Re: More Gil-Seller Related Stuff
IGE is founded allegedly by an american child actor(from mightly ducks) who was an everquest player that RMTed, worked, and started a business out of it.
They moved to HK as a base of operations, and uses resources off mainland, the rest is history.
None of it is Chinese founded. They're just used as cheap outsourced labor, like any company does.
Actually capitalism failed as well. This is what happened on black friday followed by the depresson.
Our current economic style is a mix of capitalism and socialism(some what commuism since it's related). The new deal, social security, medicare, uionization, ect, are all socialist ideals, not to mention muni's and government sanctioned monopolies, are straight out of communism's booklet.
And now some people are point to facisim-> ie big business bush adminstration.
Capitalism theory doesn't make the rich get richer and poor get poorer, it actually achieves the same results as commuism, with a classless society, of equality. Just an equality of specialization. I.E-> Everyone is a 50k "title". Thus market equality.
In a debate of communism and caplitalism, They both fail.
Different issues, but US is starting to sound a lot like China in many ways, which might be for good reason, since we are talking about societies here.
IGE is founded allegedly by an american child actor(from mightly ducks) who was an everquest player that RMTed, worked, and started a business out of it.
They moved to HK as a base of operations, and uses resources off mainland, the rest is history.
None of it is Chinese founded. They're just used as cheap outsourced labor, like any company does.
Originally posted by qaitakalnin
Actually capitalism failed as well. This is what happened on black friday followed by the depresson.
Our current economic style is a mix of capitalism and socialism(some what commuism since it's related). The new deal, social security, medicare, uionization, ect, are all socialist ideals, not to mention muni's and government sanctioned monopolies, are straight out of communism's booklet.
And now some people are point to facisim-> ie big business bush adminstration.
Capitalism theory doesn't make the rich get richer and poor get poorer, it actually achieves the same results as commuism, with a classless society, of equality. Just an equality of specialization. I.E-> Everyone is a 50k "title". Thus market equality.
In a debate of communism and caplitalism, They both fail.
Different issues, but US is starting to sound a lot like China in many ways, which might be for good reason, since we are talking about societies here.