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More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

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  • More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

    Idk why I posted this, possibly due to boredom, but when I saw this article, I thought Gilsellers, and maybe that was wrong of me to do. . .

    But ANYWAY, I was just wondering what would be the effect of all MMOs if the Chinese Government severely limited the internet usage of the country.

    I'm past the point where I'm blindly pointing fingers at Gilsellers for all the problems in FFXI, and I now realize that this is a means to a living on their end, even if it means they had to step on the toes of hundreds of thousands of gamers to do so.

    Being an open-market communist nation, China is severly limited in freedom in terms of actions, but the government wasnt retarded like communist Russia, and decided to have an open market, meaning that they are an extremely profitable population.

    The Dell I'm typing this on was assembled in China, as a matter of fact, and I'm sure the Sean John stuff I'm wearing passed trough either Chinese or Taiwan hands >.>

    Ah well, just some tidbits of info I wanted to share.
    The Tao of Ren
    FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

    If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
    Originally posted by Kaeko
    As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.

  • #2
    Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

    first off, dont mix china and taiwan as interchangable and one in the same. they are not. get that right please. if you want to get into a debate about that, thats a whole other topic. but please do not use china and taiwan as if they are one in the same.

    as far as the article goes, its just the typical thinking of China as a whole and historically. It's a country that loves to be enslaved. From its history to its teachings by Confucius and etc. They dont know any other form of life. It might be hard for people growing up here, as i did to fathom that but throughout the history of china, its just been 1 ruler over another. i say ruler, meaning someone that tells you when and when you can piss. what and what you cant think. It's not the government's fault completely, its just the very core of the Chinese people.

    If you're wondering, I am Taiwanese. There is a difference. thanks.
    Last edited by Omni; 02-16-2006, 08:48 AM.
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


    • #3
      Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

      But WM3K only mentioned Taiwan essambling his laptop : / nothing with the article itself.

      I honestly love ancient china a lot... Their culture and country before they turned communist were beautiful.
      Anyway, I don't think chinese are raised to be slaves.
      But they were a lot like ancient Egypt.
      It is not the people, but the leaders that are so afraid of the outside culture that they will do anything to preserve their way of life.

      The way they selected government workers were exams about poems and literature. It's all about reading old writings and remembering. Creativity was very limitted in this system.

      China used to had very advanced technology...
      first to invent clock, they could remove brain neoplasm since like what, 3,000 years ago >.< (remember how Hua-toa tried to cure Caocao?)
      Then, after Qin Shihuang united china he got obsessed with immortality. When he realized it was impossible he ordered to kill all doctors in his territory and so all the knowledge was lost...

      They had huge naval forces, gigantic ships that could sail across the world long before the colonial age. Some ruler I can't remember afraid their world exploration could bring out side culture into China, so he burnt all the ships and ban sea navigation -.-

      I don't know... chinese have a lot of potential. All they need is a good leader to lead them into the right direction.
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

        i know wm3k only mentioned it but i just wanted to make it clear that he doesnt staple both countries together. sorry if it came off harsh, its a important subject for me.

        but as far as china having a good leader. they havent had one that wasnt 1) despotic 2) corrupt 3) both. if you can tell me any worthwhile contributions china has made to the world in the past 500 years, i will open my ears to you. there has been none. they have been ruled, conquered over and over then wasted away with opium and etc.

        im not saying they are raised to be slaves, but the culture and the history of it pretty much dictates an unfair society..... anyhow i wont spew further ramblings b/c this will take this thread way off topic and i dont want to be the cause of that.

        as far as the topic goes. the government does not protect its people. this is just another excuse for them to put another collar around their people's neck. they dont want their youth to get any 'wrong ideas' from forgieners in a time where they are most impressionable. thats the whole thinking behind it. a prevention is better than a cure. even if the prevention means locking you up in your room and forcing you to study till you know everything verbatim.
        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


        • #5
          Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

          Sorry Omni, I didnt mean for it to come off that way. It's just that my shirt, sneakers and pants have on the tag "Made in Taiwan" and my hat has "made in China". Keep in mind that I am wearing a New Era Fitted Cap, Enyce Shirt, Sean John pants and Reebok Classic Sneakers.

          So me saying that it passed through either hands was me just stating that the expensive stuff I am adorning on my body was created in one of the major production areas of the Far East. . . Didnt mean any offense.

          And yes, it wasnt just the Asian's that were ahead of the Europeans, keep in mind that when European "Explorers" came to even Africa, they discovered civilizations with currency, government, written language, mathematics, astronomy and generally very advanced systems of living.

          Just as in the Crusades, where the Middle Easterns (not sure if Turkey counts as Middle East. . . .) would have a medicinal cure for a headache whilest the Europeans would rather drill your skull open, there was a plethora of civilization waiting to trade and exchange and teach, but they got labeled as Religious Heratics and were promptly tried to be taken control of.

          This was about to turn into a European Imperialism rant, but I decided against it. Unless the thread takes that directions, I'll reserve my opinions at the moment. . .

          But onto the topic of Asian influences, the Chinese have, at the very least, established economic stability, and in 10 years, I'm guessing that China will lead the world in Exports, and rival American quality for products on our shores. This may be bad, because American businesses will suffer, because other countries can get shit from China cheaper and at the same quality than many other countries.

          Then we'll have all types of countries imposing embargos on Chinese goods, then they'll go Batshit crazy, and great, another war on our hands.

          They should have, at the very least, taken the Japanese stance: Quoted from
          For the record, the first ever Gaijin Smash recorded in history was performed by Commodore Matthew Perry (no "Friends" jokes/references, they've all been done before. Twice) in 1853. Japan had closed its borders and was very isolationist. Then one day, Perry rolls up demanding Japan open it's borders for foreign commerce...

          Perry: Hey! Open up Japan!
          The Japanese: That's an interesting idea. Here's another one. How about we shuffle our feet until you get frustrated and leave?
          Perry: A'ight. I'll be back.

          7 months later, Perry returns with 9 (count 'em) gunships.

          Perry: Hey Japan! Open up. Or I'll blast you clear into China.
          The Japanese: .......Ah! Mr. Perry-san, welcome to Japan! Please do come in!
          Perry: Gaijin Smash.
          After this, the Japanese realized that they could no longer be isolationist, so they went to the Germans for army training, the British for Naval training and the Americans for Factories.

          Less than 100 years later, Japan caught up to the rest of the world and proceeded to Ass-Pillage the rest of China. America then retaliated by nuke-farming Nagasaki and Horoshima. Then America rebuilt Japan in it's own image (Not America Jr., like Canada. . .) the same way that was done to Germany after WW2, and if you look at the top 5 countries in terms of wealth, America, Japan, and Germany are all in there.

          AHAHA, just made a joke with my classmate: All the chinese are good for is getting taken over.

          They really should have taken a hint from their Japanese neighbors across the pond.
          The Tao of Ren
          FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

          If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
          Originally posted by Kaeko
          As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


          • #6
            Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

            So racially insensitive >_>


            • #7
              Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

              Well, whatever the Chinese government is doing isn't necessarily out of the good will or intentions of their foreign neighbors in mind, I can assure you that much. Like Omni has said, most likely, this move by the Chinese government has nothing to do with the current RMT issues prevalent in todays MMO games.


              • #8
                Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

                I am not going to comment much as it will only stir things up as my opinions differ greatly from the majority of people that are in America, but for the most part from what i see China is doing really well with other nations in general and although it might not be best they are having good relations, however China as a government to their own people might not be as good and my opinions on that i feel is somewhat justified on the thinking that work hard now reap benefits later that goes into alot of asian thinking.

                That being said it might affect RMT as China has the most sellers being in its economical state(its probably one of the easiest way to get money there), but there are other sellers out there too, and i doubt that even if this affects things, that there will be a huge affect on it.


                • #9
                  Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

                  yes, this article is just another attempt at the chinese power elite controlling their people. there's a phrase in mandarin that translates to 'foolish citizen policy'. this article basically represents that phrase. keep information and 'dangerous' ideas out of the people's minds and you can control them however you wish. this isnt just now, this has been the mind set of chinese culture for centuries. even boils down to the confucius teachings that are so engrained in the culture.

                  if any of you care to read a little more about these fatal flaws in chinese culture, please check out this link: it is part of a book written by a chinese author. he was born in china, then immigrated to taiwan, he was even apart of the KMT, which was and still is the mainland loving political party in taiwan. he wrote this book as a way to challange his own people but instead, they threw his ass into jail for 9 years. its called The Ugly Chinaman. remember this is a chinese person writing about his own people not an outsider writing about the chinese.
                  Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                  ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                  • #10
                    Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

                    Such hate, and i am sure the Patriot Act is anything different as long as they make it seem ok to us or the things over in America that are ommited without our knowledge, there are many people saying crap about their own country if they can get something out of it, even for Green Cards here if you look deep enough. I am bowing out of this i have no wish to diverge the topic of RMT here as much as it is already..


                    • #11
                      Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

                      Oh yes, the effing glorious Patriot Act. Anyone remember learning about McCarthyism and the Red Scare?

                      That's what this shit is, all over again. Whoop dee friggin haha dee.

                      If it wasn't for porn, I'd hate America.
                      The Tao of Ren
                      FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                      If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                      Originally posted by Kaeko
                      As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                      • #12
                        Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

                        Ok a couple of things 1) We are not living in the age of macarthy any more, people are still very free to say what they please and not be "black listed" for it. The patriot act is *suppose* to allow the intellegance communities to talk to eachother, which before was illegal for security reasons. Admitidly there are things about the patriot act that need to be tweaked however on the whole it isnt that bad, and we will always have organizations (aka ACLU types) that will prevent the return to Mcarthyism. 2) China has long oppressed its people and this is just a continuation of that, they are trying to control how fast they change so that that change can be controled. Althought these laws will be passed china has the internet and that is not going away and as we all know there is a work around any and all firewalls, just takes time and will.

                        RNG67 BRD66 THF55 NIN35 WHM31 RDM35 WAR24 PLD30


                        • #13
                          Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

                          Lion, I apoligize for hitting a nerve, how bout I play basketball for you, and you do my math homework?

                          lol, j/k j/k ^^

                          And yes, we all have said some bad things towards out government (as Americans), and I'm glad that the vast majority of us are not in jail, and are still speaking of our unhappiness with the current administration. I'll try to find the link, but earlier in the year, i was having a discussion in another thread, and someone who actually did a report and had to investigate and research the Patriot Act had some good insight.
                          The Tao of Ren
                          FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                          If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                          Originally posted by Kaeko
                          As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                          • #14
                            Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

                            Nah i dont mind different opinions even if i might disagree with them and might be sensitive about it, its just its about RMT here, yet all i see is just bagging for the most part, so that wasnt so cool not to mention way off topic... I am usually pretty cool with most things.

                            Me no understand numbers, I CANT UNDERSTAND YOUR CRAZY MOON LANGAUGE! O_O; >_>;

                            But yeah i dont see how this will affect RMT because RMT is going to be here as long as people actually will buy virtual item/currency, if its not China then its bound to be another country and we will then bag on them. It MIGHT slow it down but RMT as whole and in general i dont see it being affected.


                            • #15
                              Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff

                              Honestly, I'm not sure the article relates to RMT directly, but seeing it turned some wheels in my head. RMT in China, as far as I know, is equivalent to High-Tech sweat-shops, similar work hours, better pay, and since you're plinking away in a game, similar work conditions.

                              It is unlikely that simply banning minors from being in internet cafes will even affect RMT at all in China, but with legislation like this passing unopposed, it IS likely that there might be strict sanctions on the Chinese internet.

                              I know that between the two companies in the US that "own" the internet (their names escape me, but they essentially run the core lines of all the shit that is connected to all the other shit. . . ) there are governmental limits on what they actually "can" do.

                              I remember talking to a family member of mine who works for the Department of Defense about me playing Socom with some soldiers stationed in Turkey, and the conversation turned to how access to our networks may allow outside parties to "map" them, so there are a lot of places blocked off. (I think I was referring to the differences between Microsoft's business model for their console internet service and Sony's)

                              Point of this rant is that if the chinese government feels that there is a need to cut off access to other countries, let alone Japan, then we might see a steep fall in RMT from China.

                              I agree with what you mentioned, Lion, in that if Chinese RMT was to fall, then another groupd would pick it up. As long as there is a demand, there will be a supply.
                              The Tao of Ren
                              FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                              If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                              Originally posted by Kaeko
                              As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.

