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Bronze Box?

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  • Bronze Box?

    I was fishing on the Boat to Mahura and I caught a Bronze Box. It's a Rare/EX item. What do I use it for?
    37WHM/25BRD/17BLM/16THF/07WAR/05MNK All other Jobs 1.

    Gilgamesh Server

  • #2
    Re: Bronze Box?

    If I remember correctly, its for a quest in Windhurst- not sure which one (I did this ages ago, so my memory is foggy)


    • #3
      Re: Bronze Box?

      Used in the second quest of a series in Windurst Waters.

      Making Headlines

      Zone Tarutaru Times (C-11 [South])
      NPC Naiko-Paneiko
      Start Talk to Naiko-Paneiko
      Summary @
      Walkthrough Naiko-Paneiko, in the southwestern most house (C/D-11/12) (clicking on the door shows "Tarutaru Times")
      wants you to track down several reporters and get their story. You will discover that a thief is hiding out in the
      Horutoto Ruins.
      Go to East Sarutabaruta and enter the Horutoto Inner Ruins (J-7). In the Ruins, Examine the cracked wall for a
      secret door (G-8).
      Examine the Mahogany door and then return to Naiko-Paneiko with what you learned.
      A message will indicate that you've verified the scoop regardless of whether you can enter or not.

      NPC Area Zone
      Kyume-Romeh Windurst Waters (North) F-10
      Hiwon-Biwon Windurst Walls K-8
      Umumu Windurst Woods I-6
      Yujuju Port Windurst M-6

      Reward 560Gil
      Title @
      Next Quest Scooped!
      @ @


      Zone Tarutaru Times (C-11 [South])
      NPC Naiko-Paneiko
      Start Making Headlines
      Summary @
      Walkthrough You must do Making Headlines quest before this. After talking to Naiko-Paneiko (C-11), head to Mhaura and take
      the boat to Selbina. Bring along a sturdy fishing pole and some lugworms (you can buy bait on the boat).
      Catch Ocean Crabs and kill them until one drops a bronze box. Bring this back to Naiko-Paneiko.
      Reward 1500Gil
      Title @
      Next Quest -
      @ @

      Info taken from Mysterytour


      • #4
        Re: Bronze Box?

        Damnit I was too slow.


        Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


        • #5
          Re: Bronze Box?

          If you wish to know what the magical bronze box does go here:

          edit: man ya'll are quick to post....
          Last edited by rei2150; 02-22-2006, 03:57 PM. Reason: Two pwople beat me to it
          Which FF Character Are You?

          These two dont go together (Naive and wise)....Oh well.
          Take The Quiz Yourself!

