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Cool Fun Emote Macros

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  • #31
    Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

    I'm Elvaan male

    After being teleported

    /wait 3
    /em hurls his lunch thanks to the bumpy ride
    /bow motion
    "I am the Flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon You."

    -Genghis Khan



    50 BRD (Main)
    30 WHM
    27 DRK
    22 SAM
    20 WAR
    19 BLM
    15 THF
    10 BST


    • #32
      Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

      heh, I want to see that one! :-P


      • #33
        Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

        I use this one

        /mad <t>

        /emote runs towards <t>

        /emote smacks the ^$#& out of <t>

        /fume motion <t>


        • #34
          Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros


          Just for kicks I did

          /welcome motion
          /em say I love <t> this much!

          /kneel motion
          /em say <t>, will you marry me?


          So far I'm engaged to a WHM in my LS, a tunnel worm, and Paval the NPC by Bastok Gate.



          • #35
            Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

            My fishing macro for fishing with my H*R friends:

            /emote does a little jig to lure the fish
            /panic motion
            /wait 1
            /say Come on, get on the line, fish fish!

            My "tank" macro (funnier on WHM, not so funny on DRK):

            /point motion
            /em slaps <t> and tanks it {Hand to hand}
            /cheer motion

            My Pokemon macro (need a pet and something targeted):

            /wait 1
            /say <pet>, I choose you!
            /toss motion
            /pet "Assault" <t>


            • #36
              Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

              I don't have any good macros for my humes and elvaan yet, but my taru has some cute ones.

              In a shop

              /em can't see over the counter.
              /joy motion
              /wait 2
              /em hates being a midget sometimes.
              /stagger motion

              Pervertaru (Girl Power)

              /em sneaks up on <t> and pinches their buttocks.
              /toss motion
              /wait 1
              /em hides from <t> now.
              /ma "Invisible" <me>

              Dealing with Perverts (best done with a club)

              /em hits the pervert <t> in the nards.
              /hurray motion
              /wait 2
              /s Perverts have nards!
              /panic motion

              Looting Dead Bodies

              /em looks around suspiciously.
              /no motion
              /wait 2
              /em steals <t>'s gil and boxer shorts.
              /kneel motion


              • #37
                Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

                I always liked this one for when I'm useing Provoke

                / point motion <t>
                /wait 1
                / angry motion
                / em gives the finger and swears loudly
                / ja "Provoke" <t>
                /wait 1
                / attack <t>


                • #38
                  Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

                  A Mithra in my pt was once playing around with some emote motions, and I helped her make the following:

                  /em <me> readies Combo.
                  /cheer motion
                  /wait 2
                  /sigh motion

                  Two punches and a kick!
                  lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                  Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                  Fishing 60

                  Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                  Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                  Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                  Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                  • #39
                    Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

                    Originally posted by Aries Black

                    Just for kicks I did

                    /welcome motion
                    /em say I love <t> this much!

                    /kneel motion
                    /em say <t>, will you marry me?


                    So far I'm engaged to a WHM in my LS, a tunnel worm, and Paval the NPC by Bastok Gate.


                    I'm going to use something like this when I get my NIN AF and able to buy all the female armor stuff for my GF.


                    • #40
                      Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

                      My LS has gotten into the habit of "tea-bagging" dead bodies. It may be a little immature, but it's funny as hell and definitely takes the frustration out of dying sometimes (also a great taunt in Ballista or Diorama fights).

                      /em tea bags <t>.
                      /kneel motion

                      As for my personal goof off macros (I'm Elvaan Male), I have a few favorites. The hump (while behind the someone else):

                      /em humps <t>.
                      /joy motion
                      /wait 2
                      /joy motion
                      /wait 2
                      /joy motion

                      The fart:

                      /em farts and waves it in <t>'s direction
                      /toss motion
                      /wait 2
                      /toss motion
                      /wait 2
                      /toss motion

                      And my personal favorite:

                      /s No <t>...I swear I haven't been drinking...
                      /wait 2
                      /em falls flat on his ass!
                      My Paladin Oath

                      FF Character Quiz


                      • #41
                        Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

                        Here's some of mine

                        Hot Dream

                        /wait 3
                        /em dreams about being in a hot tub with five Mithra
                        /wait 5

                        Holy Crap!

                        /panic motion
                        /em looks at the <t> and craps his pants!

                        Mentally Challenged

                        /salute motion
                        /wait 1
                        /salute motion
                        /wait 1
                        /salute motion
                        /wait 1
                        /salute motion

                        Me so cool lol

                        Btw, this may seem really off topic (I didnt want to waste space on the forum by making a thread for this), but can anyone tell me where I can buy slacks (lvl 8 leggings)?


                        • #42
                          Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

                          The Auction House, and they drop from Yagudo Mendicant. They're apparently not in NPC shops =o_O=


                          • #43
                            Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

                            I got one that goes as follows (Tarutaru):

                            /panic motion
                            /em serves <t>
                            /wait 2 (or 3 Forgive me; I'm not at home, and don't remember)
                            /point motion
                            /say You got served!!!

                            Always a good stress reliever :D
                            Last edited by Jugil; 06-01-2006, 08:24 AM.

                            Have you hugged your Taru today =)


                            • #44
                              Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

                              Originally posted by Sasaki
                              The Auction House, and they drop from Yagudo Mendicant. They're apparently not in NPC shops =o_O=
                              Not sold in NPC shops

                              lol, guess I'm going to have to go to Jeuno then

                              Here's another fun emote I use!


                              /triumph motion (I think thats it, its the one where the avatar lifts his weapon the air)
                              /say By the power of Grey Skull I am (your name)


                              • #45
                                Re: Cool Fun Emote Macros

                                Kinda quickly scrolled through, but here's a couple I've used in the past that usually got a giggle:

                                Ranged Pull:
                                /p Heads up, there's a <t> about to take an arrow up the butt.
                                /wait 1
                                /ra <t>
                                /wait 5
                                /p Oh yeah, it's pissed.

                                Char is Hume Male. There's certain circumstances that have to be met for these to work.

                                Female Breast Exam (works on Hume Female, Mithra, some Elvaan Female - have to be facing the "woman"):
                                /em gives <t> a breast exam.
                                /welcome motion

                                Male Exam (works on Elvaan Male and I think Galka - have to be facing the guy)
                                /em looks at <t>.
                                /wait 1
                                /s Turn your head and cough.
                                /welcome motion

