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Best way to make money?

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  • Best way to make money?

    Heh, I'm just wondering if you all know the easiest way to make a gil?
    Where is the Hydra server option?

  • #2
    Re: Best way to make money?

    Do some research, lazy ass.


    • #3
      Re: Best way to make money?

      Use the search key. There has been way too many of these topics made.


      • #4
        Re: Best way to make money?

        Originally posted by Kagerou
        Do some research, lazy ass.
        Research... That would be like... asking players more experienced then you for advice? Oh, wait, never mind. That would make someone a n00b and therefore unworthy, because n00b is bad. Sorry, I forgot.

        Whatever. Momma used to say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Now she says, "If you don't have anything nice to say, go post in Killing Ifrit."

        In answer to the actual question, "easy" as in fast, or "easy" as in risk-free? There is not a "fast" way to make money. The big fast money makers require a lot of initial investment of capital and time... These would be crafting skills and fishing, or farming in Sky or HNM hunting.

        Farming in low level areas for high demand items is "easy" in that it is risk free, but not "easy" in that it takes a lot of time as well. And frankly is boring. It also won't give you any where near the return that high-ticket (HNM drops etc.) items give you.

        Once you hit level ~30ish I would reccomend picking up a set of harvesting/logging/mining/excavating gear and heading out to do one of those things. Level 30 puts you high enough to avoid agro in some areas that give you decent items that can either be sold or (if you want "easy" in the sense of big money makers) can be used to skill up your chosen craft so that you can make large ammounts later on.

        Then of course there's the age old saying, "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish..." blah blah blah. And it just so happens that works literally in FFXI. Fishing (again, it takes time to get up high enough in skill) is a good money maker.

        Hope that gives you a few options, and a good place to start.


        • #5
          Re: Best way to make money?

          First of all, you never ask others "Whats the easiest way to make gil?"
          You give others your lvl range, what jobs you have lvled, any crafts that you're interested in doing, etc if you want any sort of useful information.

          No one will help a kid named TheHaloGod considering he wants to make gil the EASY way. Nothing in FFXI is achieved lightly. You NEED to do some research YOURSELF. It would be great for himself and for the rest of the FFXI community if he tries stuff out and do his homework, only then will I help him out if he is completely stuck.


          • #6
            Re: Best way to make money?

            Now now children, let's play nice. But seriously, use the Search function for there are at least 4 or 5 of the exact same topic on these forums.


            • #7
              Re: Best way to make money?

              Originally posted by Kagerou
              Do some research, lazy ass.
              Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
              InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


              • #8
                Re: Best way to make money?

                at the risk of derailing the thread...

                It also occurs to me that some people (we'll use young, instant gratification n00bs as an example) might literally have no idea -what- to even search for. Either because they are n00bs, or they have never done anything on thier own (daddy loves me!)

                So we get this...

                Search: "Easy gil?" Sure... so they can read a million threads saying "try the search feature." So they ask Search for for what? "gil made easy." It says try the search feature. "Did you?" Yeah. "What did it say?" ...

                I guess, if you're going to cookie cutter with "search" at least point in the right direction in the off chance the the person asking really just doesn't know what to search for. Or is that too much to ask for? (not trying to be snide, I'm actually kinda curious, and sorry in advanced if I come across bitchy/rude.)

                Double Post Edited:
                On a side note, just outta curisoity I did a search for:

                easy gil

                and the results were less than promising. While -I- understand exactly why that search is flawed, and would use the advanced search feature, etc., that does require a certain amount of computer literacy that not all gamers have (especially casual gamers who are likely among the people who ask that question genuinly, not out of a desire to be lazy).
                Last edited by sevenpointflaw; 02-06-2006, 05:30 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • #9
                  Re: Best way to make money?

                  Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
                  at the risk of derailing the thread...

                  It also occurs to me that some people (we'll use young, instant gratification n00bs as an example) might literally have no idea -what- to even search for. Either because they are n00bs, or they have never done anything on thier own (daddy loves me!)
                  Thats whats fun about playing for the first time. You don't know whats coming. I liked the game more when I was a nubling and I was hunting around ghelsba at lvl2 and getting my ass whooped.

                  N00bs will learn eventually "the way" to play FFXI, don't go asking around dumb questions like "how do I make easy gil?" Easy? Never know what you have in mind for easy.


                  • #10
                    Re: Best way to make money?

                    Originally posted by Kagerou
                    Thats whats fun about playing for the first time. You don't know whats coming. I liked the game more when I was a nubling and I was hunting around ghelsba at lvl2 and getting my ass whooped.

                    N00bs will learn eventually "the way" to play FFXI, don't go asking around dumb questions like "how do I make easy gil?" Easy? Never know what you have in mind for easy.
                    Sure, I agree entirely. But I also asked questions like "Where can I go at level 12" And would hope to get answers like, "Ghelsba Outpost" instead of "search the forums." Granted, I also agree that spoon feeding from silver platters isn't worth the time and does nothing than only feeding the isntant gratifaction seekers. But pointing in the right direction...

                    Lets face it... If I'm a n00b with know idea whatsoever, its sometimes nice to be pointed in the right direction if only because repeatedly running into places like the pass, the tomb, or the caves can just plain suck and turn an otherwise fun game into a really annoying death fest. Dying constantly is no fun. So is being so broke that you can't afford anything because of the anti-n00b mentality in the game. (OMG! He's level 17 galka whm still using level 10 armor! What an idiot!)

                    Okay, that last was a very exagerated example, but it makes the point. There is a difference between being told "hey, look into this so you know what to expect" and being told "you suck." If no one told you that its inadvisable to play a galka whm w/o the heavy investment of equipment like astral rings, that doesn't make you an idiot. Just ignorant. But its also the sort of mistake that people don't tolerate and can easily turn new (and potentially good players) away from the game.

                    /shrug. 2cents.


                    • #11
                      Re: Best way to make money?

                      Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
                      There is a difference between being told "hey, look into this so you know what to expect" and being told "you suck." .

                      /shrug. 2cents.
                      Fully Agreed.
                      Need more players with your attitude, Poo.

                      And I'm so certain now that I've reach lv 50 and learned alot of things on my own that most players really don't even know everything about the game itself. Even the higher levels.

                      And what the heck. weren't we all newbies at once? How the heck do people get their heads so far stuck up their rear ends that they can't help out those who are willing to learn?

                      Hypocrites. It's not like you've arrived to anything big and grand. =P
                      "Vacation. Alienation. Japanamation. Manga. Kanga. Naked Lunch. Hawaiian punch!!"


                      • #12
                        Re: Best way to make money?

                        I guess i'm bored.

                        I only played this game for like 1 year. When i started out. I met people, asking advice on leveling, and how to make money.

                        Initially, I made money by saving up Beastmen seals. The LS i joined told me how they are making a good amount of money. The BCNM i went was the one in Giddeus. BCNM20, name is "Charming Trio"(3 man BCNM) i believe.. it's been awhile back, cant remember correctly. You fight 3 leeches. And if you win it. you'll get a Mannequin Hand which is a 100% drop. 1 year ago, you can bazaar it for 150,000Gils - 300,000Gils, depending on the market. I always sell it for 250,000Gils.

                        I forgot to mentioned. I'm a 20whm 20blm during that time.

                        My main was blm. I first got whm to 37 so i wouldnt need to bother my subjobs later for blm. After i got my whm to 37, i started to concentrate on my BLM. once every 1-3 week, if i had acquired enought beastmen seals for the BCNM, I'll ask LS member who need the money, and go get ourself a manequin hand each. then bazaar it over night. That's how i kept up with buying HQ low level mage gear.

                        When i reached LV 40 BLM, I started to go mining. YES, mining can get you start out with consistent gils income. I go to yughott grotto. since can get gold ores and darksteel ores. 2 hours of mining usually yeild around 100,000~200,000gils income. and so, I spend 1 day mining, then the next day seek party to Level my BLM. When i reached LV 51. I was able to afford all 8 NQ elemental staff. Then i'm starting to think that my income is not enough. Due to HQ elemental staff being so expensive. So i went to try mining in Ifrit cauldron since i have chance to get more expensive ores. IT WAS A BAD IDEA. the mining points spread too wide, and you'll have a hard time surviving, not to mentioned risking mining while a bomb is near that might aggro. AND RMT always around there mining, stealing mining points.

                        I became rich when i discover mining Heaven! which is in Oldton Movapolos. I was a LV55 BLM, at that level i'll only aggro bombs and 1 specific kind of moblin in the mining route. Just need to be careful. The ores you get itself is rewarding enough. I started then to get my Goldsmithing to 25, Alchemy to 30, Cloth to 15, Smithing to 18. Reason is, I can desynth the Moblin items into gold ingot, glass fibre, cotton tread or synth zinc ores to ??? and etc forgot. Income became 200,000Gils for around 1hour. And if you're lucky, you'll get 400,000gils an hour which is possible, depending on successful desynthesis. I'd been doing this steadily while leveling. When I reach LV 65~66, I already am the proud owner of 8 HQ staves (Average is like 1.5~2mil for each staff), yes, including Apollo Staff (don't know why i need it).

                        When i reach LV 60 or so, I didn't go on for the BCNM20, instead I gamble my orbs in BCNM40 for Erase scroll or Utsusemi: Ni. both around 800,000Gils on AH. However, didn't went to much BCNM40 since I had only LV BLM, and no other low level jobs yet. as we all know, soloing with low level jobs = more chace to get seals. I don't know how. but at lv 72, I was able to buy igqira westkit(1.2mil) and just waiting blm to hit 73 to wear it. Was able to afford Water IV scroll(500,000Gils) and Aero IV(300,000Gils).

                        Now I'm still on have my Blm main at 75. whm 51 and rdm 55. other jobs all unlock except drk, at lvl 1. Got myself in sky hnmLS dynamisLS and Limbus. Manage to get bonecraft to 96+4. stoped due to economy being so "wronged". only have 2mil Gils at the moment. But owned mostly all important HQ equipment, R/E equip like zenith and those Enfeebling, elemental equips. now i dont farm or mine anymore. Just attend sky events, HNM events. and hope we can claimed the mobs, drop expensive stuff and get my share out of it.

                        I think i gotten so far, is all from mining in Oldton. Everone would tell you only to mine there when you're 64, which is when you will not aggro any mob along the mining route. but Be Brave! you just need some stealth skill and you can mine there at LV53 or so. the level where you will not aggro the normal goblins moblins around.

                        Now thinking of leveling a melee job, maybe nin thf or war.... but nowadays, the price of equip is so different from what it was a year ago.. Emperor pin is 5mil on AH, when it was only like 800k a year ago. maybe i shouldn't use only 800k.. it was a lot too before. but now it's insane. NQ scorpion harness being 18~20mil is just ridiculous... But i think mining do still work for earning income, if you won't feel bored from a few hours of running around, repeating the route you take.

                        So i do think Mining is the best way to make money

                        I really am bored to have typed all these >.>

