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Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

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  • #31
    Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

    As long as they don't interfere with your adventuring it shouldn't matter... Then again they always seem to find a way to... Well, I tried! ^-^ Always look on the brighter side!~


    There once was fish,

    Whom made a perfect dish

    To a giant fish.

    The giant fish was caught,

    By a Mithra which sought

    To fill her hunger.

    The Mithra was slayed,

    By a monster whom would raid

    The land.

    What have we learned?


    • #32
      Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

      To Jeanrc: People in my LS USED to be like that. Those people who were like that were kicked. My leader got tired of people always talking about having 1337 gear and never showing up to events. He kicked those people. And now, we have a rule. If people are on the game, and they dont' come to an HNM, they get points taken away from them. If they're AFK in Rolanberry, it's ok. But if they're out XPing, or shouting for CoP. They're penalized. We just got tired of greedy people. They're either gone, or will be gone if they don't show up and help out. Might seem like a dick move. But I don't have ANY tolerance for people who whine and moan for gear, and then don't show up to help somebody out when they need something.
      Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
      90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

      Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


      • #33
        Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

        Not a dick move at all Rodin! ^-^ Hehe, that's a better way of getting rid of dead weight (please don't take that the wrong way, I'm not that evil!! T-T). The LS I'm in sees it as a way to get a comical show... -.-;;;


        There once was fish,

        Whom made a perfect dish

        To a giant fish.

        The giant fish was caught,

        By a Mithra which sought

        To fill her hunger.

        The Mithra was slayed,

        By a monster whom would raid

        The land.

        What have we learned?


        • #34
          Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

          Originally posted by Rodin
          To Jeanrc: People in my LS USED to be like that. Those people who were like that were kicked. My leader got tired of people always talking about having 1337 gear and never showing up to events. He kicked those people. And now, we have a rule. If people are on the game, and they dont' come to an HNM, they get points taken away from them. If they're AFK in Rolanberry, it's ok. But if they're out XPing, or shouting for CoP. They're penalized. We just got tired of greedy people. They're either gone, or will be gone if they don't show up and help out. Might seem like a dick move. But I don't have ANY tolerance for people who whine and moan for gear, and then don't show up to help somebody out when they need something.
          OMG, my old ls is like that, though... they don't seem to do anything about kicking ppl who just comes in for when they need it and don't help others. It gotten so bad, that they just take advantage of the helpful ppl in there. /sigh, sadder part is, our ls leader keeps talking to everyone about it, but when she's afk on her mule in Rolanberry, everyone acts up again v.v It's ppl that don't help that always ask for it when it comes to quest and gear is what makes me tired of trying to get that stuff done sometimes. Like my on my mithra, when it's mithra rse week, or gonna be, i ask for some help in advance, nothing, then when someone good walks in and asks for help, nothing again. But when someone who's already logged in and asks, the someone good helps yet they don't get any v.v I help everyone that helps me, when every i'm able and i won't slow them down since some of them are like 65+ in lvl. /sigh, ppl need to get there act together. It even gotten soo bad that our most helpful member who RARELY asks for anything, doesn't get any help, yet ppl just ask for some right after he does... and they get it >.<
          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


          • #35
            Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

            (Is a sucker) I know they won't help me but for some reason I can't say no to when they ask for help... -.-;; And because of this I have lost gil and time... It's for a good cause though, right?! ^w^ (That's what I tell myself)


            There once was fish,

            Whom made a perfect dish

            To a giant fish.

            The giant fish was caught,

            By a Mithra which sought

            To fill her hunger.

            The Mithra was slayed,

            By a monster whom would raid

            The land.

            What have we learned?


            • #36
              Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

              Lmfao, careful, keep thinking like that and ppl will call you a |Help me out!| bot XD
              Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


              • #37
                Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

                I know!!! T-T But I just can't say no!! *Flashback of school play* Hey, I played a pretty good prince for a girl! -3-


                There once was fish,

                Whom made a perfect dish

                To a giant fish.

                The giant fish was caught,

                By a Mithra which sought

                To fill her hunger.

                The Mithra was slayed,

                By a monster whom would raid

                The land.

                What have we learned?


                • #38
                  Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

                  I was in a chat LS that would ask me for everything. I've been on over 30 O-hat runs, and I've done Promyvion probably over 80 times now. I almost quit because people were pressuring me to help them a lot. One day I wrote down every help request that I recieved and did some math to find an average on how much people bugged me for help. That day, I got an average of 14 tells an hour for help. Each from a different person. I was on for 3 hours that day. After I crunched those numbers I almost got sick at how self-centered some people are. Mind you, that this was all people in my old chat LS. And what happened when I asked if anyone wanted to farm subligars? *crickets* So I've stopped offering my services to people, unless I've known them for a long time. Because, people will start to rely on you, and take advantage when you're willing to help.

                  Edit: I'd also like to add the fact that, yes, I have some HQ things. I have a lot of HQ stuff. But it's actually mostly stuff that I've had for a while. Like Seer's +1, and HQ rings. Nothing overly expensive. Except my Astral Earring and Noble's Tunic. The tunic was a gift from a friend that quit. And I bought the astral earring for 5mil. Which has now rocketed to like 15mil or something like that. I bought the majority of these things when they were low price, and they helped. I didn't say to myself that I needed XXX item, or I'd stop leveling <job>. I did that with Subjobs tho, I stopped WHM at 70, and got SMN from 20 to 37, and capped out summoning magic. I recently began purchasing HQ staves. Not that I was like "OMG I need them or I can't level BLM." It's more of the fact that I'm tired of getting a lot of resists. I have 5/8 HQ staves, and I'm working on the other 3 while I have some downtime.
                  Last edited by Rodin; 02-10-2006, 09:01 PM.
                  Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                  90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                  Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                  • #39
                    Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

                    My relationship with FFXI is depressing lol. I love everything about the game... the mechanics, the gameplay, the graphics, the areas, the story (which is non-existant in most MMORPGs nowadays), even the community. But the one thing I dislike is that damn grind! If I'm paying for this character, I wanna make him good... ya know? Whats a guy like me to do?

                    If I always just hang out and help people, I don't feel like I'm really getting my moneys worth and my character gets nowhere, limiting my helpful-ness anyways. But if I try and just grind and level my way to the top, I'm missing out on the whole community fun aspect of the game, not to mention it'll get very boring after a while. If I try to do both, I dont feel like I'm really getting enough out of either.

                    Theres really no other MMORPG's that interest me and there's so much to like about FFXI. You could say I want to get to level 75 and the best equipment, but theres more to the game then that.


                    • #40
                      Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

                      After so many 70+ jobs, seems like the most enjoyment I'm getting out of the game is helping people out.

                      But it is true, that I always had a 'craving' to obtain the best gear... till I got so much of it. Now, it's more of a passive thing that I do when I'm bored.


                      • #41
                        Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

                        Yeah, it's understandable if you want good equipment. It's not understandable if you want to get the equipment to be the best. Equipment doesn't make you the best. Having skill will make you the best player there is. A BLM could have full Mahatma, a full HQ staff set, Genie Weskit, and Omnicient Rings. But if they can't MB, they suck. Having the "1337 factor" doesn't make you good, having the proper knowledge, and building upon that makes you good. So, what does equipment do? It either makes people go completely neandrathal (sp?) and people freak out thinking they NEED the crap. Or it makes a person who's good at their job, even better. I don't care about gilsellers, and gilbuyers. The only people that piss me off in FFXI are bad players, and the ones who REALLY piss me off are the bad players that scoff when you offer to help them. You could argue that gilbuying supports this behavior. That's iffy, because I know a lot of people that buy gil that are good players. I don't, because I just can't afford it. (I'm going to a $37,000 a year college in 6 months, already saving up/ getting credit in line.) But honestly, to those who buy gil and are good, I'm glad they took the time to learn. To those who buy gil and suck at their jobs...I hope you go somewhere else. To people who just plain suck at their jobs. Don't get offended when people offer to help you. Take the criticism, it'll help your reputation in the long run.
                        Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                        90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                        Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                        • #42
                          Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

                          Back in the day, about six months to one year after the NA launch, all the NAs I knew who had the attitude of "I have to get to 75 ASAP" or some such, and were incredibly anal about equipment and such, have burnt out and left FFXI, or they finally did join some big HNMLS and now do nothing but contribute to the drama level on the server. Most of them hang out in KI, strangely enough. Honestly I believe that these people do not have any fun at all when playing this game.

                          I'd rather complete CoP before I get mad equipment or kill some mega huge HNM.


                          • #43
                            Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

                            I've seen some people talk like that, but from what i can figur from those people are there young players who think its important to be the strongest, when infact MMORPG's are ment jsut to have fun. I've had a convo about this with a bunch of my LS mates and we came to that conclusion of most of the gameing world is of older people and when someone of a younger audiance joins the game they just whant to make the older people think that there so great
                            Dare to DREAM...Dream to LIVE...Live to DIE...Die to LOVE...


                            • #44
                              Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

                              26 and my own home, girlfriend and job, yes I want the best EQ possible and highest levels. Am I too young with nothing else to do? I wish !

                              Personally Im not bothered about 'impressing' or making the elderly feel older 'Fun' is a relative term, it means different things to different people.

                              Which FF Character Are You?


                              • #45
                                Re: Do you think that people just want 75 and good gear?

                                ..but isnt fun for some getting cool eq and "finishing" the game? O_o

