always take the form of a guardsman and try to convince the guard that he's there for the shift change. After I sorted out getting Luto out of jail, I used this to my advantage on the last switch when the 2nd guard in blue armor showed up and complained about being hungry and tired of watching. Since the guy already seemed prime for a shift change, I let the taru do his thing.

          My suspicion is that Luto's trick will generally work on one blue guard, and the taru's will work on the other, while you have to use your item for the main guard. Or you can try a line and hope they fall for it. If anyone here has used Luto, please post what she does so the rest of us can use that later.

          Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


          • #6
            Re: Key Ring Belt

            If the guard says he wants to get some drinks use the taru.
            If the guard says he will wait for the thief and says nothing about drinks use the mithra.

            I got my Key ring belt yesterday, I want to try for the ??? to see what the reward is for that.

            You can repeat this quest if you are successful after every conquest tally. So once a week.

            Hori retreated from battle. What a coward.
            San d'Oria
            (´ ゜ω゜`)
            Don't like to haste our precious NIN tank? You're not RDM, then. -Apple Pie/Grendal


            • #7
              Re: Key Ring Belt

              aight well heres how it is, i got the belt about a month ago and been doin the quest every week since, you can do the quest once per conquest tally, the things the guards say almost always have the same answer(all the time ive done they have at least), you can only get the key ring belt if you pick the Lucky Charm. uhhh when the guard talks about drinks send the taru and when he talks about catchin a thief send mithra. after the key ring belt the other stuff has all been junk so far but im gonna keep tryin to see if i can unlock the ???. well i dunno if all that was said cause i was just skimming through but hope it clears things up about the quest and enjoy your belt, peace.


              • #8
                Re: Key Ring Belt


                Did this twice since getting my belt and here are some other resultarus:

                1. Pocketwatch = Hermes Quencher
                2. Snares = Hi-ether (and some relataru-ively amusing cutscenes of people tripping over them).

                More updatarus:
                3. Spyglass = silent oil (Taru watching is not a sport!)
                4. Bards harp = prism powder (Also, using the "Promotion Day" or "Recent Happy Memories" songs gets you an additional 10 gil).

                Apparentaruly, the Lead Guardsman's ID nets you a Hi-potion, and if you finish-winish "Chameleon Capers" and all other itemaroonies, the ??? becomes a Costume Kit.
                Last edited by Kitalrez; 04-11-2006, 10:22 PM.

                Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

