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First time in Sky

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  • #16
    Re: First time in Sky

    Originally posted by Intensity
    Update, Sky is GORGEOUS. Unfortunately, after a friend led us to the spot to get the CS for the DM fight, I got hit up by a friend in /tell right as we were coming to teh "Gauntlet". Drifted to one side out of the lines, 10 dolls on me and instant death. lol We had fun though. Thanks to everyone for the advice.
    Glad you enjoyed it! Even dying like that will be remembered fondly in the future! It's awesome once you've become jaded to sit back and remember the first time you were in sky and screwed up! LOL
    Originally posted by Feba
    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
    Originally posted by Taskmage
    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
    Originally posted by DakAttack
    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


    • #17
      Re: First time in Sky

      someone had asked what there is to do in sky... At level 62~ish I started XP partying in sky. @ 64, its still my prefered place to level. The birds six-chain w. Nin/War, War/Nin x3, Smn/Whm, Whm/Blm. There were a couple times we had the opportunity to seven chain, though we just barely missed the time for it, and cause of how the mobs pop there a smart group might be able to ocassionally 8chain if they play thier cards right. Flamingos ftw!


      • #18
        Re: First time in Sky

        advice for anyone who gets sky for the first time:
        dont do what i did and run straight through to Shrine of Ru'Avitau next to the aggroin mobs..i did that and zoned with 30HP left out of 1.1K >_> nothin much to do there cept: XP, kill gods, XP, do ZM14-17, kill gods, coffer hunt, kill gods...
        BM6-1 (Currently San d'Orian)
        ZM14 "Ark Angels"
        PM: Complete!

        Which FF Character Are You?


        • #19
          Re: First time in Sky

          Originally posted by neighbortaru
          search the screenshot forum. I know a few have popped up in the past. might be a few sea ones too... come to think of it, there are definately some shots in Faluzure's thread.

          Edit: here
          WOW! The shots in that link loke really cool!
          I really LOVE THEM!

          Those ones of Tiamat (I presume this is a high level area of FFXl. Am I correct?) look a bit like Tahrongi Canyon, (due to the texture of the area)
          and I'm impressed to see what types of creatures you get there too!

          All I can say really, is..... WOW! Thanks for that!

          Edit : I still can't see any shots of what these dolls look like though.
          It would be nice if I can see them.

          (\ /)
          ( . .)


          • #20
            Re: First time in Sky

            Try to go be in the Gardens while Light Weather is happening. If you think Qufim is cool during light weather, wait until you see Tu'lia.

            Oh and while running the "gauntlet" keep an eye out for the last 2 rows. A NM called Despot is a lotto pop off of those. He has much larger Sight range than the normal dolls. Its no fun running to the Shrine to activate Divine Might, minding your own buisness when you suddenly fall face flat on the ground in a few seconds from Despots WS spam. >.>

            PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


            • #21
              Re: First time in Sky

              Originally posted by Snowball
              Edit : I still can't see any shots of what these dolls look like though.
              It would be nice if I can see them.
              I believe they are the same dolls that can be seen in Lower Delkfutt's Tower. Stay on the first floor, but run a little farther in and you should see some. The look something like large robots, in the same flowing design of the inside of the tower itself.
              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

              PSN: Caspian


              • #22
                Re: First time in Sky

                Originally posted by Snowball
                WOW! The shots in that link loke really cool!
                I really LOVE THEM!

                Those ones of Tiamat (I presume this is a high level area of FFXl. Am I correct?) look a bit like Tahrongi Canyon, (due to the texture of the area)
                and I'm impressed to see what types of creatures you get there too!

                All I can say really, is..... WOW! Thanks for that!

                Edit : I still can't see any shots of what these dolls look like though.
                It would be nice if I can see them.

                Tiamat is actually in Attowah Chasm, that's a CoP area which anyone can get to, just run through the Maze of Shakhrami and you're there.

                If you want to see the dolls, you can see them easily enough without going to Tu'Lia - if you go to Beaucedine Glacier and enter one of the towers there that lead to Pso'Xja, there should be one or two floating around inside. They're also in Delkfutt's Tower but you may need to wander around a bit to find them.


                • #23
                  Re: First time in Sky

                  here are some dolls

                  I have this moogle at home xD
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #24
                    Re: First time in Sky

                    Lol, I so want that tonberry one.
                    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                    PSN: Caspian


                    • #25
                      Re: First time in Sky

                      Originally posted by Gobo
                      Try to go be in the Gardens while Light Weather is happening. If you think Qufim is cool during light weather, wait until you see Tu'lia.
                      We got it while fighting Byakko a few days ago.


                      • #26
                        Re: First time in Sky

                        Wow, light sure looks sweet in Ru'un, Ill need to spend more time there :D
                        75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                        Woodworking 91.9+2
                        ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                        • #27
                          Re: First time in Sky

                          I so LOVE SKY!!!! Its my favoite place in the game....


                          • #28
                            Re: First time in Sky

                            Originally posted by Gobo
                            Oh and while running the "gauntlet" keep an eye out for the last 2 rows. A NM called Despot is a lotto pop off of those. He has much larger Sight range than the normal dolls. Its no fun running to the Shrine to activate Divine Might, minding your own buisness when you suddenly fall face flat on the ground in a few seconds from Despots WS spam. >.>
                            It's also where so much misunderstanding and "nm stealing" accusations happen. If you're in the general area of any NM pop location in Sky, just be mindful of any one who's camping those NMs, especially if all you're doing is "sightseeing."


                            • #29
                              Re: First time in Sky

                              Originally posted by Darkhound
                              I would like to offer my help and advice on sky to anyone. I consider it my favorite place in game game, so far, and I know it like the back of my hand! I rarely die, even if sneak wears in the middle of weapons. Sky can BE very very VERY convusing at times. I still remember myeslf feeling very dumb tryin to get back to the main portal and taking red portals, yellow portals, blue portals, ahhhhhhhhhh lol the good old times. Now I constantly help newcommers get their coffers keys both from inside and outside, as well as the coffers. I also know all the spawn locatoins for coffers in the palace and, I spend many hours duoing pots with my RDM riend for decent xp and campint water.

                              My LS will start raiding SEA and doing alot of jailers, most of our time will be SEA since we got like 50ish people on my LS with SEA access no. But I decided to keep leading the Sky raids for the members who still need God items.

                              If you want some good pictures of sky go to and click on the photo gallery!

                              I just obtained Sky last night as it is soooo sweet, but like a noob I am, I got stuck at a portal. I was wondering if you had AIM or something DH so you could help guide me through Sky and help me get a map =P Anyways yes Sky is worth it after doing all the work. Just need Divine Might fight once I hit 70+ can't wait^^. The view is amazing once you zone in there!



                              • #30
                                Re: First time in Sky

                                Originally posted by Jei
                                I got in a brand new sky LS a few months ago. took us 2 hours to run to byakko
                                after a couple weeks we only spend 5-10 minutes top.
                                Sounds familiar... the 1st time my ls fought byakko like 1.5 yers ago.. it was a total nightmare! Now its goes as smooth as ever!

                                I do not have aim, or msn at work they are blocked, however you can download google talk, it is nice and easy and i use it at work my address is or you can email me at

                                Btw.. did you see my pictures on the gallery?


