Idk why I posted this, possibly due to boredom, but when I saw this article, I thought Gilsellers, and maybe that was wrong of me to do. . .
But ANYWAY, I was just wondering what would be the effect of all MMOs if the Chinese Government severely limited the internet usage of the country.
I'm past the point where I'm blindly pointing fingers at Gilsellers for all the problems in FFXI, and I now realize that this is a means to a living on their end, even if it means they had to step on the toes of hundreds of thousands of gamers to do so.
Being an open-market communist nation, China is severly limited in freedom in terms of actions, but the government wasnt retarded like communist Russia, and decided to have an open market, meaning that they are an extremely profitable population.
The Dell I'm typing this on was assembled in China, as a matter of fact, and I'm sure the Sean John stuff I'm wearing passed trough either Chinese or Taiwan hands >.>
Ah well, just some tidbits of info I wanted to share.
Idk why I posted this, possibly due to boredom, but when I saw this article, I thought Gilsellers, and maybe that was wrong of me to do. . .
But ANYWAY, I was just wondering what would be the effect of all MMOs if the Chinese Government severely limited the internet usage of the country.
I'm past the point where I'm blindly pointing fingers at Gilsellers for all the problems in FFXI, and I now realize that this is a means to a living on their end, even if it means they had to step on the toes of hundreds of thousands of gamers to do so.
Being an open-market communist nation, China is severly limited in freedom in terms of actions, but the government wasnt retarded like communist Russia, and decided to have an open market, meaning that they are an extremely profitable population.
The Dell I'm typing this on was assembled in China, as a matter of fact, and I'm sure the Sean John stuff I'm wearing passed trough either Chinese or Taiwan hands >.>
Ah well, just some tidbits of info I wanted to share.