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Did I do the right thing?

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  • #16
    Re: Did I do the right thing?

    Originally posted by Kagerou
    The only problem I see is that you were calming the smn down (which is good), but then decided to leave with him/her when they found a replacement.

    Although you guys were obvious victim of harrassment, you have to admit that you wasted the nin's time.
    I don't even think these guys were credible enough for me to believe them. I waited about 15 minutes after they claimed they found a ninja and asked the drk where he was, but he wouldn't even give me an answer (or name, for that matter).

    Maybe if they actually gave me the name of the ninja, I would have told him in advance that he shouldn't waste his time with this party, but I couldn't even do that. If I wasted the nin's time, so be it.

    These guys wasted my time, and the only thing I managed to do over the weekendwas level my whm.
    Last edited by Mog; 02-14-2006, 08:43 PM.


    • #17
      Re: Did I do the right thing?

      you are a bad bad kupo and so are they
      If people treat u badly and you treat them nice it only show how nice you are.
      But when people treat u badly and you theat them bad in return it also show you are bad haha. Least you could do is tell them to keep quiet or shut up before you get piss off


      • #18
        Re: Did I do the right thing?

        Originally posted by JeanRC
        you are a bad bad kupo and so are they
        If people treat u badly and you treat them nice it only show how nice you are.
        But when people treat u badly and you theat them bad in return it also show you are bad haha. Least you could do is tell them to keep quiet or shut up before you get piss off
        This is the worst advice I've seen in this thread so far.

        I thought what you did was fine, to be honest. You should of left a long time before the replacements came, IMO. It's very annoying to have childish idiots in the party, especially when they're making sex jokes. >.<;

        "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


        • #19
          Re: Did I do the right thing?

          Meh, probably best that they pissed you off and you left anyway. I can't think of the last time I had a pt with both a DRK and a DRG that went well ^^. One or the other is fine but when both are in the pt teh world is surely going to end.

          Last DRK I pted with in bibiki bay on my NIN was barely outdamaging our PLD ^^. I was DD NIN being only outdamaged by the THF. Both DRK and DRG have a lot of potential to be powerful DDs but it seems many of the ppl who choose those jobs lack the skill and/or dedication to take advantage of this.
          Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5
 - Bahamut Endgame LS


          • #20
            Re: Did I do the right thing?


            Now for future reference, this is what you should do:

            Say, 'Hey let's kill an EM or T while we wait for the NIN'. Wait for them to pull something, THEN d2 out.

            Jobs: BLM60, BRD45, WHM38, BST31, SMN18, MNK17, THF16, RDM18, NIN11, WAR14

            Murphy's FFXI job roles

            The Tank keeps the Healer alive. The Healer keeps the Tank alive. The BLM warps, THF flees when things look bad.


            • #21
              Re: Did I do the right thing?

              Originally posted by capitalistnihilist
              I can't think of the last time I had a pt with both a DRK and a DRG that went well ^^. One or the other is fine but when both are in the pt teh world is surely going to end.
              It's like me saying that I haven't partied with a good NIN in a while (Which is fact, because I haven't exp'd much at all, but the last three NIN parties sucked big time dating back to September of last year)

              Instead of trolloping your "self proclaimed as fact opinion," you should keep it to yourself and focus on the OP's post.


              • #22
                Re: Did I do the right thing?

                Originally posted by meeyutu

                Now for future reference, this is what you should do:

                Say, 'Hey let's kill an EM or T while we wait for the NIN'. Wait for them to pull something, THEN d2 out.
                haha Good call!


                • #23
                  Re: Did I do the right thing?

                  If you're going to ninja a D2 do it mid battle.

                  Do you mind if I ask who they were? >_>
                  Last edited by DakAttack; 02-15-2006, 02:47 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Did I do the right thing?

                    Originally posted by capitalistnihilist
                    Last DRK I pted with in bibiki bay on my NIN was barely outdamaging our PLD ^^. I was DD NIN being only outdamaged by the THF. Both DRK and DRG have a lot of potential to be powerful DDs but it seems many of the ppl who choose those jobs lack the skill and/or dedication to take advantage of this.
                    Like Aeni said, this has no bearing on the main topic at hand. To be truly honest, I'm not exactly sure if there was a drg in the party. All I know is that he's a melee profession that can't tank.

                    Originally posted by meeyutu
                    OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT!

                    Now for future reference, this is what you should do:

                    Say, 'Hey let's kill an EM or T while we wait for the NIN'. Wait for them to pull something, THEN d2 out.
                    You know, the evil side in me wanted to D2 mid battle, but the good side told me to just walk away. I would probably have no qualms about doing this if the WHM didn't want to keep trying with this party. He kept quiet a majority of the time, and didn't seem to mind how immature these guys were.

                    If I were to d2, yes I would have gotten sweet f*cking revenge on these guys, but then again, I would've inadvertedly killed the whm, which I have no intention of doing.

                    Originally posted by Impaction
                    If you're going to ninja a D2 do it mid battle.

                    Do you mind if I ask who they were? >_>
                    One of the guys name is Destiners. Unfortunately, I forgot the other guys name.
                    Last edited by Mog; 02-15-2006, 03:05 PM.
                    ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                    • #25
                      Re: Did I do the right thing?

                      Originally posted by arcadia9
                      One of the guys name is Destiners. Unfortunately, I forgot the other guys name.
                      Ah, I've never heard of them. Those are the kind of people that gravitate towards the really bad LSs, like onApalehorse.


                      • #26
                        Re: Did I do the right thing?

                        Originally posted by Omecle
                        This is the worst advice I've seen in this thread so far.

                        I thought what you did was fine, to be honest. You should of left a long time before the replacements came, IMO. It's very annoying to have childish idiots in the party, especially when they're making sex jokes. >.<;
                        You know why you think this is the worst advice you seen in this thread?
                        cause you dont care for others. You just care about your own feeling.
                        Imagine you left and then the other few good people in the pt just because of you they cant pt anymore. Did you ever think of them? You just care about yourself because you get piss of it and then left the pt. Its just like you all just started a pt, and someone dont like somebody inside and then they say i dont like this so and so and just warp off. Think of this, pt have not even start and he did that you either you all have to disband or look for a new replacement just because of someone who dont like someone inside and left. Its being selfish and did he think of the others who are not bad in the pt? No he didnt.

                        Yes they are childish but bear with it until the pt break natually and then dont pt with them again when they ask you. that is simple.


                        • #27
                          Re: Did I do the right thing?

                          Originally posted by JeanRC
                          You know why you think this is the worst advice you seen in this thread?
                          cause you dont care for others. You just care about your own feeling.
                          Imagine you left and then the other few good people in the pt just because of you they cant pt anymore. Did you ever think of them? You just care about yourself because you get piss of it and then left the pt. Its just like you all just started a pt, and someone dont like somebody inside and then they say i dont like this so and so and just warp off. Think of this, pt have not even start and he did that you either you all have to disband or look for a new replacement just because of someone who dont like someone inside and left. Its being selfish and did he think of the others who are not bad in the pt? No he didnt.

                          Yes they are childish but bear with it until the pt break natually and then dont pt with them again when they ask you. that is simple.
                          Point taken, but answer this, Jean. Can you honestly say that you would stay in a party full of immature kids, who claim they have a nin, but nothing happens within the next 15 minutes? Would you honestly say that if you were to leave, you would end up destroying the party?

                          I don't think so; the only people who were selfish were these kids, who didn't even bother keeping the party as a whole aware of who was coming in the first place. I now have no regrets with leaving the party. It's either:

                          1) waste my own time waiting for this mystery ninja to arrive, or

                          2) Save myself and the summoner the trouble of waiting, and liberating ourselves from a crappy party. (The white mage didn't want to come, and I believe that me and the summoner had more influence and common sense than the Drg and Drk)

                          I now know what I did was the right thing. Trust me; if anything, I was saving everyone's time by partially disbanding the party.
                          ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                          • #28
                            Re: Did I do the right thing?

                            Originally posted by arcadia9
                            Point taken, but answer this, Jean. Can you honestly say that you would stay in a party full of immature kids, who claim they have a nin, but nothing happens within the next 15 minutes? Would you honestly say that if you were to leave, you would end up destroying the party?

                            I don't think so; the only people who were selfish were these kids, who didn't even bother keeping the party as a whole aware of who was coming in the first place. I now have no regrets with leaving the party. It's either:

                            1) waste my own time waiting for this mystery ninja to arrive, or

                            2) Save myself and the summoner the trouble of waiting, and liberating ourselves from a crappy party. (The white mage didn't want to come, and I believe that me and the summoner had more influence and common sense than the Drg and Drk)

                            I now know what I did was the right thing. Trust me; if anything, I was saving everyone's time by partially disbanding the party.
                            Yea they may be selfish and immature. But you should not act immature or selfish even when they are. I seldom tell my party i need to go first, unless its like 3-5am my time. I aleadys determine a party pt leader and its party first before i join. Reason being after i join the pt, i wount want to leave just like this. So i rather see if its a reasonable party to join first and decide should i join or not.
                            Not trying to point finger at you that you make a very bad decision or what. Just trying to say that there are better ways to deal with it then what you did.
                            Like what kagerou said, if there are really a ninja coming, you be wasting the ninja time.Although the ninja to you is a mystery ninja but that doesnt 100% he dont exist and remember ffxi is big and it take times to travel from 1 place to another sometime more then 15mins.

                            Quote from yourself on top.
                            1) waste my own time waiting for this mystery ninja to arrive, or

                            2) Save myself and the summoner the trouble of waiting, and liberating ourselves from a crappy party. (The white mage didn't want to come, and I believe that me and the summoner had more influence and common sense than the Drg and Drk)

                            I like to say this again, a lot of us are selfish in someways sometimes but that doesnt really make us real bad but still acceptable in some sense.
                            The quote above aleady prove that you are somehow a bit selfish.
                            1) waste my own time waiting for this mystery ninja to arrive,, or

                            2) Save myself and the summoner the trouble of waiting, and liberating ourselves from a crappy party. (The white mage didn't want to come, and I believe that me and the summoner had more influence and common sense than the Drg and Drk)

                            If you look at your sentence "waste my own time waiting for this mystery ninja to arrive" this 1 show that you did not care for the ninja or maybe other good people in the pt that is also waiting for the ninja to come. You are not alone waiting but so are the others.

                            And this sentence "Save myself and the summoner the trouble of waiting and liberating ourselves from a crappy party" show that inorder to run away from this crappy party and wasting time waiting for the ninja, you choose to warp yourself back also show you being selfish somehow.

                            I am not trying to point that you did a big deal of wrong stuff but what you did isnt just the best solution to it.
                            So dont get mad at me


                            • #29
                              Re: Did I do the right thing?

                              No, I won't get mad at you but yeah, I'll agree with ya, Jean. It was a selfish move on my part, not really thinking about the advent ninja or the whm in the group. I think the next time something like this happens again, I'll just speak up and try to compromise with the entire party. and if that doesn't have any effect, then I leave.
                              ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                              • #30
                                Re: Did I do the right thing?


                                I think what I posted is probably closer to what should've happened. It allows the 2 people that were causing problems to have a chance to "come clean" and settle down. If things are not going well (If the SMN was a female in real life and found those two to be very offensive) then you draw the line. Enough is enough. 10 year old or 99 year old, it doesn't matter. If they cross that line you drew, then leave the party and if they continue to harass you after you leave, call the GM. That to me is more sensible than your advice in staying until the party breaks naturally. Maybe the people that you said who were staying with the party ... maybe they're too afraid to leave. How do you know? You don't know.

                                I think that's why someone said that he didn't care for your advice. While your advice has some good merits, your suggestions merely prolong the problem and exacerbates it further by allowing those hoodlums to continue their offensive behavior and forces everyone to endure that rather than trying to resolve the issue.

                                My two cents.

